Title: What Drains Your Time And Energy While Buying ULIPs?
1What Drains Your Time And Energy While Buying
2- Have your ever thought twice before throwing up
on investments plans? Ever fell into the hassle
of choosing an investment options and had
miseries of losing money or not being satisfied
enough? Do you think its part of your interest
also to exactly monitor your funds and get
returns based on your fund choice. Also, there
can be a additional score of securing your
present from uncertainties and life risks. No one
to thanks other than ULIPs, most people dont
give a second thought to them but they are the
silent saviors, doing their bit to give you
investment and insurance options. ULIPs have been
coming in trends for a long time now.
3How ULIPs Function?
- A unit linked plan is an insurance product that
gives investment options and risk coverage to the
holders based on their life stage needs. The
funds where the money is directed into are versed
in providing investment returns. ULIPs are an
investment option which is customized by the
insurance holder based on his financial needs and
insurance expectations.
4- The risks associated with unit linked insurance
plans are based on the performance of the funds
invested into, therefore it is advised to closely
monitor the unit and makes switches accordingly.
ULIPs reap benefits when invested for a long
period of time. All the risks factors in a ULIP
plan borne out by the unit holder hence, it is
advised to choose the funds to invest based on
your risk appetite and requirements.
5Who Should Own a ULIP?
- A ULIP is the best Ulip insurance policy option
for the ones who are into the habit of deeply
tracking their money and who wish to best use
their money by increasing its value and make an
insurance coverage of it. - ULIP plans give its holders the choice of
switching their money invested from one funds to
another of their choice based on risk appetite or
if they arent satisfied. ULIPs also allow them
to take ownership of their portfolio by managing
6How is unit linked plans structured?
- A ULIP plan is broadly known as unit linked
insurance plans which can be explained as
insurance plans which are linked with market
units. The amounts paid by the ULIP holder are
segmented into cover funds and investment funds.
The insurance funds are charged including the
administration charges, allocation charges etc,
wherein the investment funds are priced including
various important costs. This final ULIP cost is
structured after making adding several ULIP