Title: Fixed Aluminium Louvres & Blinds Service - Sure Shade
2Fixed Aluminium Louvres Blinds Service
Web - Sureshade.com.au
Phone - 02 9698 8000
3MDI established since 1969, utilises salaried
employees and has the largest 24 hour Service
Department in the industry while also offering
comprehensive maintenance contracts that allow
365 day 24-hour guaranteed service in the Sydney
metropolitan area. The Company directors are
actively involved in the everyday running of the
business and our installation co-ordinators are
responsible for the satisfactory and timely
installation of your equipment. MDI Service
Centres offers over 8 persons for telephone
support and over 12 field service technicians to
provide effective, efficient and affordable after
sales care for your investment during the
warranty period and beyond with service as
required or preventative and comprehensive
service agreements.
Web - Sureshade.com.au
Phone - 03 5977 2117
4Fixed Aluminium Louvres Blinds Service
MDI also has a fully equipment electronics
workshop for timely warranty and after market
repairs, speciality software solutions, building
management systems utilising the KNX open
protocol which includes remote access control and
iPad, iPhone (or similar manual) override and RD
projects. For more information click on Fixed
Aluminium Louvres
Web - Sureshade.com.au
Phone - 07 3849 6666
5Contact - Sureshade
Website Sureshade.com.au Address Unit 8, 133
McEvoy Street, Alexandria, NSW, 2015
Australia Contact No. 02 9698 8000 / 03 5977
2117 / 07 3849 6666 Follow us on Facebook
https//www.facebook.com/pages/Sure- Shade/9539234
67985455 Twitter https//twitter.com/Sure_Shade
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71810333 Pinterest https//www.pinterest.com/sur