Title: Radical Neck Dissection: RND Classification, Indication and Techniques
1Radical Neck Dissection (RND) Classification,
Indication and Techniques
- Crile in 1906 introduced RND and is followed by
Martin as a the classical procedure for the
management of cervical lymph node metastasis - Recently changes in classification and indication
led to inconsistency - N0 in recent studies may require selective RND to
reduce morbidity
3Staging of Neck Nodes
- NX
- Regional lymph nodes can not be assessed
- N0
- No regional lymph node metastasis
- N1
- Metastasis in a single ipsilateral lymph nodes, 3
cm or less in greatest dimension - N2
- N2a
- Metastasis in a single epsilateral lymph nodes,
more than 3 cm but less than 6 cm
4Staging of Neck Nodes
- N2b
- Metastasis in multiple ipsilateral lymph nodes,
not more than 6 cm - N2c
- Metastasis in bilateral or contralateral nodes
not more than 6 cm in diameter - N3
- Metastasis in lymph nodes more than 6 cm in in
greatest diameter
Meyers Eugene Operative Otolaryngology. 1997
5Lymph Node Regions
- Region I
- Submental and submandibular triangle
- Ia Submental triangle
- Bounded by the anterior belly of digastric and
the mylohyoid muscle deep - Ib Submandibular triangle
- Formed by the anterior and posterior belly of
the digastric muscle and the body of the mandible
Memorial Sloan-kettering Cancer center
6Lymph Node Regions
- Region II IV
- Lymph nodes are associated with the Internal
Jugular Vein (IJV) within the fibroadipose
tissues that extend from the posterior border of
sternocledo-mastoid muscle (SCM) medial to
lateral border of the sternohyoid muscle
Memorial Sloan-kettering Cancer center
7Lymph Node Regions
- Region II
- Upper third including upper jugular,
jugulodigastric and upper posterior cervical
nodes - Bounded by the digastric muscle superiorly and
the hyoid bone or carotid bifurcation inferiorly - IIa
- nodes anterior to Spinal Accessory Nerve (SAN)
- IIb
- nodes posterior to Spinal Accessory Nerve (SAN)
Memorial Sloan-kettering Cancer center
8Lymph Node Regions
- Region III
- Middle third jugular nodes from the carotid
bifurcation to cricothyroid notch or omohyoid
muscle - Region IV
- Lower third jugular nodes from omohyoid muscle
superiorly to the clavicle inferiorly
Memorial Sloan-kettering Cancer center
9Lymph Node Regions
- Region V
- Lymph nodes of the posterior triangle along the
lower half of the SAN and the transverse cervical
artery - Bounded by the anterior border of the trapezius
posteriorly, the posterior border of SCM
anteriorly and the clavicle inferiorly
Memorial Sloan-kettering Cancer center
10Lymph Node Regions
- Region VI
- Anterior compartment, lymph nodes surrounding the
midline visceral structures that extend from the
hyoid bone superiorly to the suprasternal notch
inferiorly - The lateral boundary is the medial border of the
carotid sheath - Perithyroid, paratracheal, and lymph nodes around
the recurrent laryngeal nerve
Memorial Sloan-kettering Cancer center
- The RND is classified according to the Academys
Committee for Head Neck Surgery Oncology into
four major type - Radical Neck Dissection (RND)
- Modified Radical Neck Dissection (MRND)
- Selective Neck Dissection (SND)
- Supraomohyoid
- Posterolateral
- Lateral
- Anterior
- Extended Radical Neck Dissection (ERND)
- Radical neck Dissection
- Removing all lymphatic tissues in regions I - V
and include removal of SAN, SCM and IJV - Modified radical neck dissection
- Excision of all lymph nodes removed with RND with
preservation of one or more non-lymphatic
structures, SAN, SCM and/or IJV - Subtype I Preserve SAN
- Subtype II Preserve SAN SJV
- Subtype III preserve SAN, SJV and SCM
- Known as Functional neck dissection (Bocca)
- Selective Neck dissection
- Any type of cervical lymphadenectomy with
preservation of one or more lymph node groups - Four subtype
- Supraomohyoid neck dissection
- Posterolateral neck dissection
- Lateral neck dissection
- Anterior neck dissection
- Supraomohyoid neck dissection
- Removal of lymph nodes in regions I III
- The posterior limit is the cutaneous branches of
the cervical plexus and posterior border of SCM - The inferior limit is the superior belly of the
omohyoid where it cross IJN - Posterolateral neck dissection
