Title: Yellow sapphire gemstone caution
1Yellow Sapphire Gemstone Caution
- Presented By - yellowsapphire.org.in
2Wearer should not wear cracked gemstones, as they
can have a very bad effect on him/her.
3Thoroughly check before buying Yellow Sapphire
Gemstone. Depends on the default in Yellow
Sapphire, it will cause wearer in the trouble.
4If Yellow Sapphire is milky, the wearer may
receive injury, if it has red dots, he/she may
lose wealth. If the Yellow Sapphire lacks luster
or is opaque, one may suffer from family problems.
5In case of it becoming cracked, it makes one
discover vulnerable to cheatings or theft. An
asymmetrical shape could trigger bad luck to a
6A defective Yellow Sapphire put wearer in a great
trouble. Consult with your astrologer before
wearing and test it for few days.
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