Title: Flower Delivery in Bangalore (1)
1Flowers Cakes for Your Special One
2Celebrating happy times by delivering fresh
flowers fabulous gifts to your loved ones is
what we at Flower n gift is known for, more than
2 decades for now. Our flower bouquet delivery is
the first entrant to our floral gifting
ecosystem and subsequently we had more members
added to our family which includes scrumptious
cakes, exquisite chocolates and authentic
traditional sweets.
3Impress your special ones by ordering any kind of
cake like black forest, chocolate, strawberry n
more from our online shopping site. All cakes are
guaranteed to be fresh and can be sent on all
occasions like birthday, wedding, anniversary,
Mothers day, Valentines day, Diwali or
Christmas. .
4Wedding cakes were being a very western concept
however nowadays more and more Indian families
decide to make a beautiful cake an essential part
of their celebrations. Our Flower N Gift taken
wedding cakes to a complete new level by making a
cake to match the wedding brides outfit.
5We have different kind of combo packs combined
with chocolates, cakes or soft toys, sweets,
wine, champagne.
6Flower n Gift having different kind of combo
packs combined with chocolates, cakes or soft
toys, sweets, wine, champagne.
7For More Information Please Contact us Website
www.flowerngift.in Email ID support_at_flowerngift.
in Phone No 9886501110 Facebook