Title: Health Workforce Pilot Projects Program HWPP
1Health WorkforcePilot Projects Program(HWPP)
- Gloria J. Robertson
- Program Manager
2Are You Experiencing A Healthcare Delivery
Crisis Due To Health Professional Shortages?
- The Health Workforce Pilot Projects Program
(HWPP) - may be the avenue for you.
3Purpose of HWPP
- To Test Healthcare Delivery Strategies Relating
to - Scope of Practice Issues.
- New Concepts Regarding Health Professional
Classifications. - Healthcare Delivery Strategies During Periods of
Health Professional Shortage Crises. - Better Access To Healthcare.
4 HWPP Past/Present
- HWPP has received 171 applications since its
inception in 1972. (Health and Safety Code
Statutes, 1972) - Participating professionals include--
- --registered and vocational nurses and doctors as
well as
5medical auxiliaries, pharmacies, dental
hygienists dentists
6mental health, podiatry, and maternal
childrenshealth professionals.
7HWPP Project History
8Function of HWPP
- HWPP provides the opportunity for healthcare
related organizations to demonstrate, test, and
evaluate new or expanded roles for healthcare
professionals by supporting pilot projects that - Generate data
- Collect and analyze the data
- Recommend changes in the statutes to policy
makers and the Legislature - (The projects may have local, regional or
statewide - strategies that reflect the need for change.)
9Program Results
- Provide an overview of an individual profession.
- Demonstrate strengths and weaknesses.
- Demonstrate the position of the pilot project
within the delivery system.
10Are You Experiencing A Healthcare Delivery
Crisis Due To Health Professional Shortages?
- If yes, what are your ideas for initiating needed
help? - If no, great. Let us hear about your solutions,
your results.
11Contact Us
- E-mail your needs, questions or success stories
to groberts_at_oshpd.ca.gov or call (916) 326-3726 - Download the HWPP Application to submit for
possible participation. Send to -
Gloria J. Robertson Program Manager Health
Workforce Pilot Projects Program Office of
Statewide Health Planning Development 400 R
Street, Room 330Sacramento, California 95811