Title: Adobe PageMaker
1Adobe PageMaker
- For Beginners
- A Tutorial for
- English 3743
2Quick Guidelines
- DO use PageMaker to lay out documents that need
to look professional. It is a powerful tool for
placing text and graphics.
- DO NOT think of PageMaker as a fancy word
processor. Its not. Word-process your documents
first then, place them into PageMaker after you
have designed the template of your document.
3Adobe PageMaker
- Preparing a Word-Processed Document for Use in
4Preparing a Document
- Using the find/replace function in Word, replace
the following
- straight quotes (single and double) with curly
- two spaces after periods with one space
- double hyphens (--) with em dashes ()
- Single hyphens in number or date ranges (e.g.,
January-March) with an en dash ()
5Adobe PageMaker
- Setting Up a New
- PageMaker Document
6Setting Up a New Document
- Open PageMaker.
- Select File New.
- Adjust the layout of the pages as follows 8 ½ x
11, double sided, facing pages, tall
- Click OK.
- (See diagram on the next slide.)
7Setting Up a New Document
Styles/Colors palette
Paper size/Dimensions
Be sure to choose the printer you will ultimately
be printing your document out on.
8Setting Up a New Document
- Click on the master-page thumbnail (the tiny
boxes with L and R) in the bottom left corner to
edit master pages.
- Items you add to the master pages will appear on
each page in the document (unless you change
those settings on an individual page).
- (See diagram on the next slide.)
9Setting Up a New Document
vertical ruler
Click on this number to go to the corresponding
page of your document.
Click on this icon to go to the master pages.
10Setting Up a New Document
- Go to Layout Column Guides. Type 3 in the
columns option. (When you design your own
newsletter, you may choose a different number of
columns.) - Select Set left and right pages separately if
you will have different information on the left
and right pages (e.g., you will have the header
left justified on the left page and right
justified on the right). - Click OK.
11Setting Up a New Document
- Guidelines are a helpful tool for lining up
elements in your document. If you have elements
that will appear on every page, you may wish to
add guidelines to help you keep these elements in
place. - To add a horizontal guideline, click on the top
ruler and drag the light blue line to the desired
location in your document.
- To add a vertical guideline, click on the left
ruler and drag the line to the desired location.
- (See the diagram on the next slide.)
12Setting Up a New Document
The arrows indicate the guidelines.
13Setting Up a New Document
- To add text elements, such as headers or page
numbers, to your master pages, follow these
14Setting Up a New Document
15Setting Up a New Document
- To add page numbers to your master pages,
position the cursor where you want the page
numbers and click Ctrl-Alt-P. On the left page
you will get the symbol LM on the right, the
symbol is RM.
16Setting Up a New Document
- If you click on the Pointer tool on the toolbox
(see right), you can highlight and edit objects
in the document.
- Try this Click on one of the text objects you
typed. A long box appears around the item. You
can adjust the size of this box by clicking and
dragging the handles (little boxes at the
corners and in the middle of the sides of
objects). You can adjust the position of the box
by clicking and dragging it.
17Setting Up a New Document
- Remember to save your document often!
- If you are using the template I created for the
practice newsletter, remember to save it with a
different filename onto your own disk.
- Get ready to start placing your text and graphics
into the newsletter template!
18Adobe PageMaker
- Inserting Word-processed Text Into a PageMaker
19Inserting Text Into Your Document
- First, you may wish to add a frame for your
newsletters title and header info. To do so,
click on the Empty Frame tool on the toolbar. See
the diagram. - Click and drag the cursor to size the frame as
you see fit. You can use the guidelines to help
align the frame.
empty frame
Empty Frame tool
20Inserting Text Into Your Document
- To add text to the empty frame, first click on
the Text tool.
- Begin typing inside the frame. To change Text
properties, click on the Control Palette and make
necessary changes.
Headline text in Trebuchet
Text tool
Control Palette
21Inserting Text Into Your Document
- To control how text in the newsletter will flow
around this frame, first select the Pointer tool
and click on the frame.
