Title: Global MHD Instabilities of the Solar Tachocline
1Global MHD Instabilities of the Solar Tachocline
- Currently Active Collaborators (alphabetical)
- Paul Cally (Monash University HAO)
- Mausumi Dikpati (HAO)
- Peter Gilman (HAO)
- Mark Miesch (HAO)
- Aimee Norton (HAO)
- Matthias Rempel (HAO)
- Past Contributors (alphabetical)
- J. Boyd, P. Fox, D. Schecter
May 2004
2Motivations for Study of Global Instability of
Differential Rotation and Toroidal Fields in the
Solar Tachocline
- May produce latitudinal angular momentum
transport that keeps tachocline thin and couples
to an angular momentum cycle with the convection
zone - Can generate global magnetic patterns that can
imprint on the convection zone and photosphere
above - Can contribute to the physics of the solar dynamo
through generation of kinetic and current
helicity - Can produce preferred longitudes for emergence of
active regions
3Physical Setting of Solar Tachocline
Location and Extent
Straddles base of convection zone at r .713
R? Thickness lt 0.05 R?, may be as thin as .02 R?
- .03 R? Shape may depart from spherical.
Prolate? Thicker at high latitudes? Convection
zone base change from oxygen abundance? (To
slightly below .713??)
Physical Properties
Rotation Well constrained by helioseismic
inferences torsional oscillations? 1.3 year
oscillations in low latitudes?
Jets? Stratification Subadiabatic Overshoot
Radiative parts Sharp or smooth
transition? Magnetic Field Strong (100kG
inferred from theory for trajectories of
rising tubes) Tipped toroidal fields? Broad
or narrow in latitude? Stored in overshoot
and/or radiative part?
4Rotation Detail within Solar Tachocline
5Nonlinear 2D MHD Equations
Defining velocity magnetic filed respectively
asand using a modified pressure variable we
can write,
Continuity Equations
Equations of Motion
Induction Equations
62D MHD Instability Reduction to Solvable System
Vorticity Equation
Classical Hydrodynamic Stability Problem
In which ? sin ? and
Boundary conditions ?, ? 0 at poles
72D MHD Instability 2nd Order Equations for
Reference State Changes
For differential rotation (linear measure)
For toroidal magnetic field (linear measure)
8Differential Rotation and Toroidal Field
Profiles Tested for Instability
Differential rotation (angular measure)
Toroidal field (angular measure)
With symmetric about the equator, and
anti-symmetric, unstable disturbances separate
also into two symmetries
9Barotropic Instability(sometimes also called
Inflection Point Instability)
- Barotropic pressure and density surfaces
coincide in fluid (baroclinic when they dont) - Instability originally discovered by Rayleigh,
put in atmospheric setting by H.L. Kuo - As meteorologists use it, instability is of
axisymmetric zonal flow, a function of latitude
only, to 2D (long. lat.) wavelike disturbances - Disturbances grow by extracting kinetic energy
from the flow, by Reynolds stresses that
transport angular momentum away from the local
maximum in zonal flow - Necessary condition for instability gradient of
total vorticity of zonal flow changes sign
hence inflection point
10Barotropic Instability of Solar Differential
Rotation Measured by Helioseismic Data
(Charbonneau, Dikpati and Gilman, 1999)
11Properties of 2D MHD Instability of Differential
Rotation and Toroidal Magnetic Field
ToroidalMagnetic Field
Angular momentum transport toward the poles
primarily by the Maxwell Stress (perturbations
field lines tilt upstream away from equator)
Magnetic flux transport away from the peak
toroidal field by the Mixed Stress (phase
difference in longitude between perturbation
velocities magnetic fields)
12Broad Toroidal Field Profiles Tested for Global
MHD Instability of Field and Differential Rotation
13Gaussian Type Banded Toroidal Field Profiles
Tested for Global MHD Instability of Field and
Differential Rotation
14Mechanisms of Global MHD Instability for Weak
Toroidal Fields (TF)
15Toroidal Ring Disturbance Patterns of
Longitudinal Wave Numbers m0, 1, 2
m 0
m 1
16Summary of Properties of 2D Instability of
Differential Rotation and Toroidal Field
17Critical or Singular Points in the Equations for
2D MHD Stability
Transformation of variables
Vorticity equation changes to
in which
So have singular points where one or both of
factors in S
or where the doppler shifted (angular) phase
vanish, i.e., at the poles, and where
velocity of the perturbation equals the local
(angular) Alfvén speed.
