Title: Implementing a PC Reservation and PaytoPrint System
1Implementing a PC Reservation and Pay-to-Print
- Arlington Public Library
- Arlington, Virginia
2How APL selected, installed, promoted, and
evaluated a PC reservation and pay-to-print sytem
- Ron Altemus, CyberCenter Coordinator (raltem at
arlingtonva dot us) - Jeff Gaines, Information Systems Analyst (jgaine
at arlingtonva dot us) - Chang Liu, Central Services Library Manager (cliu
at arlingtonva dot us)
3What is a PC reservation and pay-to-print system?
- Time and print management software for public
computers - Regulates time allocations
- Requires payment for print jobs
4APL needed a PC reservation and pay-to-print
system in order to
- Provide equity in PC time allocation
- Reduce staff intervention of the publics PC use
- Eliminate waste of paper and ink cartridges
5APL an urban library system with Central
Library and 6 branchesNumber of public
computers 100
- APL provides two kinds of public computers
Gates computers with Internet and a suite of
Microsoft software Internet stations providing
only Internet access.
6Selecting a system
- We invited three vendors (SAM, EnvisionWare, and
Pharos) to give demonstrations. Both public
services and IT staff attended the presentations.
Afterwards, staff were encouraged to provide
input on the selection of the system.
7We chose EnvisionWare because
- EW salespeople did an outstanding job
demonstrating the functions of EW staff felt
that EW would meet APLs needs. - EW is a partner with TLC, and TLC provides APLs
integrated library system. - Through TLC, APL was able to receive a special
discount from EW.
8Implementing EW
- Forming a team
- Jeff In-depth knowledge of library technology
the go-to person for PC troubleshooting - Ron Library training guru first-hand knowledge
of the publics use of computers in libraries - Chang Member of Library Leadership Team
extensive experience in public services
9Implementing EW (continued)
- Completing the EnvisionWare Location
Policy/Configuration form. This form required
us to make decisions such as - Number and locations of print release stations
- Pricing for print jobs
- Method of payment
- Authentication
- Areas with different configurations
- Session/time restrictions
- Guest users
- Future reservations
10Implementing EW (continued)
- Testing EW
- EW was set up for testing by staff for several
months, during which time staff came to learn how
EW worked and asked questions about how EW would
be implemented at APL. Although the Location
Policy/Configuration Form dealt with many aspects
of EW, staffs questions were invaluable in
making us consider every detail, especially
exceptions for childrens and YA areas.
11Implementing EW (continued)
- Finalizing policy decisions
- Session numbers 2 sessions per day per card per
branch - Session length 60 minutes on Gates PCs and 30
minutes on Internet stations 30 minutes for all
childrens PCs - Identification needed to log on library card
number and last name - Internet Only Cards good for 3 months cannot
check out books simplified registration - Childrens and YA computers more staff
assistance and flexibility in rules - Print charge 10 cents per page 5 cents for
printouts from Library and County websites, and
from databases
12Implementing EW (continued)
- Publicity
- Talking Points for Staff
- Announcement on website and through brochures
- Printed instructions for the public
- Periodic updates on intranet
- Purchasing coin boxes for EW more expensive than
13Implementing EW (continued)
- Onsite installation 3 days of onsite support
from EW staff - Going live!
- First at Central for a week, then to the largest
branch last to the smaller branches. The
gradual approach allowed us to evaluate the
progress in each location, fix glitches as they
appeared, and distribute the workload to a
manageable level.
- Customer response mostly positive the turnover
rate is up by 30 percent. - Staff loves it!
- Monthly revenue 2,100 on average system-wide
- 75 reduction in paper and ink cartridge
consumption - Minor glitches still exist EW has been
responsive. - County policy makes remote reservation impossible
at this time.
15What we learned from this experience
- The importance of establishing an effective team
to spearhead the project. - We are a nimble team with just the right
combination of backgrounds and experiences. This
allows us to be effective and efficient.
16What we learned from this experience (continued)
- Vendors do not really provide all the support you
need. - Internal support is crucial.
- No system is perfect.
- Vendor websites
- EnvisionWare
- www.envisionware.com
- Pharos
- www.pharos.com
- SAM (Smart Access Manager)
- www.comprisetechnologies.com
- Talking points for staff
- Instructions for the public
- Both English and Spanish