Title: Efosa in Sweden
1Efosa in Sweden!!!
Great! I came Early for Vodka
I came late! No more Vodka!!!
I am very beautiful!!!
2Efosa, Mrs. Hoy and Dr. Frank Hoy
I love Research!
I love my husband!
Both married for Forty years!
3Efosa at UTEP!!!
Efosa your Ph.D Research is?
Texas Tech!!!
4Efosa in Denmark
I love 24hrs day light!
Play gulf at 12mid night
Fishing at 1200am
5Efosa in Lapland!!!
Research shows that snow and winter
increase Suicide rate!!!
6Efosa at Helsinki School
She is staring at vodka and red wine!
Winter survival!!!
7Efosa at University of Texas
Writing Ph.D. Statement of Purpose for Texas
8Efosa in Finland
I love snowmobile
9Efosa in Norway
Winter increases suicide rate!!!
Snow to cold my vodka!
10Graduation from the University of Texas
Preparation for Texas Tech!
11Efosa in Denmark
No Sauna
I cannot sleep at night Because of sun light!!
I love the mid- Night sun. Summer!!!
12Efosa in Rusia
Oh I wish he was my husband!!!
Everybody loves me!!!
13Efosa in Dallas
14Efosa in Iceland!!!
24hrs darkness
Today is Vodka
15Efosa in Switzerland!!!
I am tasty! Beer!!!!
I missed my snake!!
I will hide my beer!!
16Efosa in France!!!
Is there Mexican restaurant in France?
Today I am taking my dogs to a nice restaurant
instead of my boyfriend!!
17Efosa in Spain
I love to travel!!!
18Efosa in Vienna, Austria
No snow to cold my beer
Today is barbecue!!
No Sauna!!!
19Efosa in Oslo, Norway
Winter and darkness are great sleeping and
drinking vodka. Life is too sweet!!!
I came early today
20Efosa in Germany!!!
We are late for vodka!!!
I need sauna!!!
21Efosa at Helsinki School
Blond ladies!
Why is Efosa in Finland?
Ratio of men to women in Finland is 12
22Efosa at Helsinki School!!!
Outstanding faculty members from all over the
23Efosa in Nigeria
How are we going to solve IS problems?
Texas Tech!!!!