Title: Introduction to OSHA
1Introduction to OSHA
Protecting the Safety Health of Hispanic
Workers www.hispanicsworksafe.org
2From the videoProtecting Our Health and Safety
in Construction Work
- How much do we know about it?
After completing this unit, you will know
- The mission and duties of OSHA
- Workers rights responsibilities
- Employers responsibilities
- The process of OSHA inspections
4What is OSHA?
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
5OSHAS mission
To provide safe and healthful working conditions
for every worker in America
6Why do we need OSHA?
- Every year
- Nearly 6,000 workplace fatalities
- 50,000 deaths from illnesses cause by workplace
exposures - Injuries cost more than 125 billion
7Why do we need OSHA?
1,190 deaths in construction
1,126 deaths in construction
5,559 workers deaths
8But much remains to be done
In a typical working day
17 workers die from injuries
137 workers die from diseases
9Safety is a shared responsibility
10What does OSHA do?
- Makes employers responsible for worker safety and
health - Develops and enforces safety and health standards
- Responds to workers complaints
11The OSHA PosterRequired to be posted at every
job site!
12The poster should be posted in a highly visible
area at every job site!
13Who is covered by OSHA?
- Most private sector workers
Who is NOT covered by OSHA?
- Self-employed persons
- Family farms
- State and local employees (some states have their
own occupational safety and health plans that
cover workers)
14Workers Rights include
- Request information on hazards and controls from
- Contact OSHA for information
- Report to OSHA about workplace conditions
threatening their health or safety - Respond to questions from the OSHA compliance
15Workers Rights include
- Right to seek safe and healthful conditions on
the job without being disciplined or fired
OSHA 11(c) whistle-blower protection
- Worker can file a complaint with OSHA (which must
be within 30 days) if discriminated against for
expressing concern about safety at work
16Workers Responsibilities include
- Workers as well as employers have
safety responsibilities - Comply with all safety and health regulations and
standards - Report defective equipment, tools, machines and
safeguards - Read the OSHA poster at the site
17Workers Responsibilities include
- Report hazardous conditions to your employer
immediately - Report any work-related injuries or illnesses to
your employer - Notify co-workers immediately of any hazards
? Remember
OSHA does not fine workers!
18Employers Responsibilities include
- To provide a safe workplace
29 CFR 1926.20 (a)(1)
No subcontractor/contractor shall require any
laborer or mechanic to work in surroundings or
under working conditions which are unsanitary,
hazardous, or dangerous to his/her health and
Construction Industry Standards
19Employers Responsibilities include
Establish accident prevention programs
Provide safe tools equipment and remove
defective tools equipment
Establish regular site safety inspections
20Employers Responsibilities include
Provide a workplace free from recognized hazards
- Provide training
- Provide medical examinations when required
- Recordkeeping
21OSHA Inspections
- Inspections play an important role in enforcing
Inspections are conducted without advance notice
Violations cannot be identified without
22OSHA Inspections
In the U.S. There are 2,300 federal and state
inspectors for 7.1 million worksites
There are simply not enough OSHA inspectors to go
around and they cant be everywhere
Each worksite will be inspected every 85years
23 OSHA can't depend on inspections alone to
achieve its mission of protecting workers
Priority 1 Situations involving imminent
danger Priority 2 Catastrophes or fatal
accidents If a worker is killed or 3 or more
workers are hospitalized Priority 3 Complaints
by workers or their representatives or referrals
from a recognized safety professional or
Priority 4 Programmed inspections targeted at
high-hazard industries Priority 5 Follow-up
inspections Priority 6 Monitoring inspections
26OSHA Inspections include
- Checking company records
- Reviewing compliance with the hazard
communication standard - Fire protection
- Personal protective equipment
- Review of the companys health and safety plan
27How are inspections done?
- OSHA officer presents credentials
- Opening conference
- Inspection tour
- Closing conference
Workers have the right to talk with the inspector
28What happens after an OSHA inspection?
- OSHA may or may not issue citations.
OSHA issues citations when an employer violates
safety or health standards
OSHA citation
29What happens after an OSHA inspection?
- Employer must post a copy of each citation at or
near place where violation occurred
- Citation
- Unsafe machi
- Lack of PPEs
- Warning signs
30Does SAFETY pay
31Ah And dont forget!
Our families need us!
Everyday, they expect us to return home safe and
33Training Evaluation
What did you like about this training?
What suggestions do you have for changes?
This training program was developed by
Hispanics Work Safewww.hispanicsworksafe.org
How to contact us? Maria Julia
Brunette Department of Work Environment
University of Massachusetts LowellOne
University Ave., Lowell, MA 01854Phone
978-934-3248 Fax 978-452-5711Email
This training program was funded by grants
from Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA)
This material was produced under grant number
46A3-HT15 from the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. It
does not necessarily reflect the views or
policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor
does mention of trade names, commercial products,
or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S.