Title: Developing and Assessing Students
1Developing and Assessing Students Research
Skills in the CurriculumA seminar for the
Faculty of Business and Economics,Monash
2 Australian Learning and Teaching Council
Dr John Willison Centre for Learning and
Professional Development University of Adelaide
- Analyse collaboratively, and draw own conclusions
about, the Research Skill Development (RSD)
framework. - Examine examples from Business and disciplines
that have used wikis - Apply the RSD to a context of relevance
3Disciplines Involved in Trialling RSD
- Business (Melbourne and Monash)
- Dentistry/ Oral Health, Electronic Engineering,
Introduction to Academic Learning for
International Students, Medical Science, Nursing,
Petroleum Engineering (Uni of Adelaide) - Psychology (Macquarie)
- Introduction to Tertiary Learning (University of
South Australia) - Impending Chemical Engineering and Computing
Science - In train VU (Engineering), QUT, USQ (Multiple)
4Why Research Skill Development (RSD) in the
- Undergraduate research experiences are claimed to
increase student motivation, satisfaction,
understanding of content, progression to, and
completion of HDR, and to reduce attrition and
plagiarism. - But
- Without modeling the practice of at a
higher level of thinking, students continue to
practice investigative .. at the introductory
level, even though their exposure to
content is considerably richer with each
course they take. - (Chaplin, 2003 p.238)
5Research Skill Development in Curriculum Design
and Assessment
- In 12 Disciplines so far, changes that lectures
have made are small - Lecturers take existing assessment, and rework
the marking criteria according to the RSD - Use analogous criteria eg Oral Health used
Business - Some missing facets e.g. evaluate, are
incorporated - Diagnostic Assessments have been changed or
added - Otherwise, the nature of assessments is unchanged
- The focus of the course is either renewed or
clarified - Explicit nature of RSD changes curriculum
6Research Skill Development Framework
Students A. Embark, determining need for
knowledge B. Find/generate C. Critically evaluate
D. Organise information E. Synthesise, analyse,
apply F. Communicate
7(No Transcript)
8Assessments Based on the RSD framework In
Business Courses (see pages 58-61 of RSD
9(No Transcript)
10RSD Framework
- Provides the Big Picture and relates this to the
assessment details for course coordinators,
lecturers, tutors, and especially students - Informs assessment-first curriculum redesign
- Same facets for multiple assessments, various
levels - Explicit Transparent assessment criteria
- Coherent Incremental skill development
- Revisited (potentially) Cyclic Conceptual
- Bloom, B., Engelhardt, M.D., Furst, E.J., Hill,
W.H., Krathwohl, D.R (1956). Taxonomy of
Educational Objectives, NewYork David McKay
Company. - Australian and New Zealand Institute of
Information Literacy (2004). Australian and New
Zealand Information Literacy Framework
Principles, standards and practice (2nd Edition).
Retrieved from http//www.caul.edu.au/info-literac
y/InfoLiteracyFramework.pdf on 15/4/08. - Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for
the behavioral sciences (2nd edition). Hillsdale,
NJ Erlbaum. - Chaplin, S.B. (2003). Guided development of
independent inquiry in an anatomy/physiology
laboratory. Advanced Physiology Education 27
230-240, 2003 - Willison, J.W. ORegan, K. (2007). Commonly
known, commonly not known, totally unknown A
framework for students becoming researchers.
Higher Education Research and Development 26 (4).
Web Site www.adelaide.edu.au/clpd/rsd Lot
s of downloadable RSD examples are available here.
