Title: A New Day For Oral Health In Virginia
1 A New Day For Oral Health In Virginia
Spring 2008 Provider Training Seminars April 29
30, 2008
- Welcome and Introductions
- Review of Teleconference Instructions
- Retrospective Utilization Review and Audit
Process - Treating Special Needs Enrollees
- National Provider Identifier (NPI)
- Aged Claims and Timely Filing
- News and Updates
- Check and Remittance Printing
- Q A
3Training Objectives
- Provide insight into the importance of
retrospective utilization review and its
financial impact on the SFC program. - Familiarize providers with available tools and
resources for treating enrollees with special
needs. - Assist providers in understanding the
requirements for conducting business with the SFC
program as it relates to the NPI. - Present updates regarding the latest changes to
the program.
4Retrospective Utilization Review andAudit
5Utilization Review Goal
- Ensure the oral health of members
- Ensure members, the Commonwealth and taxpayers
are protected from inappropriate use of limited
Federal and State funds - Ensure limited resources are utilized for
medically necessary treatment that meets the
accepted standard of care.
6Utilization Review Triggers
- Variance of code usage compared to peers within
the market - Multiple surface restorations
- Utilization of single surface posterior
composites compared to utilization of sealants - Age appropriate code usage
- Number of services per member on a single date of
service - Multiple services in multiple quadrants on the
same date of service
7Sample of Utilization Review Reports
- Benchmark Report
- Standard Deviation Report
8Benchmark Report
9Standard Deviation Report
10Audit Process
- Member specific documentation request is mailed
to the provider. - Documentation requested includes, but is not
limited too - Treatment notes
- Treatment plan
- Medical History
- Signed Consent
- Diagnostic Quality Radiographs
- Minimum request will be for 10 identified members
- Fed-Ex overnight envelope will be included
- Due date will be three weeks from date of letter
11Audit Process (cont)
- Clinical staff review all submitted
documentation. - Dorals Dental Director will make all clinical
decisions. - Audit Results will direct the next steps in the
process. These steps may include, but are not
limited too - Behavior Modification Letter
- Re-audit
- Recoupment
- Review by Doral USA Peer Review Committee
- Review by Dorals Virginia Peer Review Committee
- Referral to the Department of Medical Assistance
Services (DMAS) - Referral to the appropriate Government agency
with DMAS approval - Recommendation to DMAS for Termination from the
12Reasons for Possible Actions
- Upcoding
- Overstatement of services
- Documentation does not support medical necessity
of billed service - Inappropriate use of American Dental Association
CDT-2007/2008 code - Billing for services not supported in
documentation - Unbundling of services
- Quality of care
13Guidelines forUtilization Review Decisions
- Clinical criteria as published in the VA SFC
Office Reference Manual - American Dental Association Current Dental
Terminology 2007/2008 - Recommendations of the following associations
- American Dental Association (ADA)
- American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD)
- American Academy of Periodontics (AAP)
- American Academy of Oral Maxillofacial Surgeons
15Developmental Disabilities and Oral Health
- More than 955,626 Virginians are living with one
or more disabilities. - This represents 14 of the population.
16 Developmental Disabilities and Oral Health
- To achieve and maintain good oral health, people
with mild or moderate developmental disabilities
often require a special approach to dental care. - With some adaptation of the skills dental
professionals use every day, most people with
special needs can be treated successfully in the
general practice setting.
17Developmental Disabilities and Oral Health
- The series of publications, Practical Oral Care
for People With Developmental Disabilities,
equips dental professionals in the community with
the basic information needed to deliver quality
oral health care to people with special needs. - The publications present an overview of physical,
mental, and behavioral challenges common in
patients with autism, Down syndrome, cerebral
palsy, and mental retardation and offer
strategies for providing oral care. - Also available is a guide for caregivers that
explains home-based oral hygiene for the family
member or client with special needs and a
publication on safe wheelchair transfer.
18Free CEUs 2 Credit Hours
- A two-credit-hour continuing education test for
dentists and dental hygienists completes the
series. - To receive two hours of continuing education
credit, you must successfully complete the test
provided by the National Institute of Dental and
Craniofacial Research (NIDCR). - You will be able to print a certificate of
completion to submit to the State dental board
and/or keep on file. - There is no fee for this continuing education
activity. - For more information, please refer to your
training material packet or visit - http//www.nidcr.nih.gov/HealthInformation/Diseas
20National Provider Identifier (NPI)
- Providers should continue to prepare for
transition to use of the NPI and full NPI
Compliance effective May 23, 2008. - Effective April 1, 2008, Doral began requiring
NPI, National Provider Identification Number, on
electronic and paper transactions. - Claims submitted without an NPI number are
denied. - On May 1, 2008, the automated voice response
system will require that you enter your NPI and
the last four digits of your Tax Identification
Number or your User Identification Number,
previously referred to as Location Identification
Number and the last four digits of your Tax
Identification Number.
21How Many NPIs are Needed?
- Doral requires
- Each provider to have a Type 1 (Individual) NPI
number. - Every organization to have a Type 2
(Organization) NPI number - Organization health care providers are
corporations or partnerships or other types of
businesses that are considered separate from an
individual by the State in which they exist.
22Use of NPI on ADA Claim Forms
- 2006 ADA Claim Form
- Providers are encouraged to use the 2006 ADA
form. - Field 49 on the 2006 ADA Claim Form
- A Type 2 NPI is entered when the claim is being
submitted by an incorporated individual, group or
similar legally recognized entity. - Unincorporated practices may enter the individual
practitioners Type 1 NPI. - Field 54 on the 2006 ADA Claim Form
- Enter the treating dentists Type 1 Individual
Provider NPI.
24Aged Claims and Timely Filing
- Please remember to review your aged claims on a
regular basis. - Timely bookkeeping is important and may prevent
claims from being denied due to untimely filing - Providers should follow-up with Doral regarding
any claims outstanding greater than 45 days - All initial claims for payment must be received
by Doral within 180 days from the date of service - Claim status can be checked by
- Reviewing your printed remittance statements, or
- Visiting Dorals website
- www.doralusa.com
- Or
- by calling Doral at
- 1-888-912-3456
26Check and Remittance Printing
- During the month of May, your remittances will
have a new appearance. - Doral will manage the printing and mailing of its
provider checks and remittances through a
specialized vendor Cathedral Corporation. - Cathedral Corporation uses state-of-the-art
printing techniques that will produce a quality,
easy-to-read product. - There is no change to the claims process. The
claims payment cycle will remain the same.
27Contact Information
- Doral Smiles For Children Staff
- Cheryl Harris
- Project Director
- Direct Line (804) 217-8344
- Fax (804) 217-8348
- Email cpharris_at_doralusa.com
- Bridget Hengle
- Provider Relations Representative
- Direct Line (804) 217-8392
- Fax (804) 217-8349
- Email bhengle_at_doralusa.com
- Kristen Gilliam
- Outreach Coordinator
- Direct Line (804) 935-8589
- Fax (804) 217-8350
- Email kfgilliam_at_doralusa.com
- DMAS Smiles For Children Staff
- Sandra Brown, MSW
- Dental Program Manager
- Direct Line (804) 786-1567
- Fax (804) 786-5799
- Email sandra.brown_at_dmas.virginia.gov
- Lisa Bilik
- Dental Contract Monitor
- Direct Line (804) 786-7956
- Fax (804) 786-5799
- Email lisa.bilik_at_dmas.virginia.gov
- Dr. Marjorie Chema
- Dental Consultant
- Direct Line (804) 786-6635
- Fax (804) 786-5799
- Email marjorie.chema_at_dmas.virginia.gov
28Thank You!