How many singular points there are depends on
profiles of .
of ordinary hydrodynamics is NOT a singular
Note that the usual critical point
point here (H regular at such points, so
If let YS1/2 H, then k2
real if ci 0 complex if not
k2 is large in the neighborhood of singular
points defined above
18Example of Profile of Reynolds and Maxwell
Stresses of Unstable Disturbance of Longitudinal
Wave Number m1, in Relation to Alfvénic Singular
Points, of a Toroidal Band of 16 Width
(c) bw16
19Dominant Energy Flow in Unstable Solutions
20Energy Flow Diagram for Nonlinear 2D MHD System
with Forcing and Drag
(Dikpati, Cally and Gilman, 2004)
21Example of Clamshell Instability in Nonlinear
2D MHD System
(Cally, Dikpati and Gilman, 2003)
22Nonlinear Survey of Symmetric Tipping Mode in
Strong Bands
(Cally, Dikpati and Gilman 2003)
23Linear and Nonlinear Tip Angles
(Cally, Dikpati and Gilman, 2003)
24Nonlinear Tipping of Toroidal Fields in
Peak Toroidal Field 25 kG
Peak Toroidal Field 100 kG
(Cally, Dikpati and Gilman, 2003)
25Global MHD Instability with Kinetic (dk)
andMagnetic (dm) Drag
Banded TF
Broad TF
(Dikpati, Cally and Gilman, 2004)
26Evolution of Tip Angles of a1 Toroidal Bands for
Various Realizations with dk10dm, for Latitude
Placements of 30
(Dikpati, Cally and Gilman, 2004)
27Observation Evidence of Tipped Toroidal Ring?
28Tipped Toroidal Ring in Longitude-latitude
Coordinates Linear Solutions with Two Possible
(Cally, Dikpati and Gilman, 2003)
29Sparking Snake Model
- Imagine snake on interior spherical
- surface
- Sends out sparks given specific
- trajectories to outer spherical surface
- Assign snake geometry dynamics
- Analyze results to determine if an
- observer could decipher the underlying
- geometry
(Gilman Norton)
30Schematic of Tipped Toroidal Ring in Sparking
Snake Model
31Schematic of Flux Emergence
- Important that we discriminate between a
- spread in latitudes from flux emergence and
- one from tipped toroidal field
- Schematic illustrating flux trajectory
- variations dependent upon field strength
- of source toroidal ring
- Ellipses represent contours of toroidal field
- strength
- Strongest flux ropes rise radially, weaker
- rise non-radially
(Norton and Gilman, 2004)
32Histogram of Sunspot Pair Angles
33Global Instabilities of Solar Tachocline
Assume Differential Rotation from Helioseismology
34What is MHD Shallow Water System?
- Spherical Shell of fluid with outer boundary that
can deform - Upper boundary a material surface
- Horizontal flow, fields in shell are independent
of radius - Vertical flow, field linear functions of radius,
zero at inner boundary - Magnetohydrostatic radial force balance
- Horizontal gradient of total pressure is
proportional to the horizontal gradient of shell
thickness - Horizontal divergence of magnetic flux in a
radial column is zero
(Gilman, 2000)
35Effective Gravity Parameter (G)
in which
gt gravity at tachocline depth fractional
departure from adiabatic temperature
gradient H thickness of tachocline
shell Hp pressure scale height rt solar radius
at tachocline depth ?c rotation of solar interior
G 10-1 for Overshoot Tachocline G 102 for
Radiative Tachocline
(Dikpati, Gilman and Rempel, 2003)
36Relationship among Effective Gravity G
Subadiabatic Stratification and
Undisturbed Shell Thickness H
(Dikpati, Gilman and Rempel, 2003)
37Shallow Water Equations of Motion and Mass
38Shallow Water Induction and Flux Continuity
39Singular Points
Occur at latitudes where
hs is departure of shell thickness from uniform
- Singular points define places of rapid phase
shifts with latitude in unstable modes - Therefore much of disturbance structure, as well
as energy conversion processes, determined in
this neighborhood - Play major role in interpreting instability as a
form of resonance
40Equilibrium in MHD Shallow Water System
In general, a balance among three latitudinal
forces, including hydrostatic pressure gradient,
magnetic curvature stress, and coriolis forces
Important Limiting Cases
- Balance between hydrostatic pressure gradient and
magnetic curvature where toroidal field is strong - Balance between magnetic curvature stress and