- Removal of suboccipital, retroauricular, levels
II V and level V - Subtyped I III depending on the preservation of
SAN, IJV and /or SCM
- Lateral neck dissection
- Remove lymph nodes in levels II IV
- Anterior neck dissection
- Require the removal of the lymph nodes
surrounding the visceral structure in the
anterior aspect of the neck, level VI - Superior limit, hyoid bone
- Inferior limit, suprasternal notch
- Laterally, the carotid sheath
- Extended neck dissection
- Any previous dissection and including one or more
additional lymph node groups and/or non-lymphatic
- General nodal metastasis produce the following
fact - The most important factor in prognosis of SCC of
the upper aero-digestive tract is the status of
cervical lymph nodes - Cure rate drops 50 with involvement of the
regional lymph nodes
18Indications For ND
- Radical neck dissection was believed by Martin to
be the only method to control cervical
lymphadenectomy - Anderson found that preservation of SAN did not
change the survival or tumor control in the neck - Actual 5-year survival and neck failure rate is
- RND 63 and 12
- MRND 71 and 12
- Radical Neck Dissection
- Multiple clinically obvious cervical lymph node
metastasis particularly of posterior triangle and
closely related to SAN - Large metastatic tumor mass or multiple matted in
upper part of the neck - Tumor should not be dissected to preserve
- Modified radical neck dissection
- MRND Type I
- Clinically obvious neck lymph nodes metastasis
and SAN not involved by tumor - Intraoperative decision just like preservation of
the facial nerve in parotid surgery
- MRND Type II
- Rarely planned
- Intra-operative decision for tumor found adherent
to SCM but away from SAN IJV - MRND Type III
- Depend on the autopsy reports
- Lymph nodes were in the fibrofatty and do not
share the same adventitia with blood vessels - They are not found within the aponeurosis or
glandular capsule of the submandibular
Functional neck dissection
- For treatment of N0 neck nodes
- Indicated for N1 mobile nodes and not greater
than 2.5 3.0 cm - Contra-indicated in the presence of node fixation
- Result is difficult to interpret because of the
use of radiation therapy
- Selective/elective neck dissection
- For treatment of N0 neck nodes
- For N nodes when combined with radiotherapy
- Adjuvant radiotherapy for patient with 2 4
positive nodes or extra-capsular spread - Supraomohyoid is indicated for SCC of oral cavity
with N0 and N1 with palpable mobile nodes less
than 3 cm and located in level I and II - Upgrade intra-operatively following positive
frozen section
24Treatment option for N0 nodes
- Observe
- Radiation therapy
- Elective neck dissection
- Low morbidity
- Staging neck for possible extended surgery
- Need for post-operative radiotherapy
25Rationale for S/END
- Rate of occult metastasis in clinically negative
nodes is 20 30 using clinical and radiographic
findings - Ct scan combined with physical exam decreased the
rate of occult metastasis to 12 - This suggested lowering of the criteria for
elective neck dissection - Friedman et al Laryngoscope 100 54
59 1990
26Rationale for S/END
- Anatomic studies showed that lymphatic drainage
from the mucosal surfaces follow a constant and
predictable route - Lymph flow from SA chain to the jugular chain is
Shah. Ann Surg Oncol 1(6) 521-532 1994
27Rationale for S/END
- Shah, in his study produced a compelling evidence
of predictable nodal metastasis from SCC from
upper aerodigastive tract - He found a specific pattern for nodal spread by
location of primary - NO in patients with oral cavity SCC
- 7/1119 (3.5) had nodal involvement outside
supraomohyoid dissection - 3 (1.5) had isolated involvement outside level I
Friedman Laryngoscope 100 54-59 1990
28Rationale for S/END
- N nodes in patients with oral SCC
- 50/246 had nodal metastasis outside level IV
- 10/246 had metastasis in level V
- He examined nodal involvement in patients with
nasopharynx and other upper parts of the
aerodigastive tract - Conclusion
- SCC of the oral cavity
- Level I, II and III are at risk
- SCC nasopharynx and larynx
- Level II, III and IV are at risk
Shah Amer J Surg 160 405-409 1990 Shah Cancer
July 1 109-113 1990
29Rationale for S/END
