Title: Effective Ways to Identify Real Blue Sapphire
1Effective Ways To Choose Natural Blue Sapphire
Presented By- Bluesapphire.org.in
2The cut of the stone enhances the quality of blue
sapphire gemstone and make this stone used for
different purposes.
3Cut In Different Shapes
Round Cut
Marquise Cut
4Cushion Cut
Princess cut
5Heart Cut
Pear Cut
6Mixed Cut
Square Cut
8The colors of blue sapphire are greatly affected
by the presence of a quantity of Saturation, Hue
and intensity of color. The presence of hue,
saturation and intensity of blue generate
different colors ranging from dark blue to
midnight to soft blue.
9While purchasing a blue sapphire stone inspects
clarity of the stone. The clarity of blue
sapphire can be classified into various types.
10The Blue Sapphire stone is spotted in massive
sizes due to the fact that these stones are mined
from rocks so the size varies considerably. The
price of blue sapphire stone increases as per the
carat weight increases.
11Thank You
Resource- http//bluesapphire.org.in/4-effective-