Title: Online CBAP Training
- What is CBAP?
- Why CBAP examination is important?
- What is the eligibility?
- How to find the right training institute?
3What is CBAP?
- Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP)
is the business analysis certification provided
by the prestigious IIBA. This is worlds most
recognized certification in the world.
4Why CBAP examination is important?
- It would be injustice to point out just one
reason, as there are many. Such as - Designation recognized by international governing
body, similar to PMI - Non-industry specific designation
- Growing trend in BA job opportunities
- Business analysts in high demand
- Significant career opportunities
5What is the eligibility?
- Requires a minimum of 7,500 hours of work
experience in the last 10 years - A minimum of 900 hours in each of 4 of the 6
BABOK Guide Version 3 Knowledge Areas - Minimum of 35 hours of professional development
in the last 4 years - Two references from a career manager, client or
Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP)
recipient - Agreement with the CBAP Code of Conduct
6How to find the right training institute?
- A right training institute plays a crucial role
in teaching project management. - You can find such training institutes in any
metropolitan city. Noida is one such example. One
can easily find the right institute in NOIDA.
7Thank You!