Title: SIMPSON MILLAR FAMILY DEPARTMENT Emma Pearmaine Victoria Walker
PearmaineVictoria Walker
3What is the definition of Domestic Violence?
- Threatening behaviour
- Emotional abuse
- Physical abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Financial restraints
- Psychological intimidation
4Who does Domestic Violence affect?
- Individual Women
- At least one in three women is beaten, coerced
into sex or otherwise abused by an intimate
partner in the course of her lifetime. - Women aged 15-44 are more at risk from rape and
domestic violence than from cancer, motor
accidents, war and malaria, according to World
Bank Data. - Half of all women who die from homicide are
killed by their current or former husbands /
5Who does Domestic Violence affect?
- Individual Men
- 1 in 6 men in the UK will be affected by domestic
abuse and violence. - I still cannot believe what happened to me. My
partner and I had a good relationship, with
average ups and downs. I became the excuse for
all that went wrong work pressures, family
upsets, financial worries. I couldnt take a
call from a friend without the verbal
recrimination. During one argument, the stereo
speakers flew across the room at me and I was
shoved out of the door and kicked down the
stairs. Now I am afraid of causing upset for
fear of the reaction. As a man, it was the last
thing I thought would ever happen and I feel so
ashamed, alone and trapped.
6Who does Domestic Violence affect?
- Individual Children
- 750,000 children in the UK are affected by
Domestic Violence.
7Who does Domestic Violence affect?
- Employers
- 53 of people affected by domestic abuse are
absent from work at least 3 days a month. - 56 of abused women arrive late for work at least
5 times per month. - 75 of domestic violence abuse victims are
targeted at work from harassing phone calls /
texts / emails to abusive partners arriving at
the workplace. - Domestic violence costs the UK economy 1.9
billion per annum.
8The Corporate Alliance Against Domestic Violence?
- CAADV is a government backed initiative set up by
Baroness Scotland - CAADV will provide employers with a toolkit to
assist employees with DV problems. - CAADV are talking to employers and Unions could
they talk to you?
9Typical Domestic Violence enquiry
- Wife aged 34 years.
- Husband aged 37 years.
- 2 children aged 10 years and 8 years.
- Incident over the weekend out at a party.
- Both wife and husband under the influence of
alcohol and dispute results in Husband physically
hitting Wife. - Wife calls the police and reports an assault.
- Husband is arrested.
- What does Wife do next?
10Typical Domestic Violence enquiry
- Wife
- She is the victim of a serious assault report
to the police. - Does she need an injunction (non molestation or
occupation order)? Will there be further
incidents? - If she is now separating does she need
financial support and advice about maintenance
etc? - Does she need a Residence Order or Contact Order
for the children? - What about her employers? Can she get time off
work to sort all this out? Will she get practical
and emotional support? What if she works at the
same place as her Husband?
11Typical Domestic Violence enquiry
- Children
- Are they safe with both parents?
- Do we need a Children Act Order to provide for
Residence / Contact? - Should Social Services, Police Child Protection
Unit be involved? - Does the school need to be informed?
12Typical Domestic Violence enquiry
- Remedies
- Police prosecution
- Civil Proceedings (Non Molestation Order)
- Children Act Proceedings (Private or Public)
13What is the role of the Union Rep?
- How do you identify a victim/sufferer of DV?
- What signs should you look out for?
- What are the common factors?
14What is the role of the Union Rep?
- How do you raise DV issues with a colleague you
believe is a victim who needs help? - Direct discussion
- Indirect discussion
- How do you provide practical support?
15What benefit can Simpson Millar give to Union
members?Why come to us?
- Assessment Legal Aid.
- Discounted on private fees.
- Payment of private fees in instalments by
agreement (based on overall case costs estimate
and payment over 18 months). - Specialist advice and representation.
- Understanding, conciliatory but robust
16What happens when you contact us for Family /
Matrimonial advice?
- Ring the helpline for initial free advice.
- If you then need to be referred to a specialist
Family Solicitor a telephone appointment will be
arranged at which you will be told- - a) your legal options and
- b) a strategy to resolve your problem and
- c) the charges for taking action.
- If you decide not to instruct or do anything yet
there is no charge for that telephone