Title: Stolen_Childhood
1A brief note The song in this presentation is
called Ameno (to tender, to liberate),
composed by the musical group ERA. The lyrics
translation, from Latin, follows and it is worth
spending some minutes in reflection before going
ahead with the presentation.
2Feel my pain
Absorb me, Take me Feel
my painSet me free, set me free, Discover me,
discover my signs Feel my pain Minimize (my
pain), comfort me Notice, notice
I have been mutilated, I
have been hurt Set me free Minimize
(my pain), comfort me Set me free
Minimize (my pain),
comfort me Set me free, minimize my pain
Minimize my pain Minimize
my pain Set me free, O Lord,
Alleviate my pain, O King Minimize
my pain Minimize my pain Take out my pain, O
Dori me Interi mo, AdapareDori meAmeno,
AmenoLantire, Lantire moDori meAmeno,
Omenare, imperaviAmeno, Dimere, dimereMantiro,
Mantire moAmenoOmenare, imperavi
emulariAmenoOmenare, imperavi emulariAmeno,
Ameno doreAmeno dori meAmeno dori meAmeno,
DomDori me, ReoAmeno dori meAmeno dori
meDori me, Dom
AMENO Grupo Era
K y r i é E l é i s o n
3A brief overview of the chances. The heritage we
will leave.
Which world are we going to leave behind
for the next generations
by the time we will leave?
4 What will be her heritage ?
5The future relies upon our actions!
And, for sure, there is too
much to do...
6Kabul, Afghanistan
Three years after the fall of the Taliban regime,
in a country destroyed by war and where job
opportunities, food and basic survival needs are
always lacking, children compete for pieces of
coal fallen from a Red Cross truck. This way,
they can buy food for themselves and their
7Karkhla, Pakistan
Children between the ages of four and six, most
of them sons and daughters of Afghan refugee
families, work in brick factories. Their tough
job consists of flipping bricks, expediting the
drying process. Their light weight allows them to
accomplish the work without smashing or breaking
the bricks they walk on.
8Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Vultures and children compete for the remains of
food in a landfill close to the Honduran capital.
Juan Flores and other children pick through the
garbage to find anything they can eat or sell.
9Siliguri, India
Ruksana Khatun, nine years old, breaking rocks in
to smaller pieces at the city surroundings. Job
paid with low salary and injured hands.
According to ILO International Labor
Organization, more than 220 million children work
worldwide. Half of them in harmful tasks, under
bad conditions and at inappropriate hours. Some
of them work as much as seventeen hours daily.
10San Vicente, Colombia
At the entrance to a house of prostitution, the
teenager waits for her next client.
Reports from United Nations Children's Fund -
UNICEF, reveal millions of children are victims
of the worldwide sex trade. Each year, 1,200,000
are victims of human trafficking.
It is a sad world that abuses its children!
11More than 100,000 girls are victims of the sex
trade in Brazil, according to the UN-ILO.
The Brazilian movie Anjos do Sol (Angels of
the Sun) describes the cruel reality of the
subject. According to the producers information,
the sex trade happens in two main places -
coastal cities, based upon the sex tourism that
brings foreigners to Brazil for this purpose -
and in the North and Northeast regions cities,
where the poverty, created by low incomes, forces
parents to sell their daughters. The film
exposes practices found in the child sex trade,
like Virgin Girl Auctions, and the people that
make profits out of that market. Agents, that buy
the girls from their families, night clubs
owners, pimps, farmers and politicians.
Among the many sad cases which inspired the film,
there is one telling the story of a little girl
called Fifty Cents (R0,50US0.23), because
that is how much she used to charge for her
sexual services.
12The UN-WHO, World Health Organization, estimates
there are a hundred million children living in
the streets of the third world. Ten million of
them live in Brazil.
Lots of those children still have bonds with
their families. However, they spend most of their
time in the streets, begging for money, selling
candies and cheap things usually at the traffic
lights, polishing shoes and washing cars
windshields to increase their familys income.
Sometimes they are involved in small thefts.
Other, do not have a home to go back to and
really live in the streets, in groups (sometimes
gangs), sleeping in abandoned buildings, under
bridges and viaducts and also in public squares
and parks. In both groups, boys are the
majority. Girls usually supply the prostitution
Recife, PE, Brazil
Most of these children use drugs that help them
flee from reality, deceive the hunger and to make
themselves warmer during the night.
13Maybe it's a good time for the politicians to
include Social Compassion in their agenda.
14Such persistent social imbalance and poverty
affects mostly children and teenagers in
Brazil. Studies have reported that childs
living conditions are harsher where the
educational infrastructure is inferior. It is
necessary, therefore, to create conditions that
increase the presence of children in schools, and
as a consequence, maximize their horizons and
develop their potentials. Political actions
focusing on abolishing child labor must also
eliminate the need of having children working to
increase family income.
15According to the UN-ODC, United Nations Office on
Drugs and Crime, the use of illicit drugs has
increased worldwide, despite all the efforts to
control them. The United States remains the main
consumer of cocaine and marijuana worldwide.
California, United States
Not far from Disneyland, - the fantasy land -,
children, sons and daughters of addicted parents,
collect cans to increase their familys income,
and help as they can at household chores.
16The increase in use of synthetic drugs, like
amphetamines, is very serious, since they can
easily be produced, while the traditional ones
require big stretches of land. To produce them,
land is not necessary. They are made of common
chemicals, created in home-made labs, which makes
their production more difficult to control.
According to the UN-ODC, the subject of synthetic
drugs requires a redesigned approach, changing
the paradigm surrounding the war against drug
trafficking, focusing more on prevention and less
on repression.
17Congo, Central Africa
Nine-year-old Chantis Tuseuos grandmother, gives
her hand to her granddaughter, severely
undernourished, and waits for a doctor at a
community clinic in the surroundings of Kinshasa.
Worldwide, according to UNICEF, it is estimated
that 55 of child deaths are related to poor
nourishment and hunger, that slowly disables
18The insanity of War
19Northern Ireland In the 80s and in the 90s
20Chechnya, 1997
Kosovo, 1999
21Africa It was always that way
22 Gaza Strip, Palestine, 2004
23Iraq, 2005
24Israel, 2006
Lebanon, 2006
25etc, etc etc...
26When will it stop?
27From the nights heart, the day is born.
28Which world do we want for the future generation
to inherit?
A world with more justice, certainly...
29The Kingdom of God is not going to happen
tomorrow morning.
If we are sincere about our beliefs, His Kingdom
will come to us, but we must take on our
30The Kingdom of God, the Golden Age stamped with
justice, will not freely fall from the sky!
It will raise from the soil we walk, watered by
the sweat of the ones that really care.
31The incoming Kingdom of God relies upon small
actions of kindness and compassion.
32Which kind of world will be inherited by the
children born today? What will be the purpose of
their existence?
33MERCY In Latin, Misericordia
The word misericordia is formed of another two
ones Miserere (Misery), and Cor (Heart).
It represents a feeling transferred into your
heart reflecting the misery of your brother
The Mercy refers to the feelings of one acting
with compassion.
34The opposite of love is not hatred, it is
Érico Veríssimo
35- K y r i é E l é i s o n -
From an ancient Greek prayer
Lord, send us Your Breath, Send us Your
I am thinking about Your Breath, About Your
Power, About Your Mercy.
36Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain
Sermon on the Mount
37There are lots of things to be done.
He who seeds, will harvest...
38God moves the whole sky, because the human being
cannot do it! But God doesnt move a pin when
the human being can do it!
Former Oriental citation
39- E n d -
40(No Transcript)