coriolis force curvature with prograde jet inside
toroidal field band - Actual solar case may be in between
41MHD Shallow Water Equilibriumfor Banded Toroidal
Overshoot Layer (G0.1)
(Dikpati, Gilman and Rempel, 2003)
42Schematic of Possible Modes of Instability in
MHD Shallow Water Shell
m 0
m 1
- h redistributed but no net rise
- Toroidal ring tips but remains same circumference
- Fluid in ring keeps same speed but flow tips
- h increases poleward
- Toroidal ring shrinks
- Fluid in ring spins up
m 2
- h redistributes but no net poleward rise
- Toroidal ring deforms, creating Maxwell Stress
- Fluid flow inside ring deforms but does not spin
43Stability Diagrams for HD Shallow Water System
(Dikpati and Gilman, 2001)
44Growth Rates for Unstable ModesFor Broad
Toroidal Field
(Gilman and Dikpati, 2002)
45Growth Rates of Unstable Modes for Broad
Toroidal Fields
Overshoot Layer
Radiative Layer
(Gilman and Dikpati, 2002)
46Domains of Unstable Toroidal Field Bands
Overshoot Layer
Radiative Layer
(Dikpati, Gilman and Rempel, 2003)
47Global MHD Instability of Tachocline in 3D
- General problem of instability from latitudinal
and radial gradients of rotation and toroidal
field is non separable. (much bigger calculation
therefore required) - Special case of 3D disturbances on DR and TR that
are functions of latitude only. - There are strong mathematical similarities to 2D
and SW cases, depending on boundary conditions
chosen. - Has eigen functions with multiple nodes in
vertical representable by sines and cosines with
wave number n. - For strong TF, must take account of magnetically
generated departures from Boussinesq gas
equation of state. - High n modes should be substantially damped by
vertical diffusion or wave processes in
(Gilman, 2000)
48Growth Rates For 3D Global MHD Instability
No Boundary Conditions Top and Bottom
Pressure 0 TopVertical Velocity 0 Bottom
0.1 yr
Vertical Velocity 0 Top and Bottom
1 yr
0.1 yr
0.1 yr
1 yr
1 yr
49Summary of Global MHD Instability Results
- Combinations of differential rotation and
toroidal field likely to be - present in the solar tachocline, are likely
to be unstable to global - disturbances of longitudinal wave number m1
and sometimes higher - The instability is primarily 2D, but likely to
persist in 3D as well - Instability can lead to a significant tipping
of the toroidal field away - from coinciding with latitude circles, which
might be responsible for - some aspects of patterns of sunspot location
- In 3D, the instability is likely to be an
important component of the global - solar dynamo, as a producer of poloidal from
toroidal fields, and as a - source of m 0 surface magnetic patterns
50Two distinct possible sources of jets
- Prograde jet to balance magnetic curvature stress
associated with toroidal field band -
- (at mid latitudes, 100 kG TF would require 200
m/s prograde jet if Coriolis force completely
balances curvature stress) - Global HD or MHD instability extracts angular
momentum from low latitudes and deposits it in
narrow band at higher latitudes - So if we can find jets from helioseismic
analysis, it could be evidence for 1 and/or 2
51Jet balancing magnetic curvature stress
If 2nd term is not too big, then
jet-like toroidal flow
core rotation rate
solar-like differential rotation
jet parameter
toroidal field
e0 no jet e1 full jet
52 Jet amplitudes for various toroidal field bands
and their latitude locations
532D MHD Instability 2nd Order Equations for
Reference State Changes
For differential rotation (linear measure)
For toroidal magnetic field (linear measure)
54Jet amplitudes from nonlinear hydrodynamic
Dikpati 2004 (in preparation)
55Jet amplitudes in 2D MHD nonlinear calculations
Results are for a 10-degree toroidal band with
100 kG peak field placed at 40-degree latitude
Start with an initial 30 jet System stabilizes
with a 20 jet
Start with no jet, system
stabilizes with a 20 jet
(Cally, Dikpati Gilman, 2004)
56Conditions under which hydrodynamic instability
can occur and produce a high-latitude jet, when a
100 kG toroidal field band is present
Narrow bands and low band latitudes
- band of width lt latitude
- band of width lt latitude
- band of width lt latitude