2Our vision for healthcarework in progress
- To improve the health and well being of our
population - To ensure everyone can lead healthier lives with
high quality, safe and convenient treatment - To make the best use of all our resources
3The PCT will work with partners to
- Improve the health and wellbeing of all our
communities - Improve poor health by targeting inequalities
- Make the best possible use of resources
- Ensure that effective care is provided at the
right time and the right place - Provide a health system that keeps people well
- Ensure care is delivered as close to home as
possible - Prevent unnecessary hospital admissions
- Ensure patients care is organised from home to
hospital, through to discharge and followed up
smoothly and efficiently.
4Legacy Strategies
- Eastbourne Downs and Sussex Downs and Weald
- Encourage 20 to 10 care shift
- Promoting independence
- Chronic disease management
- Intermediate care
- Promoting self care
- Involving patients and the public
5Care pathways
- Birth
- Staying healthy
- Sudden severe illness
- Long term conditions
- Planned care
- End of life care
- (Examples include the Older Peoples strategy
pathways Mental Health including Learning
Disabilities Substance Misuse Diabetes
Orthopaedics Ophthalmology and Orthodontics
6Key questions (1)
- What are your views on the PCTs vision?
- Do you still agree with the strategies of the
legacy PCTs? - What do you think should be the PCTs priorities
for developing and improving services in relation
to the central patient pathways? - What issues should the PCT be considering as they
develop their strategy for the next three years?
7Key questions (2)
- Are there any significant gaps, in your view, in
the provision of health services provided by the
PCT? - How might these be tackled?
- What would you like the PCT to do differently in
the future?
8Thinking about the questions, it may help you to
- Consider the case for change
- Examine what is working well, and what isnt
- Look at particular conditions e.g. respiratory
disease or stroke - Look at alternative models of care, based on best
practice in the UK and nationally
9Thinking about the questions, it may help you to
- Look at the benefits of these alternative models,
for example in terms of patient experience,
access, quality and affordability - Consider what would support making change happen,
e.g. - Resource allocation
- Organisational models
- Incentives
- Information
10So far, these areas identified as priorities
- Stroke
- Trauma
- Diabetes
- End of life care
11The Planning Process (1)
12The Planning Process (2)
13Annual planning cycle. PCT ASC
Boards PECs approve strategies
External stakeholder involvement
PBC plans developed
LDP finalised
(Commissioning strategies consultation (one off
LDP development
Staff and stakeholder launch events
Draft strategies produced
Business Plan finalised
Business planning workshops
Road shows
Internal process
Publish three-year plan update
Members briefing 2007
Final draft of three-year plan update
Annual business plan
Stakeholder staff workshops
SMT work up outcome of workshops to inform LDP
Involve staff in three-year plan update
Gather in feedback from local views map key
Review progress of three-year plan
Involve stakeholders in three-year plan update
PPI and partner engagement process established
Gather local views on priorities from staff,
partners and stakeholders
14Have your say
- Email lisa.compton_at_esdwpct.nhs.uk
- Complete the questionnaire and return to Lesley
Parris - East Sussex Downs and Weald PCT
- 36-38 Friars Walk
- Lewes
- BN7 2PB
- By 31 August