Title: Enrollment in Medicare Rx Discount Card AARP Call Center
1Enrollment in MedicareRx Discount CardAARP Call
- Wayne Moore, Senior Advisor to AARP Director of
Policy - wmoore_at_aarp.org
2Call Center Steps
- Collect necessary info
- Help caller chose plan
- Fill out application
- Send application electronically to chosen card
3Outreach used
- Direct mail
- Ads in community newspapers
- Referrals from community agencies
4Direct Mail
- 10,000 postcards to members age 65 with
household incomes between 15,000 and 25,000. - 1.2 - 2.2 response rate
5Ads in Community newspapers
- - Ad in 31 weekly papers in rural SC
- - Between 119 and 214 called and initiated
6Community Agencies
- Referred potentially eligible beneficiaries to
Call Center - One agency caused 43 applications to be initiated
over 4 wk period.
7Overall Results
- Calls 3416 (2784 in 3 wk period)
- Applications started 1380 (40 of calls)
- (some double counted)
- Applications completed 529
- Average call length went from 10.2min. to 7.5min.