Title: Investment Plots in Pune - A Wise & Happy Investment
1A Wise Happy Investment..!!
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Spaces Pvt. Ltd.
2This presentation is brought to you by Rising
Spaces Pvt. Ltd.
3Rising Spaces Offers
A Magnificent OnGoing Project of Farmhouse
This presentation is brought to you by Rising
Spaces Pvt. Ltd.
4This presentation is brought to you by Rising
Spaces Pvt. Ltd.
5Features Offered
- 6 Meters 4.5 Meters internal road.
- Street lights.
- Elegant main entrance gate with security cabin.
- Trees plantation.
- Easy approach from main road.
- Enveloped in a serene environment.
- Soothing peaceful, absolutely majestic.
- Round the Clock security.
This presentation is brought to you by Rising
Spaces Pvt. Ltd.
6Amenities Provided
Water Provision
1198 Sq.ft to 4000 Sq.ft
Common Street Lights
Entrance Gate
Internal Tar roads
This presentation is brought to you by Rising
Spaces Pvt. Ltd.
7Dont Wait to Buy Real Estate Buy Real Estate
then Wait!!!!!!!!
8For More Details
301, Astral Court, A-wing, Above
Reliance fresh, Near Gaikwad petrol
pump, Aundh, Pune 07.
020-66042701/02 91 8805390707
91 8805820707 info_at_risingspaces.
in www.risingspaces.in
This presentation is brought to you by Rising
Spaces Pvt. Ltd.