Title: Global Smart Grid Market Report
1- Global Smart Grid Market Report
- Forecast 2013 To 2021
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3Smart Grid Market Key Players
- LandisGyr
- Itron, Inc.
- Schneider Electric SE
- Aclara Technologies LLC
- GridPoint
- EMeter
- Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
- Siemens AG
- Sensus USA Inc.
- Comverge Inc.
- Alstom Ltd.
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4Smart Grid Market Geography Analysis
- The global smart grid market is divided into
five regions which are North America, South
America, Asia Pacific and Middle East Africa. As
of 2015, Asia Pacific dominated the market owing
to the increasing demand for smart grid in
countries such as India and China in the region.
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5Smart Grid Market Dynamics
- The global smart grid market is anticipated to
grow exponentially due to the emergence of
advanced technologies that can meet rising need
for a responsive and automated power grid. Key
factors driving the global smart grid market
includes a decline in the costs of devices and
networking technologies.
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