Title: The NIH Roadmap
1The NIH Roadmap
2 Imperatives for NIH
- Accelerate pace of discoveries in life sciences
- More rapid translation from laboratories to
patients and back - Develop novel approaches orders of magnitude more
effective than current ones - Develop new strategies NIH Roadmap
3Roadmap Participants were asked
- What are todays scientific challenges?
- What are the roadblocks to progress?
- What do we need to do to overcome roadblocks?
- What cant be accomplished by any single
Institute but is the responsibility of NIH as
a whole? -
4The Problem
5NIH Roadmap three themes emerged
- New Pathways to Discovery
- Research Teams of the Future
- Re-engineering the Clinical Research Enterprise
6Criteria for Roadmap Initiatives
- Is it transforming -- will it change how or
what biomedical research is conducted in the next
decades? - Would its outcome enhance the ability of all ICs
to achieve their missions? - Can the NIH afford to NOT to do it?
- Will it be compelling to our stakeholders,
especially the public? - Is it something that no other entity can or will
7New Pathways to Discovery
- Building Blocks
- and Pathways
- Molecular Libraries
- Bioinformatics
- Computational
- Biology
- Nanomedicine
8Biological Pathways and Networks
Understand in quantitative terms how gene
regulatory networks, signal transduction
pathways, and metabolic pathways are integrated
to orchestrate normal development Understand
responses to internal and external stimuli in
highly complex organisms Understand how pathways
and networks are perturbed in disease.
9Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Deploy a rigorous biomedical computing
environment to analyze, model, understand and
predict dynamic and complex biomedical systems.
Be able to integrate data and knowledge at all
levels of organization.
10Molecular Libraries
- Chemical Diversity
- -Publicly available database
- -Biologically relevant chemical space optimally
populated with naturally occurring and
synthetic compounds - Screening
- -Small molecule activators and inactivators
available to researchers for individual
functions of every gene product in human
genome - Drug development as needed
11Research Teams of the Future
Interdisciplinary Research Teams Pioneer Award
Public-Private Partnerships
Building Blocks and Pathways Molecular
Libraries Bioinformatics Computational
Biology Nanomedicine
12Challenges to Interdisciplinary Research
- The current system of academic advancement favors
the independent investigator - Most institutions house scientists in discrete
departments - Interdisciplinary research teams take time to
assemble and require unique resources
13Interdisciplinary Curriculum Development Awards
- Support the development of innovative courses and
curricula designed to train interdisciplinary
scientists - Curricula can be designed for undergraduate,
pre-doctoral or postdoctoral students, or
combinations of these. - Focus on programs that encourage the integration
of quantitative, physical, behavioral, or social
sciences with the traditional biomedical sciences
14NIH Directors Pioneer Award
- New program to support individuals with untested
ideas that are potentially groundbreaking - Encourages innovation, risk-taking
- Totally new application and peer review process
- Provides 500 K/year for 5 years
- Expected to be highly competitive
15Re-engineering Clinical Research
Interdisciplinary Research Pioneer Award
Public-Private Partnerships
Building Blocks and Pathways Molecular
Libraries Bioinformatics Computational
Biology Nanomedicine
Integrated Research Networks Clinical Research
Informatics NIH Clinical Research
Associates Clinical outcomes Clinical Research
Policy Training
Translational Research Initiatives
16Integration of Clinical Research Networks
- Link existing networks so clinical studies and
trials can be conducted more effectively - Ensure that patients, physicians, and scientists
form true Communities of Research
17Translational Research Centers
- Provide sophisticated advice help scientists
bring a new product from the bench to clinical
use, including - Laboratory studies to understand a therapys
mechanisms of action - Pre-clinical drug synthesis, toxicity testing
- Sophisticated manufacturing capacity
- Expert advice to ensure that drug-development
regulations are observed
18Patient Reported Disease Outcomes
- Establish a collaborative of investigators to
improve measurement of patient-reported outcomes.
- Focus on the collection of self-report data from
a diverse population of individuals, including
racial and ethnic minorities, having a variety of
chronic diseases. - Compare the performance of specific items,
instruments, and models across diverse clinical
populations - Develop common metrics by which scores on new and
existing instruments can be standardized and/or
19National Electronic Clinical Trials/Research
Network (NECTAR)
- Common data standards, informatics
- Software application tools for protocol
preparation, IRB management, adverse event
reports - Use existing networks to rapidly address
questions beyond their traditional scope
20National Clinical Research Associates
21Multidisciplinary K12 Career Development Program
22Current Polices, Procedures, Regulations Major
Traffic Jam
- The clinical research community faces redundant
and sometimes variable requirements to address
fundamentally the same oversight concerns (e.g.,
AERs, COIs) - Variability exists not only among various
Federal agencies, but also within the NIH and it
hampers efficiency and effectiveness
23Toward a Solution NIH Role
- NIH promotes the responsible conduct of high
quality clinical research - Opportunity to convene other federal agencies and
to facilitate dialogue and change
24Roadmap Clinical Research Policy Coordination
- Improve coordination and simplify requirements
for clinical research in ways that enhance public
trust - Adverse event reporting
- Human subjects protections, including DSMB-IRB
interactions and consent procedures - Auditing and monitoring clinical trials
- HIPAA, privacy, conflict of interest policies
- Investigator registration, financial disclosure
- Standards for electronic data submission/reporting
25Policy Coordination Implementation Plan
- Need for sustained attention
- Identify and prioritize issues
- Maintain open communication with all stakeholders
investigators, patients, families,
institutions, communities, policy-makers - Work collaboratively with sibling Agencies
- Develop tools for investigators to facilitate
compliance - Education and outreach
26Roadmap Implementation Groups
- Molecular Libraries and Imaging
- Building Blocks, Biological Pathways and Networks
- Structural Biology
- Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
- Nanomedicine
- Interdisciplinary Research
- High-risk Research
- Public-Private Partnerships
- Re-engineering the Clinical Research Enterprise
27Roadmap Implementation
- All Institutes and Centers committed to invest
jointly in a pool of resources to support current
and future Roadmap initiatives - 128 M in FY 2004 (DDF funds and 0.34 each ICs
budget) - Over 2 B by FY 2009
- Participation, consultation, collaboration, and
funding are needed from patients, health care
providers, foundations, industry, academia,
Federal partners all stakeholders - www.nihroadmap.nih.gov
29The NIH RoadmapA Work in Progress