Title: Divine Ophthalmology
1Divine Ophthalmology
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3- Short-sighted vision see life only as it now is
- Long-range vision see life as it will be
4The Question
- First occurrence 217
- Where is Gods justice in this wicked world?
- Second occurrence 313-15
- Why serve God when we see no reward for it?
5The Question
- But wait! 35,7
- So their real question Why bother obeying God
when injustice goes unpunished and righteousness
goes unrewarded?
6The Question
- Short-sighted vision excuses
- no big deal sins
- no one will ever know sins
- everybodys doing it sins
- sins of omission
7Gods Answer
- First answer (31-5)
- 31 I am about to send my two messengers of
judgment - 32 And it will be unbearable
- 33-4 My people will be refined
- 35 My enemies will be destroyed
8The Day of the Lord
- Is Imminent (1 Thess 52-3)
- Involves a series of events
- Rapture of the church
- 7 year tribulation
- Return of Christ in judgment
- Millennial Kingdom
- Great White Throne Judgment for the lost
- Eternity in Heaven for believers
9The Day of the Lord
- Is Imminent (1 Thess 52-3)
- Involves a series of events
- There is only one way to escape Gods wrath
John 524 Truly, truly, I say to you, he who
hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has
eternal life, and does not come into judgment,
but has passed out of death into life.
10Gods Answer
- Second answer (316 - 43)
- My reward is coming
2 Corinthians 59-10Therefore we also have as
our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be
pleasing to Him. For we must all appear before
the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may
be recompensed for his deeds in the body,
according to what he has done, whether good or
11Gods Answer
- Second answer (316 - 43)
- My reward is coming
1 Corinthians 313-15each mans work will
become evident for the day will show it because
it is to be revealed with fire, and the fire
itself will test the quality of each mans work.
If any mans work which he has built on it
remains, he will receive a reward. If any mans
work is burned up, he will suffer loss but he
himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.
12Gods Answer
- Second answer (316 - 43)
- My reward is coming
2 Corinthians 417-18For momentary, light
affliction is producing for us an eternal weight
of glory far beyond all comparison, while we look
not at the things which are seen, but at the
things which are not seen for the things which
are seen are temporal, but the things which are
not seen are eternal.
13Gods Application
- First 37-8
- Obey me in your giving
- Second 44
- Obey My law through Moses
14Gods Application
- For us
- Obey My law through Christ
- Reevaluate your actions in light of Christs
imminence - Live everyday in light of that Day
- Share the gospel like hell was at stake
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