Title: Term Insurance: Why It's Important for you
1Term Insurance Why It's Important for you
2- Term Insurance is a type of insurance which
provides coverage for a limited period of time at
a fixed rate of premium. Post expiry of the
policy, the policy holder either has to forgo the
coverage or obtain a different policy with
different terms and conditions which also
includes a change in the premium. If the policy
holder dies during the stipulated term, the
benefit is paid duly to the beneficiary. Term
life insurance is the cheapest life insurance
policy available in the market.
3- Term Insurance is similar to most other types of
insurance. If the premiums are up to date and the
policy is current, the claims are satisfied
against what is insured. Term life Insurance is a
pure death benefit and hence its primary purpose
is to cover financial responsibilities for the
beneficiaries. The responsibilities may include
college education, consumer debts, dependent
care, funeral costs and mortgages. Term insurance
is usually chosen by people who do not have
substantial savings or by people whose only
savings are retirement savings and they had to
wait till their retirement. In such cases, the
dependents have an immediate cover and are well
cushioned financially in case of the death of the
policy holder during the term or before
retirement. Term cover may act as a buffer to the
beneficiary till the retirement savings become
4- Term insurance comes in two forms - annual
renewable term and level term insurance. Annual
renewable term comes with a term period of one
year and can be renewed within the year by
producing appropriate proof of insurability. The
more common and reliable one is the level term
insurance in which the premium remains the same
for a number of years which may be 10, 15, 20 or
30 years. The best term plans would come with a
low and consistent premium rates and will also
have a option to renew the plan in case there is
a need for extendibility.
5- Term plans can be bought Online Term Insurance
or through a reliable agent. While an agent
guides you through the various insurance
companies and the best plans on sale, buying
policies online may require a bit of an effort
and research. Comparing different premiums,
companies and their reputation in the market,
their consistency and efficiency during the pay
out time are some of the aspects to be taken into
consideration while choosing a plan. Opting for a
term plan that best suits the client's needs and
is also in sync with the company's terms and
conditions may be called as the best term life
insurance policy. - Article Source http//EzineArticles.com/5248771
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