Title: Gastrointestinal Issues in the Child with Neurodevelopment Delay
1Gastrointestinal Issues in the Child with
Neurodevelopment Delay
- Robert Issenman
- McMaster University and
- McMaster Childrens Hospital
- Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
- Funded Lectures
- Canadian Paediatric Society
- American Academy of Paediatrics
- Astra Pharmaceuticals
- Abbott Laboratories
- Funded Research
- Abbott
- Centocor
- Advisory Boards
- Childrens Digestive Health Foundation Scientific
Advisory Board
3Gastrointestinal Issues
- Feeding and swallowing
- Gastroesophageal Reflux
- Dysmotility
- Over and under nutrition
- Elimination
- Feeding Disorders are present in
- 25-45 normal children
(Shapiro 1986, Boyle 1991,Reilly 1996) - 89 of children with developmental delay
(Motion 2002) - Sorting out variation in normal from abnormal is
particularly difficult as - Eating is highly charged in healthy children and
families with children with failed feelings bring
a lot of feelings of guilt and failure (Rudolph)
5Normal Feeding Swallowing and Gastric Retention
Depends Upon
- The brain-gut axis
- Children with developmental abnormality are at
risk of impaired feeding and swallowing as well
as reflux and GI dysmotility because of impaired - Proprioception
- Normal Muscle Function
- Coordination
6Feeding and Swallowing
- Neuromuscular control of eating
- Involves 26 muscles
- The pattern of contraction must be exquisitely
organized - Feeding and swallowing difficulties may be the
presenting symptom in children with disordered
7Feeding the Neurologically Disabled
- Children are unable to communicate
- Food preferences
- Hunger
- Satiety
- Caretakers often
- Overestimate the childs dietary energy intake
- Underestimate the time to feed the child
8Feeding Difficulties in CP
- Feeding problems occur in 40-50 of CP
- Poor suck (58) and difficulty breastfeeding
- Difficulty swallowing (38)
- Difficulties introducing solid foods
- Gagging and choking with feeds
- Feeding difficulties antecede diagnosis in 60
9Children with CP
- As much of 50 of food may be lost due to lower
nutrient intake resulting from - Poor hand to mouth coordination
- Excessive spillage
- Inadequate lip closure
- Drooling
- Persistent extrusion reflex
- Tongue thrust preventing swallowing
10Children with CP have Different Energy Needs than
other children
- These children have lower height for age and
lower weight for age - The 50 for CP children is the 10th ile on
charts of the NCHS growth charts - They have lower resting energy expenditure
- These differences increase with increasing age
- Neurological disease may depress linear growth
even in the absence of malnutrition
11Appetite and SatietyThe principle of caloric
- Healthy infants eat to a caloric set point
the appetite centre in the lateral hypothalamus - Children with CP may have lower resting energy
expenditure - Concentrated formula dulls appetite and induces
feeding resistance
- Growth Charts
- Weight for height (BMI)
- Anthropomorphic measurement
- Subcutaneous skin folds
- Bone Age
13Growth Charts An Essential Pediatric Tool
14The Use and Misuse of Growth Charts
- Growth charts represent cross sectional data on
hundreds of infants - These growth charts are based on white american
children - Charts may not be appropriate for others
- Real infants grow in fits and spurts
15Seasonality of Growth
- Canadian children grow
- Faster in summer
- Slower in winter
- Slower with repeated intercurrent illness
- Slower on first exposure to groups of other
16Big Mother Small Father- Catch Down Growth
- Birth weight reflects mothers weight
- Infant born to big mother and small father will
adjust growth between the 6th and 18th month
17Overfeeding the Small Child
- A constitutionally small child will grow at the
3rd percentile or below you cant feed them out
of this - Many disabled children are constitutionally small
- Overfeeding will result in feeding resistance and
18New CDC Growth Charts
- Mostly based on NHANES data
- Correct some of the previous problems
- Available at www.cdc.gov/growthcharts
- Palm Pilot Growth Chart Calculator developed
Andrew S. Chen - www.statcoder.com\
