Title: Buy Turquoise Cabochon
1The name turquoise comes from the French for
Turkish stone, which has its roots in the fact
that the trade routes that brought turquoise into
Europe came through Turkey.
2Turquoise is an opaque, blue-to-green mineral
that is hydrated phosphate of copper and
aluminum, with the chemical formula
CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)84H2O. It is rare and valuable in
finer grades and has been prized as a gem and
ornamental stone.
3- The color of turquoise ranges from sky blue to
apple green, with a lot of shades in between.
Pure blue stones are rare, and turquoise is very
often shot through with brown, black, or gray
veins of other minerals.
4- https//www.turquoisecabochons.com/