Title: Prepared for the
1Pediatric Residents Attitudes about Part-Time or
Reduced-Hours Positions
- Prepared for the
- Committee on Pediatric Workforce
- Subcommittee on Women in Pediatrics
- by the
- AAP Division of Health Policy Research
2Study Overview
- AAP has surveyed 3rd Year Categorical Pediatrics
Residents about their job search experiences each
of the last 4 years. - 500 residents are randomly selected each year.
- Results are based on returned surveys from 71 of
the residents surveyed in 2000.
3Residents Gender by Survey Year
4Characteristics of Third Year Residents by Gender
p lt .01
5Residents Consideration of Part-Time or
Reduced-Hours Positions
p lt .01
6Future Interest in Part-Time or Reduced-Hours
Position (Male MDs)
7Future Interest in Part-Time or Reduced-Hours
Position (Female MDs)
p lt .01
8How would you use your extra time if you were to
arrange a part-time of reduced-hours position?
Note Results are based on responses from those
who reported some interest in a
part-time/reduced-hours position. Residents
could mark more than one category.
p lt .05 p lt .01
9Barriers to Seeking Part-Time or Reduced-Hours
Note Residents could mark more than one
p lt .01
10Barriers to Seeking Part-Time or Reduced-Hours
Employment (Cont.)
Note Residents could mark more than one
p lt .01
11Have your spouses/partners career plans, or
your family situation, limited your selection of
p lt .01
- Over 60 of pediatrics residents are women.
- Women residents were significantly more likely to
consider and to accept part-time or reduced-hours
positions. - Although only 14 of women accepted these
positions, 79 of women had some interest in
arranging a part-time or reduced-hours position.
(Only 33 of men had some interest.)
13Conclusions (cont.)
- Over 90 of the women interested in arranging a
part-time position would spend their extra time
with their children. - The most frequently reported barriers to seeking
part-time employment were loss of income,
reduction in benefits, and loan repayment. - Women were significantly more likely than men to
report that their spouses career plan or their
family situation limited their selection of
14Study Limitations
- Results are restricted to the views of residents
and they may not be consistent with those of
practicing physicians.
- More women than men are entering pediatrics
residencies, are interested in primary care
medicine, and are interested in part-time or
reduced-hours positions. - Primary care practices may need to make changes
to better accommodate pediatricians interest in
part-time or reduced-hours work. - The importance of part-time employment for the
pediatrics workforce will continue to be a focus
of the AAP Women in Pediatrics Subcommittee.