Title: Assist-2-Sell Pensacola
1 Assist-2-Sell Pensacola, Florida
2About Assist-2-Sell Pensacola
Assist-2-Sell real estate professionals will
focus on every detail of your needs, and provide
you with information and the right tools to keep
you informed of the best home buys on the
market. Whether youre in a sellers market, a
buyers market, or a foreclosure market,
Assist-2-Sells fully licensed and experienced
brokers and agents will guide you to get the job
done. For over 20 years, Assist-2-Sell has been
the realtors of choice for people just like you.
If you are thinking of buying or selling a home,
you have found the right place to start your
3How is Assist-2-Sell different from "traditional"
real estate companies?
The most obvious difference between Assist-2-Sell
and "traditional" real estate companies lies in
the commission structure. Traditional firms
typically charge home sellers a high commission
that is a percentage of the sale price. (Example
Six percent). Assist-2-Sell offices offer an
opportunity for the seller to pay a low, flat fee
commission. (Example As low as 2,995!) They
believe that Friends Don't Let Friends Pay 6.
4Properties For Sale
5Contact US
- Assist-2-Sell
- Phone 850-429-0100
- Fax 850-429-0190
- www.wesellpensacola.com
- inhouse_at_wesellpensacola.com
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