- Calculates BMI and growth deficit as z scores
19The Feeding and Swallowing (FAST) Team
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech and Language
- Nutrition
- Social Work
- Pediatric GI/ Nutrition MD
- Pediatric Surgeon
- Dentist
- Radiologist
20Clinical Approach Rudolph
- Medical History
- Developmental history
- Transition of normal milestone
- Temporal relation to medical surgical problems
- Symptoms of GERD
- Airway breathing problems
- Hx of recurrent pneumonias
- Neurological disease
- Infant Feeding Observation
- Vigorous or weak suck
- Efficiency of suck swallow breathing
- Cough gag
- Lethargy
- Duration of feeding
- Parent Child Interaction
21Laboratory Assessment
- CBC and diff
- Protein/Albumin
- Calcium/Phosphate/Alkaline Phosphatase
- Urea/Creatinine/Electrolytes
- Ferritin, Zinc
- Urine analysis
22Radiological and Endoscopic Studies
- Investigation
- Chest X-ray
- Abdominal plain film
- Upper GI
- Video Flouroscopy
- 24 Hr pH
- Upper Endoscopy
- Indication
- Chronic lung disease
- Chronic constipation
- Reflux,Dysmotility
- Swallowing dysfunction
- Reflux
- Esophagitis
23Video fluoroscopy (VFSS)
- A feeding study done in collaboration between
OT/Speech Path and Radiologist - Administration of formula/food of graded
consistency - Simultaneous clinical assessment and video
fluoroscopy - High correlation with clinical assessment for
liquids but not solids - DeMatteo, Madovitch,Hjartarson A, CaseP
24Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology (In
- A Comparison of Clinical And Videofluoroscopic
Evaluation of Children with Feeding and
Swallowing DifficultiesCarol DeMatteo, Dip POT,
M.Sc. - Diana Matovich, B.HSc.OT
- Aune Hjartarson, B.HSc.OT
- Trish Case, B.HSc.OT
25Clinical Implications
- VFSS remains the best test to determine the
presence of aspiration and penetration but it may
not always be needed as part of a swallowing
assessment. - Experienced therapists are very accurate in
their detection of fluid aspiration and
penetration - They are not very accurate in the detection of
solid aspiration
26Clinical Implications continued
- Experienced therapists should use their
uncertainty about the presence or absence of
penetration or aspiration as an indicator that
VFSS is required - Cough is the best predictor of fluid aspiration
and penetration - Cough does not seem to predict solid aspiration
27Good Indications for VFSS
- To determine presence of aspiration.
- Query re safety of different texture.
- To provide concrete evidence of paralysis or
in-coordination unexplained by clinical evidence. - To assess progress and readiness in known
aspiration cases.
28Nutritional Therapeutics Tools of the Trade
- Foods and formulae
- Feeding Tubes
- Gastrostomy/Jejunostomy
- Total Parenteral Nutrition
29Special Formulae
- Nutritional Components
- Fat
- Protein
- Carbohydrate
- Vitamins/Minerals
- Non Nutritive Components
- Fluid
- Fibre
30Protein Choice Usually Drives the Choice of
- Food
- Single source
- Polypeptides
- Hydrolysates
- Casein hydrolysates
- Whey hydrolysates
- Amino Acids
31Other Ingredients
- Carbohydrate
- Contribute most of the osmotic load
- Lactose intolerance 2o bacterial overgrowth
- Starches/glucose polymers osmotic load
- Fat
- Lower fat gastric emptying
- Fibre
- Helps dysmotility
32Feeding the Disabled -Principles
- Most disabled children will thrive on regular
foods modified for ease of delivery - Children should be fed the simplest (least
expensive) food or formula - Protein hydrolysates may be used to facilitate
gastric emptying - Amino Acid formulae reserved for patients with
severe allergy or malabsorption
33Modular Components
- Formula may be tailored to the individual with
the addition of modular components - Fat - Microlipid
- Carbohydrate - Polycose
- Protein Pro-Mod , Casec
34Concentrating FormulaA Nutritional Charade
- The stomach brings all foods to iso-osmolarity
based on the number of molecules in the feed - Low volume concentrated feeds take the same
gastric volume as higher volume normal feeds - Concentrated formula should be prescribed for
cause - Fluid restriction in cardiac or renal disease
- Gastric Volume Limitation premature, SGA
- Susceptibility to reflux?
