Title: Media Planning Advertising - Global Advertisers
1EMI Scheme Barter Deals Rotation Plans
Online and PR Support Constant Innovation
24X7 Service Support
2Media Planning Advertising - Global Advertisers
3Media Planning Advertising - Global Advertisers
You have a product/ service you believe in. You
have great offers to attract your customers and
you have even worked out the reason why y would
be preferred over those produced by competitors.
But you have very little cash to spend on
marketing. How do you take your product to the
customer/client? Well, easy. 1. Go for the
innovative barter offer available on Global
Advertisers' premium hoardings located at all
strategic locations in Mumbai. 2. All you have
to do is to decide a budget, 3. Discuss display
dates and sites with Global and pay the value of
the hoardings engaged by giving us your
product/service worth the value of the
deal. Visit www.globaladvertisers.in to know
more about outdoor advertising special packages.
For Booking, Call Now at 9820082849 / 9820797773.
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