Title: Cheap Longboards Catalog for Sale
1Long Boards Catalog
2About Us
- In 1995, Skates USA opened as a retail storefront
and online store in Palm Beach County, Florida.
They have a vast amount of knowledge of the
skateboarding and aggressive inline industries.
Due to the growth of their online store which
has many happy returning worldwide customers,
Skates USA recently shifted their business to
purely internet sales. This has allowed them to
focus more on giving their customers an excellent
shopping experience. Skates USA currently ships
from Southern California and South Florida.
3Long Boards
- With huge range of ready-made skateboards and
more than 30 skateboarding accessories,
SkatesUSA offers large variety of skateboards and
skateboarding accessories to their clients.
4Long Board Accessories
SkatesUSA offers premium quality long-boarding
accessories to maintain and keep your long board
and yourself in pristine condition.
5Contact Us
- Address 67 S Dillard St,
- Winter Garden,
- FL 34787, USA
- Website www.skatesusa.com
- E-mail info_at_skatesusa.com
- Phone (800) 793-0503
6Thanks for Watching