Title: A digital contrast agent for vulnerable plaque Imaging
1A digital contrast agent for vulnerable plaque
Manos Papadakis Mathematics, University of Houston
2Collaboration Members
Image Analysis R. Azencott, PhD B. G. Bodmann,
PhD D. J. Kouri, PhD M. Papadakis, PhD S. K.
Alexander, PhD J. R. Romero, PhD S. Baid, S.
Jain, Xiao Li, I. Walimuni.
THI Collaborators S. W. Casscells, MD S. D.
Gertz, MD, PhD D. Vela, MD I. Aboshady, MD
P. Cherukuri (Rice U.) J. L. Conyers, PhD, Q.
Frazier RN, DSN, NP R. M. Mazraeshadi, MD, A.
Zarrabi, MD and J.T. Willerson, MD. MDACC
Collaborators D. Cody, PhD G. Gladish, MDE.
3Digital Contrast Agent
- A Digital Contrast Agent is an algorithm that
helps an expert interpreter to identify
diagnostically significant tissue types in
biomedical images. - A Digital Contrast Agent is an electronic
biomarker sensitive to certain tissue types.
4Why do we need a DCA?
- A DCA marks the location of a lesion of interest.
- It produces digital stains for different tissue
types - A DCA is a software platform that can be used
with many modalities and for various diagnostic
purposes. - So far we are using our DCA to image vulnerable
plaque ex-vivo.
5How it works (Principles)
- Tissues of interest have unique texture
signatures. - These signatures can be created by the structure
of a tissue(s) of interest and/or by the presence
of biomarker. - DCA is trained to recognize these signatures.
- DCA can work with high levels of noise and even
when tissues of interest are laden.
6Advantages of DCA
- Can be adopted for a variety of modalities, e.g.
IVUS, intravascular MRI, conventional MRI, PET
and others. - Image processing is done in 3D or 2D resulting in
higher sensitivity. - Can stain lesions which are laden.
7Results of Ex-vivo plaque study
- Micro-CT voxel size is 0.027mm
- Flat panel voxel size is 0.127mm. Tomographic
reconstruction can be carried out at 0.080mm - Study of clinical 64-slice angiography in initial
8Results of Ex-vivo study
- Processed CT-volumes with the Digital Contrast
Agent algorithm were examined. The expert
interpreter looked for lipid pools in each
processed CT-volume - The sample average of the sensitivity to lipid
pools - Reached 83 with Ca and
- Lipid can be detected without speckled Ca.
- The specificity is greater than 95
- With the flat panel we see similar qualitative
results in tissue characterization
1028 DECAL, µCT VS Flat Panel CT
µCT/ Flat Panel
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