Title: Metal Babe Mayhem
Alison MetalBabe Cohen, who considers herself a
rock journalist with a clothing line
established Metal Babe Mayhem in 2006 in an
effort to support and promote rock n roll. Her
reviews/interviews have been published close to
200 times in a variety of online and print
magazine, including her own blog, and she fully
supports independent and national artists with
her monthly playlist, reviews, interviews, and
2Metal Babe Mayhem has close to 20 unique designs
with lips/bones, skulls, pin-up girls, guitars,
vampires, and bats for sale on a variety of
one-of-a-kind clothing items for both men and
women. Fashion items include t-shirts, tank tops,
hoodies, dresses, and hats. Metal Babe Mayhem
also carries accessories such as shot glasses,
flasks, rings, necklaces, belt buckles, stickers,
leather belts, bags, and cuffs, and a variety of
other manufacturers related products.
3Need a second pair of eyes? Who doesnt? I will
be that second pair of eyes for you. Alison
MetalBabe Cohen offers a proofreading and
editing service that will catch formatting or
grammatical errors, and what spellcheck doesnt
4Our prices are affordable, and 24 48 hour
turnaround is guaranteed for all of your major
posts, events, invitations, emails, funding
requests, press releases, campaigns, CD inserts,
cover letters, resumes, etc. We are here to help
you get your message out more effectively with
professional proofreading, editing, correction of
grammar errors, and formatting service.
5COMPANY INFO Metal Babe Mayhem1889 W
Commonwealth Ave.Fullerton, CA 92833 323-436-7596
https//plus.google.com/116245481965235349107 http
s//twitter.com/metalbabemayhem https//www.pinter
est.com/metalbabemayhem/ https//www.youtube.com/c
hannel/UCTJPXJBM_rvWAbcrdytaoYw https//www.instag
ram.com/metalbabemayhem/ https//plus.google.com/1