Title: Gera Developments - Luxurious Villas and Apartments in Pune
1Gera Developments
Creators of Premium Residential and Commercial
Marketed by Amura
2Gera has successfully constructed and delivered
over 50 projects across Pune, Goa and Bangalore,
with close to 4 million sq. ft. of development.
Marketed by Amura
3Some 'firsts' that stand to our credit
5-Year Warranty on Real Estate- consisting
of Preventive Maintenance and Repairs- First time
in India India's first ChildCentricTM
project Insurance of buildings for 3 years
(prepaid) Pune's first intelligent building -
Gera Legend Common Business Center - Gera
Legend Separate Guest Room facility within the
project - Gera Riverside The first shopping
mall in Pune - Gera Plaza
Marketed by Amura
4Residential Projects by Gera in Pune
Gera's Song of Joy Kharadi,Pune
Gera's Affinia Baner,Pune
Isle Royale Bavdhan,Pune
Marketed by Amura
5Residential Projects by Gera in Pune
Trinity Towers Kharadi,Pune
Park View I Kharadi,Pune
GreensVille SkyVillas Bavdhan,Pune
6Contact Us Head Office Pune200, Gera Plaza,
Boat Club Road,Pune 411 001, India.Sales
91 20 2616 4000Fax 91 20 2616
3653Goa OfficeGera Developments Pvt.
LtdG-18, Gera's Imperium,Patto Plaza, Behind
Kadamba Bus Stand,Panjim 403 001,
GoaLandline 0832 - 2437123
Marketed by Amura