Title: Term Insurance Comparison and the Internet
1Term Insurance Comparison and the Internet
2- Online
Insurance Comparison The internet today is the
most vast source of information. Information is
almost commoditized, the only important thing
being that one should know what to search for.
The greatest role of the internet has been in
removing information asymmetry, leading to a more
efficient marketplace. And insurance is one area
where the power of information through the
internet can be harnessed to the maximum,
allowing prospective buyers to compare insurance
3- One
of the biggest gripes about the insurance
industry has been that users have been purchasing
insurance almost blindfolded, completely at the
mercy of the agent who unabashedly pushes
products where he earns the maximum commission.
The costs of distribution in insurance are
massive, and there are significant inefficiencies
within the system. As with any other channel
where commissions are unrealistically high, there
are many layers and sub layers of distribution,
the ultimate cost of which is borne by the
consumer. This is where the internet can step in,
getting the buyer and the insurance company much
closer, and thus ultimately leading to lower
purchase price.
4- In India, the recent trend has been that people
have started using the internet extensively to
compare insurance online before buying. Insurance
purchase through the internet is still in its
infancy, but it is a matter of time before things
catch up. With broadband penetration set to surge
beyond the current levels of 10 mn connections,
the use of the internet can only increase. The
efficiency that the internet has brought in is
primarily in terms of allowing the user to
compare all features of the insurance company
including price through the individual websites
of the companies or through aggregator sites. In
that sense, there is a tremendous responsibility
on aggregator sites to provide unbiased
information. Whether that is happening or not is
a different matter altogether. The level of
mis-selling that is there in insurance is of epic
proportions. Regular premium policies have been
sold as recurring bank deposits, non-guaranteed
products have been sold as guaranteed products,
direct debit mandates have been taken from
unsuspecting consumers...even if the internet can
reduce the level of mis-selling a bit, it would
have more than served its purpose. The important
factor to note in any price Term Insurance
Comparison is that the savings through lower
premium is not only for a year, but this benefit
is passed on every year on renewal. A health
insurance policy bought at a 40 lower price than
a policy of another company is likely to cost 40
less on each subsequent renewal. The power of
accumulated savings is thus huge, as we can see.
5- At the same time, there is one disturbing trend
that is being seen in aggregator sites. We are
seeing that products which frankly do not merit
comparisons are being compared. A case in point
is pensions product, where the variable with
perhaps more than 90 weightage is fund
performance of the company. Yet we still find
aggregator sites providing comparisons using the
assumed rate of return of 6 and 10 . A.25
lower fund management fee of one company is
irrelevant if it underperforms the fund
performance of another company cumulatively by
even 1 Insurance products that lend itself the
best to a comparison are health insurance, car
insurance and term life insurance.
6- This is primarily because there is a direct price
comparison, and there are direct feature
comparisons. Additional features can be
attributed a monetary value, and the user can
then do an analysis whether the overall price
equation makes sense. Products like child
policies, pensions, or for those matter
investment products are very difficult to compare
on the price front, and more often than not the
comparisons are meaningless.
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