- Byers stated that SND combined with postoperative
radiotherapy in selected patients with oral
cavity SCC was adequate treatment with similar
recurrence rate as those treated with MRND III - Spiro reported 12 with supraomohyoid dissection
in N1 nodes but not all of them received
Byers Head Neck Surg Jan-Feb 160-167 1988
30Selective/Elective Neck Dissection
- A good option for N0 neck
- Not a suitable option for N neck
- Is used N neck when combined with radiotherapy
- Intra-operative frozen section evaluation is
needed to confirm in cases of intraoperative
palpable nodes
31The anatomy
- Skin
- Blood supply
- Descending branches
- The facial
- The submental
- Occipital
- Ascending branches
- Transverse cervical
- Suprascapular
- The branches perforate the platysma muscle,
anastomose to form superficial vertically-directed
network of vessels - Skin incision is superiorly based apron-like
incision from mastoid to mentum or to
contralateral mastoid
32The anatomy
- Platysma muscle
- Wide, quadrangular sheet-like muscle
- Run obliquely from the upper part of the chest to
lower face - Skin flap is raised immediately deep to the
muscle - The posterior border is over or just anterior to
IJV and great auricular nerve - Does not cover the inferior part of the anterior
triangle and the posterolateral neck
33The anatomy
- Sternocleidomastoid muscle SCM
- Differentiated from the platysma by the direction
of its fibres - Crossed by the IJV and the great auricular nerve
from inferior to posterior deep to platysma - The posterior border represent the posterior
boundary of nodes level II - IV
34The anatomy
- Marginal Mandibular nerve MMN
- Located 1 cm in front of and below the angle of
the mandible - Deep to the superficial layer of the deep
cervical fascia - Superficial to adventitia of the anterior facial
35The anatomy
- Spinal Accessory nerve SAN
- Emerge from the jugular foramen medial to the
digastric and stylohyoid muscles and lateral and
posterior to IJV (30 medial to the vein and in 3
-5 split the nerve) - It passes obliquely downward and backward to
reach the medial surface of the SCM near the
junction of its superior and middle thirds, Erbs
36The anatomy
- Trapezius muscle
- Its anterior border is the posterior boundary of
level V - Difficult to identify because of its superficial
position - Dissect superficial to the fascia in order to
preserve the cervical nerves
37The anatomy
- Digastric Muscle Posterior belly
- Originate from a groove in the mastoid process,
digastric ridge - The marginal mandibular nerve lie superficial
- The external and internal carotid artery,
hypoglossal and 11th cranial nerves and the IJV
lie medial
38The anatomy
- Omohyoid muscle
- Made of two bellies, and is the anatomic
separation of nodal levels III and IV - The posterior belly is superficial to the
brachial plexus, phrenic nerve and transverse
cervical artery and vein - The anterior belly is superficial to the IJV
39The anatomy
- Brachial Plexus Phrenic nerve
- The plexus exit between the anterior and middle
scalene muscles, pass inferiorly deep to the
clavicle under the posterior belly of the
omohyoid - The phrenic nerve lie on top of the anterior
scalene muscle and receive it is cervical supply
from C3 C5
40The anatomy
- Thoracic duct
- Located in the lower let neck posterior to the
jugular vein and anterior to phrenic nerve and
transverse cervical artery - Have a very thin wall and should be handled
gently to avoid avulsion or tear leading to chyle
41The anatomy
- Exit via the hypoglossal canal near the jugular
foramen - Passes deep to the IJV and over the ICA and ECA
and then deep and inferior to the digastric
muscle and enveloped by a venous plexus, the
ranine veins - Pass deep to the fascia of the floor of the
submandibular triangle before entering the tongue
- Unified classification is relatively new
- Indication and the type of ND, specially for N0,
is controversial - The following surgical outline was suggested
- SCC oral cavity anterior to circumvalate papilla
- Supraomohyoid
- SCC Oropharynx, larynx and hypopharynx
- level I- IV or level II-V
- SCC with N nodes
- SCC with 2-4 positive nodes or extracapsular
spread - RND and adjuvant therapy
Shah Cancer July 1109-113 1990