35Tube Feeding
- When the infant or child
- Can not swallow
- Will not swallow
- Is seriously not maintaining weight
- Is not growing
- To bypass the stomach
- To establish a diagnosis
36Dangers of Enteric Feeding
- Enteric feeding tubes, gastrostomy and
jejunostomy tubes provide the illusion of control
- Excessive feeding beyond the set point will
produce reflux and /or vomiting - Problems may worsen when none networked
community nutritional services set a normal
weight target for the child
37GI Reflux in Children with Developmental Delay
- Up to 75 of children with developmental delay
have evidence of gastroesophageal reflux
38 Gastroesophageal Reflux
- Reflux - Regurgitation of gastric contents into
the esophagus with or without vomiting - Simple Reflux- The absence of complications and a
healthy growing infant - Regurgitation - effortless oral dribbling
- Vomiting-forceful expulsion from the mouth
- GERD - Gastroesophageal reflux disease
39Factors Contributing to Reflux
- Transient LES post prandrial relaxation
- Gravitational clearance
- Decreased peristaltic clearance
- Slow gastric emptying
- Proprioception - developmental factors effect
receptors in the greater curve - Reflects neurological integration
40Gastric Emptying and Reflux
- Gastric emptying is effected by
- Volume/ consistency of feeding
- Fat content/ protein composition
- Temperature of the meal
- Effective esophageal clearance and gastric
emptying requires coordination - Stress (physical or emotional) delays gastric
41Progression to Pathologic Reflux
- The Vicious Cycle of GERD
- regional blood flow and local prostaglandin
content leads to mucosal permeability,
susceptibility to
inflammation - inflammation impairs LES function
- impaired LES function reflux
42Developmental and Genetic Associated with GI
- Adrenal Genital Syndromes
- Fetal Alcohol
- Williamss Syndrome
- Turners Syndrome
- Praeder Willy
- Fragile X
- Cornelia De Lange
- Trisomy
43Available GI Investigations
- Over the counter antacids
- Algicinate acid buffers (high aluminum content)
- Intestinal prokinetics
- Erythromycin (Inconsistent response)
- Metaclopramide (extrapyramidal side effects)
- Domperidone (Pediatric data - poor)
- Cisapride (Arrythmias- Special access only)
- Systemic Antacids
- H2 antagonists and acid blockers (esophagitis)
45Proton Pump Inhibitors
- Omeprazole, lansoprazol, pantoprazol,esoprazol
- Very effective for acid suppresssion
- Variable PPI dosing in erosive esophagitis in
children - omeprazole Hassal et al. - 50 respond to 0.6 mg/kg
- 25 respond to 0.9 mg/kg
- 25 respond to 1.2 mg/kg
- Doses as high as 3.5 mg/kg have been used
- Lansoprazol omeprazole 1.5mg 1.0 mg
46Constipation - definition
- Hard stool.
- Pain with passage of stool
- Ineffective evacuation
- Failure to pass 3 stools/week
- Intestinal Transit times
1-3 M 8.5 h 4-24 M 16 h 3-13 Y 26 h After
puberty 30-48 h
47The Brain Gut Axis and Constipation
- The neuroenteric nervous system has more nerves
than the spinal cord - There is continual cross talk between the gut
and brain. The Brain Gut Axis - There is an inverse correlation between age no.
of high amplitudes propagated contractions before
after a meal. - Children with developmental delay have impaired
motility and are prone to constipation
48Organic Causes of Constipation
- Anatomic
- Anal stenos.
- Imperforated anus.
- Anterior displaced anus.
- Sacral teratoma.
- 2) Metabolic Gastrointestinal
- Hypothyroidism.
- Hypocalcemia.
- Hypokalemia.
- Cystic fibrosis.
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Neurologic
- Hirschsprungs disease.
- Spinal cord dysplasia/hypotonia syndromes.
- Visceral myopathies Neuropathies .
- Abnormal Abdominal Musculature
- Prune belly.
- Down syndrome.
- Autoimmune
- Scleroderma
49Other causes
- Antacids (Aluminum Antacids)
- Antispasmotics
- Narcotics (Codeine).
- Phenobarbital.
- Iron.
- 7) Others
- Peri-anal Strep Cellulitis
- Lead poisoning.
- Botulism
50Laxatives- Tools of the Trade
- Osmotic agents
- Magnesium citrate
- Lactulose
- Polyethylene Glycol PEG Solutions
- Lubricants Mineral Oil, Lansoyl
- Stool softeners - Docusate sodium
- Bulking agents - Psyllium
- Stimulants Senna, Biscodyl
51The Ins and Outs of Fibre
- Soluble Fibre
- Pectins and guar gums
- Found in most fruits and vegetables
- Lower glycemic index/bind cholesterol
- Insoluble Fibre
- Cellulose and Hemi-cellulose
- Retain water and treat constipation
- Canadian Paediatric Society. Undernutrition in
children with neurodevelopmental disability.
Ottawa 1994. www.cps.ca/english/statements/N/n94-0
4.htm - Gremse D. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in
Children An Overview of Pathophysiology,
Diagnosis and Treatment, Journal of Pediatric
Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2002 35 (Supp 4)
S297-299 - North American Society for Pediatric
Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition.
Pediatric Gastroesophageal Reflux Clinical
Practice Guideline. Journal of Pediatric
Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2001 32 (Supp 2)
1-31. www.naspghan.org.
53References - Continued
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- Persad R. Issenman RM. Bringing Up GERD in
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and children. Pediatr Clin North Am
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in the Disabled Pediatric Patient. Clinical
Nutrition Rounds 200332
55References - Continued
- Rudolph CD, Mazur LJ, Liptak GS et. al.
Guidelines for evaluation and treatment of
gastroesophageal reflux in infants and children
recommendations of the North American Society
for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. J
Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2001 32 Suppl. 2,
S1-31 - Nelson SP, Chen EH, Syniar GM, Christofel KK. One
year followup of symptoms of gastroesophageal
reflux during infancy. Pediatrics 1998102 (6) e67
56References Continued
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monitoring and histopathologic findings. J
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