- Cheti Nicoletti
- ISER, University of Essex
- 2009
2Wage equation and labour participation for women
- Gourieroux C. (2000), Econometrics of
Qualitative Dependent Variables, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge - Let y be the potential offered wage and let w be
the reservation wage then the observed wage y is
given by - Let us consider the following very simple
earnings profile equation
3Women in the labour force are not a random sample
- Womens labour force participation rates are
highly dependent on age. Gourieroux (2000) - Labour participation is in general lower for
women aged - 16-20 because some women are still studying
- 25-44 for work interruption linked to children
- 55-60 because some women prefer to retire early
- Presumably the earnings observed for women aged
- 16-20 are lower than if all women worked
- 25-44 are higher because women with higher
earnings are less incline to work interruptions - 55-60 are higher because women with higher
earnings are less incline to retire early
4(No Transcript)
5Sample selection model Labour participation
- Probit model for labour participation
6Joint model for the log-earnings and the labour
participation equationsGeneralized TOBIT MODEL
- Possible candidates for x education dummies,
age, work experience - Possible candidates for z age, education, number
of children, dummies for the presence of children
lt5, for cohabiting, for widow, regional
unemployment rate.
7Bivariate normal
8Truncated Normal
- Suggestions for the proof
9Sample selection problem
- E(yd1,x,z)x?E(?d1,x,z)
- E(?d1,x,z) E(?ugt-zd )
- E(yd1,x,z) X?
10Two-step estimation
- 1 STEP estimation of a probit model for the
probability to be in the labour market, - ? Pr(di1zi)di Pr(di0zi)1-di? ?(zi ?) di
?(-zi ?) 1-di - 2 STEP estimation of the regression model with
an additional variable (the inverse Mills
ratio) using the subsample of individuals with
di1 (and using some IV restrictions)
11Testing selectivity
- If the error terms ? and u are uncorrelated, then
the selection problem is ignorable. - H0 s?u 0
- Verifying H0 is equivalent to verify whether the
- coefficient of the additional variable in the
- equation is zero (using for ex. a Wald test)
- Notice that the errors are heteroskedastic so a
proper estimation should be adopted to estimate
the standard errors
12Generalized Tobit Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- The heckman command is used to estimate
Generalized Tobit or Tobit of the 2nd type using
ML estimation (default option) or the two-step
estimation (option twostep) - heckman y x1 x2 xk, select(z1 z2 zs)
- heckman y x1 x2 xk, select(d z1 z2 zs)
- heckman y x1 x2 xk, select(z1 z2 zs) twostep
14Generalized Tobit Maximum Likelihood Estimation
15(No Transcript)
16Joint model for log-income and response
- Possible candidates for x education dummies,
age, work experience - d is the propensity to respond to the earnings
question - Z mode of interview, education, gender, age,
17Item nonresponse for income equation or poverty
model in cross section sample surveys
- Potential explanatory variables
- Socio-demographic variables age, gender, level
of education, number of adults, number of
children. - Situational economic circumstance labour status
activity. - Data collection characteristics mode of the
interview, number of visits, duration of the
interview. (These are plausible IV)
18(No Transcript)
19Attrition in panel surveys has two possible
causes failed contact and refusal
- The potential variables explaining attrition
(contact and cooperation) are lagged variables
observed in the last wave. - The equation of interest has to use lagged
variables (otherwise we have missing explanatory
variables too) - Socio-demographic variables age, gender, level
of education, number of adults, number of
children. - Social-integration talking often to neighbours,
cohabitation, house ownership. - Situational economic circumstance labour status
activity, household equalised income. - Data collection characteristics mode of the
interview, number of visits, duration of the
interview, same interviewer across wave, duration
of the panel, length of the fieldwork. (These are
plausible IV)
20Attrition due to lack of cooperation (BHPS
21Weighted estimation
22Weighted estimation
23- Conditioning and integrating out (marginalizing)
- with respect to z
- EZ (Ex(y-xß)dp-1x,z)
- EZ (Ex(y-xß)x,z,d1 Pr(d1x,z)p-1)
- EZ (Ex(y-xß)x,z)Ex(y-xß)x0
24How to use weights in Stata
- Most Stata commands can deal with weighted data.
Stata allows four kinds of weights - fweights, or frequency weights, are weights that
indicate the number of duplicated observations. - pweights, or sampling weights, are weights that
denote the inverse of the probability that the
observation is included due to the sampling
design, nonresponse or sample selection. - aweights, or analytic weights, are weights that
are inversely proportional to the variance of an
observation i.e., the variance of the j-th
observation is assumed to be sigma2/w_j, where
w_j are the weights. - iweights, or importance weights, are weights that
indicate the "importance" of the observation in
some vague sense.
25Option pweights
- Usually sample surveys provide weights to take
account of sampling design, nonresponse . - Let p be individual weight
- Then we can run a regression with weighted
observations - regress y x1 x2 xk pweightp
- Let us assume to have a random sample affected by
nonresponse, but weights to take account of unit
nonresponse are not available - A possible way to estimate your own weights is
described in the following - probit d z1 z2 zs
- predict prop
- gen invprop1/prop
- reg y x1 x2 xk pweightinvprop
26For complex survey design it is better to use
- svyset pweightp
- svy regress y x1 x2 xk
- svyset have options for cluster sampling designs
or other complex design - To declare survey design with stratum
- svyset pweightp, strata(stratid)
27Stata propensity score methods for evaluation of
- Abadie A., Drukker D., Herr J.L., Imbens G.W.
(2001), Implementing Matching Estimators for
Average Treatment Effects in Stata, The Stata
Journal, 1, 1-18 http//ksghome.harvard.edu/.aaba
die.academic.ksg/software.html - Becker S.O., Ichino A. (2002), Estimation of
average treatment effects based on propensity
scores. The Stata Journal, 2, 358-377
http//www.lrz-muenchen.de/sobecker/pscore.html - Sianesi B. (2001), Implementing Propensity Score
Matching Estimators with STATA, UK Stata Users
Group, VII Meeting London, http//ideas.repec.org/
28Some references for regressions with sample
- Buchinski, M. (2001) Quantile regression with
sample selection Estimation women return to
education in the U.S., Empirical Economics, 26,
86-113. - Ibrahim, J.G., Chen, M.-H., Lipsitz, S.R.,
Herring, A.H. (2005) Missing-data methods for
generalized linear models A comparative review,
Journal of the American Statistical Association,
100, 469, 332-346. - Lipsitz, S.R., Fitzmaurice, G.M., Molenberghs,
G., Zhao, L.P. (1997), Quantile regression
methods for longitudinal data with drop-outs,
Applied Statistics, 46, 463-476. - Robins, J. M., Rotnitzky, A. (1995),
Semiparametric Effciency in Multivariate
Regression Models With Missing Data, Journal of
the American Statistical Association, 90,
122-129. - Vella F. (1998), Estimating models with sample
selection bias a survey', The Journal of Human
Resources, vol. 3, 127-169. - Wooldridge, J.M. (2007) Inverse probability
weighted M-Estimation for General missing data
problems, Journal of Econometrics, 141, 2,
1281-1301. - Wooldridge, J.M. (2007) Inverse probability
weighted M-Estimation for General missing data
problems, Journal of Econometrics, 141, 2,