Title: Care and Repair - Eectrician in Ghaziabad
1Care and Repair
- Simple Home Care Solution
2About us
- We are a company with decades of experience in
diverse engineering services. We provide on-sight
inspection, maintenance and installation to our
customers in our AC Repair services in Delhi and
NCR. Our team of professionals deal in the
maintenance of split systems, VRF systems,
wall-mounted units, cassette type units amongst
others. The customer support team at Care and
Repair is present 24/7 to provide AC Services in
Gurgaon and other metropolitan cities as well.
- Care Repair has a skilled team of in-house
trained polite and professional AC repair and
maintenance engineers who hold expertise in
servicing spit AC, window AC, cassette type
systems, wall-mounted AC and central air
conditioning systems.
4Tips for Safe Window AC Installation in Delhi-NCR
- First and foremost, look out for any cracks or
damage in the orientation of your window and get
them fixed by an experienced mason if you notice
some. - The choice of a suitable window is also
important prior to the installation of your
window AC. Select a window that doesnt remain in
direct contact of sunlight and is also shielded
from attack of rain, hail or dust. - Also, choose a window that is free from any kind
of obstruction pigeons, kites, sparrows,
cockroaches etc.
5Plumber in Noida, Gurgaon, Delhi
6Electricians in Delhi-NCR
7Contact us
- Care and Repair
- Address Green Boulevard, B-9 A, Sector 62,
Noida-201301 - Phone No 91 9818882999
- Email services_at_carerepair.in
- Website http//www.carerepair.in
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