Title: Online Reputation Management Services in Florida%9999-62-3343
2Online Reputation Management
- Whats included
- Definition of ORM
- Understanding of ORM
- Defining ORM Process
- Whats in it for you
- Learning the basics of ORM
- Able to prioritize optimize workforce
- Effectively use them to build retain brand
3Online Reputation Management
4Online Reputation Management
ORM deals with everything about your companys brand in the online community. This community includes the entire web search engines, forums, blogs, news sites, social networking sites, etc.
In the future the internet will be filled with
what others say about our products/ services.
5Online Reputation Management
Understanding of ORM
Online Reputation Management is first being mindful of your companys online brand then building on that brand in the search engines (chances are this is where you are sought for the most) through social media and other websites that produce and disseminate content.
6Online Reputation Management
Importance for an Individual
For an Executive
A few bad comments online can devastate a
career. They can affect his or her ability to be
hired, to close deals or to move up in an
7Online Reputation Management
Importance for an Organization
Companies Reputation will Soon Dictate by
How much you can sell. The caliber of
employee you can recruit. The number of
investors you can attract. For many
organizations a few bad comments that come
up high in the search rankings can be
devastating. This bad publicity can have an
impact on sales, recruiting, and morale.
8Online Reputation Management
Process of ORM
9Online Reputation Management
Monitoring - Being mindful
Develop a listening Process. This must include
multiple methods for listening to what people
might be saying about you online.
Include the use of multiple tools and alerts such
Alerts.com Socialmention.com Google alerts Yotify
10Online Reputation Management
Preventing - Building on that brand
Online Reputation Management extends to these
factors connected to you Your Name Company Brand(
s) Product(s) High profile employees
11Online Reputation Management
Preventing - Building on that brand
Building your brand can start from getting all of
your brands social media usernames. You can find
it out using
As soon as you know on which social media sites
your brand is still available as a username, grab
the opportunity to register it there.
12Online Reputation Management
Preventing - Building on that brand
Some of the key social media accounts you SHOULD
get are
Facebook profile / page Twitter Google Account /
page Quora LinkedIn
Another great way to prevent bad reputation web
pages from ranking as your brand is to create and
13Online Reputation Management
Cleaning - Fixing any damaging content to your
Once the damage is done and you dont have any
ammo to fire back, heres what you need to
immediately do
Contact the owner of the bad reputation site and
ask to put it down. If it is against the law,
contact any possibly concerned government body
and ask them for help to bring it down. Ask
Google to de-index it if there are any elements
in the page against Googles guidelines.
Tips for Keeps If you have not already taken
your brand name as your username in all the
powerful social networking sites, do it. NOW!
14Online Reputation Management
15Online Reputation Management
16Say Hello, to us
Address Vasa Bittarget Pvt. Ltd. A-88, 3rd
Floor, Sector-4, Noida 0120-455-4043 1
(980)-224-4583 hello_at_bittarget.net