Title: Yellow Fever The Scourge Revealed
1Yellow Fever The Scourge Revealed
CAPT Stanton E. Cope, PhD United States Navy
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3Dr. Benjamin Rush
4USS Maine Explodes
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6Walter Reed Birthplace Virginia
7Dr. James Carroll - 1901
8Dr. Aristides Agramonte - 1902
9Dr. Jesse W. Lazear
10Goals of the Reed Board
- Nature of Bacillus icteroides
- Perform bacteriological studies
- Explore the theory of insect transmission
11Dr. Carlos Finlay
12Walter Reeds Laboratory - 1900
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Rockefeller Yellow Fever Commission 1916-1918
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17Mosquito-feeding Method
18Lazear Death Notice
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20Camp Lazear
21PVT Kissinger
22PVT John Kissinger
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25Fomite House
26Letter From Reed to Truby
29Reed Board Conclusions 1 - 4
30Reed Board Conclusions 5 - 8
31Reed Board Conclusions 9 - 11
- The spread of yellow fever can be most
effectually controlled - by measures directed to the destruction of
3222 Total Cases Under Controlled Conditions
Mosquito Bite 14 Blood Injection 6
Filtered Serum - 2
33Walter Reed
34He gave to man control over that dreadful
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37Panama Canal
Dr. William Gorgas -- 1920
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39John Kissingers Signature
40PVT John Kissinger
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44..... A martyr to yellow fever
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47..swept away a hideous plague