12Acknowledgement Support for this activity has
been provided by The Australian Learning and
Teaching Council, an initiative of the Australian
Government Department of Education, Science and
Training. The views expressed in this activity
do not necessarily reflect the views of
Australian Learning and Teaching
Council. Application of RSD slides were
provided by Dr Mario Ricci and Dr Eleanor Peirce,
University of Adelaide For more Information
or to discuss ideas further, contact
John john.willison_at_adelaide.edu.au 08 8303
13r 0.57
14Correlations between RSD Assessments 2005-2007
15Correlations between RSD Assessments 2005-2007
16Correlations between RSD and pre-RSD Assessments
17Facets associated with research processes
- In researching, students
- embark on an inquiry and so determine a need for
knowledge/understanding - find/generate needed information/data using
appropriate methodology - critically evaluate information/data and the
process to find/generate - organise information collected/generated
- synthesise and analyse and apply new knowledge
- communicate knowledge and the processes used to
generate it, with an awareness of ethical, social
and cultural issues. - (Willison ORegan, 2007 based on Bundy,
18Levels of Student Autonomy
- Level I
- Students research at the level of a closed
inquiry and require a high degree of
Facets of research inquiry A. Students embark on
inquiry and so determine a need for knowledge/
understanding B. Students
find/generate needed information
C. Students critically evaluate
information /data and the process to
find/generate D. Student organise information
collected/generated E. Students synthesise and
analyse and apply new knowledge F. Students
communicate knowledge and understanding and the
process used to generate them.
- Appropriately identifies key ideas from 1
source. When using 2 or more sources, identifies
some peripheral or duplicated ideas as key - Significance of the paper is stated, but not
based on leads from, or gaps in, the literature - http//www.adelaide.edu.au/clpd/rsd/cells/a/a1.htm
19Levels of Student Autonomy
Level II Students
research at the level of a closed inquiry
and requires structure
Facets of research inquiry A. Students embark on
inquiry and so determine a need for knowledge/
understanding B. Students
find/generate needed information
C. Students critically evaluate
information /data and the process to
find/generate D. Student organise information
collected/generated E. Students synthesise and
analyse and apply new knowledge F. Students
communicate knowledge and understanding and the
process used to generate them.
- Identifies key ideas across several sources
- Significance of the paper is stated explicitly
and is based on leads from, or gaps in, a limited
number of references - http//www.adelaide.edu.au/clpd/rsd/cells/a/a2.htm
20Levels of Student Autonomy
III Students research independently at the
level of a closed inquiry
Facets of research inquiry A. Students embark on
inquiry and so determine a need for knowledge/
understanding B. Students
find/generate needed information
C. Students critically evaluate
information /data and the process to
find/generate D. Student organise information
collected/generated E. Students synthesise and
analyse and apply new knowledge F. Students
communicate knowledge and understanding and the
process used to generate them
- Significance of the paper is clearly stated and
based on leads from, or gaps in, a substantial
number of sources - http//www.adelaide.edu.au/clpd/rsd/cells/a/a3.htm
21Levels of Student Autonomy
Facets of research inquiry A. Students embark on
inquiry and so determine a need for knowledge/
understanding B. Students
find/generate needed information
C. Students critically evaluate
information /data and the process to
find/generate D. Student organise information
collected/generated E. Students synthesise and
analyse and apply new knowledge F. Students
communicate knowledge and understanding and the
process used to generate them
Level IV Students research at the level of an
open enquiry within structured guidelines
- Aims/hypothesis clear, focussed and innovative
- http//www.adelaide.edu.au/clpd/rsd/cells/a/a4.htm
22Levels of Student Autonomy
Facets of research inquiry A. Students embark on
inquiry and so determine a need for knowledge/
understanding B. Students
find/generate needed information
C. Students critically evaluate
information /data and the process to
find/generate D. Student organise information
collected/generated E. Students synthesise and
analyse and apply new knowledge F. Students
communicate knowledge and understanding and the
process used to generate them
Level V Students research at the level of an
open inquiry within self-determined guidelines
23Locating the Development and Assessment of
Students Research Skills in the CurriculumA
workshop for the Faculty of Business and
Economics,Monash University
2 Australian Learning and Teaching Council
Dr John Willison Centre for Learning and
Professional Development University of Adelaide
24Workshop Objectives
- Develop collaboratively a plan of action for
Research Skill Development in a specific course - Or
- Develop specific marking criteria for a
particular assessment task - Or
- Another RSD-based possibility that has come to