- Click Element Text wrap. Choose the style of
text wrapping you want by clicking an icon on
each of the two lines.
- Click OK.
Wrap option (how text wrapswhether around or
through the frame)
Text flow (position of text in relation to frame)
22Inserting Text Into Your Document
- First, go to Layout Autoflow. Make sure there
is a checkmark beside Autoflow. This feature
ensures that text that fills one page will
auto-matically flow onto the next page.
23Inserting Text Into Your Document
- PageMaker gives you two ways to insert text into
a document Place and copy/paste. We will use the
copy/paste method for now.
- Open your word-processed document and highlight
the text you wish to put into PageMaker. Click
Copy on the toolbar.
- In PageMaker, insert the cursor where you want to
paste text. Go to Edit Paste.
Position the text cursor in the document and
click Paste.
Pasted text goes into one column, which you can
then adjust.
24Inserting Text Into Your Document
- Look at the diagram at rightnotice the little
handle at the bottom of the text frame? Thats a
- Click and drag the windowshade until the text
frames bottom border is on the pink line. The
windowshade should still be red.
These windowshades are the key to moving
overflowed text.
25Inserting Text Into Your Document
- Now, click on the windowshade again, but dont
drag. When you click on it, the cursor should
look something like this
- Move the cursor to the very top left corner of
the next column and click to place the rest of
the text.
I pasted my text here. With Autoflow on, text
flowed automatically into subsequent columns.
26Inserting Text Into Your Document
- Using the Styles palette, you can apply a preset
style to text.
- For example, if you want a headline to stand out,
highlight the text (using the Text tool) and
click Headline on the Styles menu.
This is the Styles palette. I imported some basic
styles into your template for you to try out.
27Adobe PageMaker
- Inserting Graphics Into a PageMaker Document
28Inserting Graphics Into Your Document
- PageMaker allows you two ways of inserting
graphics into a document Place and copy/paste.
We will use Place.
- At left is the Place command. Go to File Place
and select the graphic file you wish to place.
This file will be imported as an independent
graphic. The window gives other information about
the graphic, such as its size and file type.
29Inserting Graphics Into Your Document
- Placing a graphic as an independent graphic
means that it is not inline with text. The
advantage is that you can adjust the text wrap
properties for the frame containing the graphic.
- An inline graphic will move with the text around
it this can be useful if a graphic is relevant
to the text right beside it.
A placed graphic will be full sized to begin
with. To resize it while keeping aspect ratio
intact, hold the Shift key down and use one of
the corner handles to shrink the graphic.
The cursor will look like this when you place a
30Inserting Graphics Into Your Document
- As weve learned, independent graphics are useful
because we can adjust the way text flows around
- To adjust text flow around a graphic, click on
the graphic.
- Right click the graphic and select Text wrap.
Note how the graphic sits over the text,
obscuring it.
31Inserting Graphics Into Your Document
- Select a wrap option and a text flow option.
Adjust standoff (how far text sits from the
graphic) if desired. Click OK.
I want text to flow only above and below the
graphic, not on either side of it.
32Inserting Graphics Into Your Document
- Note how text flows above and beneath the
graphic, instead of being obscured by it.
- Note also the dotted border around the graphics
actual border this border represents the
standoff. You can adjust that border by clicking
and dragging its handles.
33Inserting Graphics Into Your Document
- A good way to add captions to pictures is to draw
a small, empty frame at the bottom, and then
enter the caption text. Look for a Caption Style
in the Styles dropdown menu.
I dragged the bottom standoff border down a
little bit to allow more room for the captions
empty frame.
34Inserting Graphics Into Your Document
- Heres a sample Page One of a quick newsletter I
put together.
A Table of Contents is a neat idea. I used the
Indents/Tabs function to set tabs with dot
35Adobe PageMaker
- Now that you have the basics from our Crash
Course, use them until you feel comfortable with
what PageMaker can do. When you have mastered
these essential functions, you will be ready to
try some more advanced techniques. However, for
the purposes of 3743, knowing these basics is