Title: Cost Analysis of TeleHomecare
1Cost Analysis of TeleHomecare
- Kathryn H. Dansky, R.N., PhD
- Liisa Palmer, PhD candidate
- Dennis Shea, PhD
- Kathy Bowles, R.N., PhD
2Cost Analysis of TeleHomecare
- TeleHomecare Project
- Evaluation
- Cost analysis
- Lessons learned
- Penn State University
- The Visiting Nurse Association of Greater
Philadelphia (VNA) - American TeleCare, Inc.
- U.S. Department of Commerce
- National Telecommunications Information
Administration (NTIA) - Telecommunications and Information
Infrastructure Assistance Program (TIIAP)
5Project Objectives
- Evaluate health status and quality of life
- Evaluate health care costs
- Evaluate patient satisfaction
- Extend TeleHomecare technology to other
underserved populations
6System Description
- AVIVA 2020 (ATI)
- Patient station
- Clinician station
- Communication links
7Research Design
- Sample Homebound diabetics
- Randomization to experimental and control groups
- Pre- and post-testing
- (post-testing at 60 days or discharge)
8Patient Demographics
- Video Control
- Female 73.6 72.9
- Male 26.4 27.1
- Average Age 74.8 74.2
- Number 91 85
9Patient Health Status
- Video Control
- Mean Diabetes
- Severity Score 2.28 2.29
- Mean Number
- of Comorbidities 1.91 2.07
10Evaluation Indices
- Health Status
- Quality of Life
- Self-Management of Diabetes
- Patient Satisfaction
- Health Care Costs
- Health Care Costs
- Direct costs physician, hospital, home health,
pharmaceutical - System and training costs
- Indirect costs morbidity, mortality, QALYs
12Home Health Costs RN Care
(p lt 0.05)
13Home Health Costs RN Care
(p lt 0.001)
14Home Health Costs Project
15Project Costs Video Group
- Telehomecare units upgrades
- Peripherals
- Printer
- Carts and bins
- Equipment installation, maintenance
- and removal
- Education, training and meetings
- Unsuccessful video visits
16Considerations Costs
- Equipment discounted over 5 years, but no
secondary market for equipment (salvage
value 0) - Bureau of Labor average hourly wage for
Registered Nurses in Philadelphia (1998) used for
labor costs
17Considerations Uncertainty
- Equipment
- - technical
- - operator
- Appropriate number of video visits
- - substitution versus supplementation
- Evaluation design
18Impact on Patients Discharge Status
- Video Control
- Discharged Home 63.7 39.0
- Recertified for HHA 23.1 25.6
- Hospitalized 11.0 26.8
- Other 2.2 8.5
19 Lessons Learned Costs
- Technical support
- Staff buy-in
- Training
- Hidden costs
- Maximize potential
20TeleHomecare Project
- Caring, Journal of Healthcare Information
Management - http//www.hhdev.psu.edu/hpa