Title: FIN 515 HELP Massive Success @ fin515help.com
1FIN 515 HELP Massive Success _at_ fin515help.com
2FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Course Project 1 and 2 FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin515help.com This Tutorial contains
Week 3 Course Project (3 Sets) Week 6 Course Pro
ject (2 Sets)
3FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Entire Course FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin515help.com This tutorial doesnt co
ntain Final Exam Guide FIN 515 Week 1 DQ 1 Accou
nting Versus Finance FIN 515 Week 1 DQ 2 Financial
Analysis FIN 515 Week 1 Quiz
4FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Final Exam (all 3 Sets) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.fin515help.com FIN 515 Final E
xam Set 1 FIN 515 Final Exam Set 2 FIN 515 Final E
xam Set 3
5FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Final Exam Set 1 FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin515help.com 1. (TCO A) In the Unite
d States, which of the following types of organiza
tion has the greatest revenue in total? (Points
5)a. Sole proprietorshipb. C corporation
6FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Final Exam Set 2 FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin515help.com Question 1.1. (TCO A) D
ouble taxation is a drawback for which of the foll
owing types of business organization except? Ques
tion 2.2. (TCO A) Sole proprietorships have all of
the following advantages except
7FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Final Exam Set 3 FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin515help.com 1. (TCO A) In the Unite
d States, which of the following types of organiza
tion has the greatest revenue in total? (Points
5) Sole proprietorship C corporation
8FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Midterm Exam All 3 Sets FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.fin515help.com Question
included in these Midterms could be found on this
link FIN 515 Midterm Exam Set 1
(New) Linkhttp//www.fin515help.com/product-73-FI
9FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Midterm Exam Set 1 (New) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.fin515help.com Question
1. Question (TCO G) If Company A
and Company B are in the same industry and use
the same production method, and Company As asset
turnover is higher than that of Company B, then
all else equal we can conclude
10FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Midterm Exam Set 2 (New) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.fin515help.com Company As
asset turnover is higher than that of Company B,
then all else equal we can conclude (Points
10) Question 2. 2. (TCO G) If Moon Corporation
has an increase in sales, which of the following
would result in no change in its EBIT margin?
(Points 10)
11FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Week 1 DQ 1 Accounting Versus Finance
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.fin515help.com Accou
nting Versus Finance (graded) Much of the analysis
done by financial managers is based on numbers th
at are different from what would seem to the corre
sponding numbers presented in the financial statem
12FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Week 1 DQ 2 Financial Analysis FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.fin515help.com Financial Analy
sis (graded) In this discussion, we will be workin
g with the variety of financial analysis tools ava
ilable to us. Let's start with the DuPont Identity
introduced in Chapter 2 of the text. For your ini
tial post, locate the financial statements for two
firms in one industry. Calculate all four terms o
f the DuPont Identity and present the results but
do not analyze the results
13FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Week 1 Problem Set FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin515help.com Chapter 1 The Corporati
on 1-1. What is the most important difference betw
een a corporation and all other organizational for
ms? 1-2. What does the phrase limited liability m
ean in a corporate context?
14FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Week 1 Quiz (New) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin515help.com Question 1. (TCO G) The
lecture says that some ratios typically are bette
r when they are higher and some of the ratios are
better when they are lower. Pick a ratio for which
a lower number typically would be preferred and d
escribe a situation, in which a higher number for
that ratio would be preferred, OR pick a ratio for
which a higher number typically would
15FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
VISIT www.fin515help.com Question 1 (TCO G) Whic
h do you think provides a more valid measure of ho
w a company is doing, comparison of current result
s with historical results or comparison of current
results with the current results of another compa
16FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
VISIT www.fin515help.com FIN 515 Week 1 DQ 1 Acc
ounting Versus Finance FIN 515 Week 1 DQ 2 Financi
al Analysis FIN 515 Week 2 DQ 1 TVM Pass-a-Problem
FIN 515 Week 2 DQ 2 Assumptions of the TVM Model
17FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Week 2 DQ 1 TVM Pass-a-Problem FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.fin515help.com TVM Pass-a-Prob
lem (graded) This week, the lecture provided som
e examples of TVM problem scenarios. For your fir
st post, provide a story problem that can be solve
d using one or more of the TVM calculations.
18FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Week 2 DQ 2 Assumptions of the TVM Model
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.fin515help.com Assum
ptions of the TVM Model (graded) What are some of
the assumptions behind the TVM calculations? How
do these assumptions limit our application of thes
e calculations?
19FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Week 2 Problem Set FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin515help.com 3.Calculate the future
value of 2000 in a. five years at an interest rat
e of 5 per year b. ten years at an interest rate
of 5 per year and c. five years at an interest
rate of 10 per year. d. Why is the amount of inte
rest earned in part (a) less than half the amount
of interest earned in part (b)?
20FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
VISIT www.fin515help.com FIN 515 Week 2 Quiz Q
uestion 1 (TCO B) You are a trust fund baby. Your
trust fund is currently worth 1,234,000. The prob
lem is the terms of the trust dont allow you to r
eceive any of the money until you are 27
21FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Week 3 Course Project 1 (3 Papers) FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.fin515help.com This Tutor
ial contains 3 Different Course Projects First C
ourse ProjectThe purpose of this project is to he
lp you develop skills not only in performing the c
alculations behind financial analysis but interpre
ting the numbers as well.
22FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Week 3 DQ 1 Examples of Capital
Expenditure From Your Industry FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin515help.com FIN 515 Week 3 DQ 1 Exa
mples of Capital Expenditure From Your Industry (g
raded) Describe a potential capital expenditure pr
oject from the industry in which you now work or a
n industry in which you are interested. A
23FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Week 3 DQ 2 Capital Budgeting Terms and
Considerations FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin515help.com Capital Budgeting Terms
and Considerations Our textbook and lecture discu
ss some considerations that should be taken into a
ccount when doing capital budgeting.
24FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Week 3 Problem Set FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin515help.com Week 3 Problem Set 1. Y
our brother wants to borrow 10,000 from you. He h
as offered to pay you back 12,000 in a year. If t
he cost of capital of this investment opportunity
is 10, what is its NPV? Should you undertake the
investment opportunity?
25FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
VISIT www.fin515help.com Company A has a beta of
2.77. Company B has a beta of .73. Company C has
a beta of .90. The risk free rate is 6 and the m
arket risk premium is 4. What is the expected ret
urn of investing in Company B?
26FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Week 4 DQ 1 Market Value of a Stock
VISIT www.fin515help.com Market Value of a Stock
Versus DDM Value (graded) Select a stock in which
you are interested. Calculate its per share value
using the DDM or another method discussed in Chap
ter 9. Then find the current market value of a sh
are of the stock. Compare that two. Can you explai
n the similarity or difference?
27FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Week 4 DQ 2 Differences in YTM of Real
Life Bonds FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.fin515help
.com Differences in YTM of Real Life Bonds (grad
ed) Do some research, probably on the Web, and f
ind some bonds with differing yields to maturity (
YTM). How do you explain the difference? Both the
lecture and the textbook discuss some factors tha
t may lead to this difference.
28FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Week 4 Midterm FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin515help.com Question 1. Question
(TCO G) The firm's asset turnover measures Questio
n 2. Question (TCO G) If Moon Corporation has an
increase in sales, which of the following would r
esult in no change in its EBIT margin?
29FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Week 4 Problem Set FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin515help.com Bonds-1. Interest on a
certain issue of bonds is paid annually with a cou
pon rate of 8. The bonds have a par value of 1,0
00. The yield to maturity is 9. What is the curre
nt market piece of these bonds? The bonds will mat
ure in 5 years.
30FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Week 5 DQ 1 Calculating WACC for a Real
Firm FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.fin515help.com
Calculating WACC for a Real Firm (graded) The Wei
ghted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) for a firm ca
n be calculated or found through research. Select
two firms in the same industry.
31FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Week 5 DQ 2 Finding Stock Values for Real
Stocks Using Beta and the SML FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin515help.com Finding Stock Values fo
r Real Stocks Using Beta and the SML (graded) Our
second discussion topic concerns the calculation o
f stock values using the Capital Asset Pricing Mod
el (CAPM).
32FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Week 5 problem Set FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin515help.com Chapter 10 (pages 3453
48) 4. You bought a stock one year ago for 50 pe
r share and sold it today for 55 per share. It pa
id a 1 per share dividend today. a. What was your
realized return? b. How much of the return came f
rom dividend yield and how much came from capital
33FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
VISIT www.fin515help.com Question 1 (TCO C) Comp
any A has a beta of 2.77. Company B has a beta of
.73. Company C has a beta of .90. The risk free ra
te is 6 and the market risk premium is 4. What i
s the expected return of investing in Company B? S
how your work.
34FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Week 6 Course Project 2 (2 Different
Projects) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.fin515help.
com This Tutorial contains 2 Different Course Pr
ojects Second ProjectThe purpose of this projec
t is for you to have some practice working with fi
nancial concepts in the real world. This will invo
lve integrating some material from throughout the
course. The project will also involve the developm
ent of your own approach to doing the work.
35FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Week 6 DQ 1 Examples of Real Agency
Problems and How They Could Have Been Prevented
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.fin515help.com Examp
les of Real Agency Problems and How They Could Hav
e Been Prevented (graded) Do some research and fin
d some historical or current real life examples of
agency problems.
36FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Week 6 DQ 2 The Role of Financial
Managers in Ethical Corporate Governance FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.fin515help.com The Role o
f Financial Managers in Ethical Corporate Governan
ce (graded) Does the financial manager have a gre
ater responsibility or a lesser responsibility for
maintaining ethical corporate governance?
37FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Week 6 Problem Set FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin515help.com Chapter 29 (pages 983-9
84) 1.What inherent characteristic of corporation
s creates the need for a system of checks on manag
er behavior? 2. What are some examples of agency p
38FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Week 7 DQ 1 Industry Approaches to
Working Capital Financing FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin515help.com Industry Approaches to
Working Capital Financing (graded) Do some researc
h on two firms in your industry or an industry in
which you are interested.
39FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Week 7 DQ 2 Your Preference for Working
Capital Management Policy FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin515help.com Your Preference for Wor
king Capital Management Policy (graded) Consider t
he company you work for or a company in which you
are interested. Also, do some research to find som
e current cost estimates for various means of fina
ncing working capital
40FIN 515 HELP Massive Success
FIN 515 Week 7 Problem Set FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.fin515help.com Chapter 26 (page 903)
1. Answer the following questions a. What is the
difference between a firms cash cycle and its ope
rating cycle? 2. How will a firms cash cycle be a
ffected if a firm increases its inventory, all els
e being equal? 2. How will a firms cash cycle be
affected if a firm begins to take the discounts of
fered by its suppliers, all else being equal?
41FIN 515 HELP Massive Success _at_ fin515help.com