Title: Looking Out for Looking Up:
1Looking Out for Looking Up
ARC 12th Annual Conference on the Adirondacks
- Preserving and Enhancing the Adirondack
Night Skies
Occurring, growing, or living in a natural state
not domesticated, cultivated, or tamed
Something characterized by bewildering vastness
Something characterized by bewildering vastness
The wilderness doesnt stop at the treetops!
3Outdoor Lighting
- Purpose
- illuminate what we need to see
- playing fields, streets, sidewalks, pedestrians,
pets, thugs, etc. - warn of dangers
Outdoor lighting is not to protect us from the
But thats what much of it tries to do
4Outdoor Lighting
- Lighting Assumptions
- More light, brighter light is better and safer
- Everyone wants more light
- lighting up my neighborhood is OK
- Light always has a positive effect
- Darkness is unimportant
... and it's scary!!
5Lighting Safety Studies
- No significant reduction in crime with lighting
(eg. US Dept of Justice cf. www.darksky.org/infos
hts/is063.html) - Dark Campus Policies have reduced vandalism at
some schools (http//www.darksky.org/infoshts/is05
4.html) - Lights help criminals see victims, goods
- Lights in typically dark areas attract attention
so crimes can be stopped
6Light Pollution
- Glare
- light that interferes with sight
- Light trespass
- lighting others property
- Energy Waste
- illuminating undersides of airplanes
- Sky Glow
- obscuring our view of the sky
7Light Pollution
- Glare, Light Trespass, Sky Glow
- Eye brightness range of about 1 million
- Iris size adjusts to light levels
- Eye switches from cone to rod cells
- rods more sensitive to low light averted
vision. - rods adjust to light level dark adaption.
- Eye can discern details over 101 brightness
variation in a single scene
- Direct bright light that reduces the eyes
ability to see dimly illuminated objects. - Bright lights vs. pedestrians, animals
Light fixture easy to see!
Shadow VERY dark!
10Park Street at Night Glare
Direct light from acorn and drop-down fixtures,
and headlights very bright.
Street well lit!
Students seen as shadows against glare
- If unshielded or poorly-aimed lights are in view
of drivers, then the lights set the upper
brightness range - things 10 times less bright
like potholes, trees or pedestrians become
featureless. - Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
12Glare is Deadly
John Jiras, 71, killed while crossing street from
movie theater to parking lot http//www.danspapers
13Reducing Glare
- Shielding lights
- No light emitted above 20º below horizontal
14Full-Cutoff Lights
- International Dark-Sky Association (IDA)
15Light Trespass
- Healthy, Safe, and Energy Efficient Outdoor
Lighting Act - A7404 (Assembly), S4474 (Senate)
placement of a light in a manner whereby
illumination or glare is cast unnecessarily on
the property of another with the effect of
reducing privacy, limiting use or enjoyment,
hindering sleep and/or detracting from the
appearance of the illuminated property
Retirement Home at night
and the neighbor's house
16Light Trespass
- Harmful to
- Human health, linked to
- circadian rhythms (sleep) disruption
- increased cancers
- damage to childrens eyesight
- Wildlife
- nocturnal animals
- insects
- birds
17Health Effects
- Links to many health problems appearing
18Wildlife Effects
- Attraction, fixation repulsion
- baby turtles in Florida head toward highway
instead of ocean - Disorientation
- birds fly into buildings, towers
- disoriented animals use extra energy
- Disruption of biological rhythms
- Robins in UK singing at night
- disturbs egg-laying in moths
- (http//www.darksky.org/infoshts/pdf/is187.p
19Wildlife Effects
- Research in beginning stages
Even brief exposure to bright light can cause
some nocturnal frogs to freeze for hours.
20Energy Waste
- Estimated energy usage cost
Dark-to-Dawn lighting
Mercury Vapor
21Sky Glow
- Village and city light domes obscure sky
Familiar North Country Scene
22Sky Glow
- Adirondacks in darkest part of eastern US
- A resource to be preserved and cherished!
23Dark Sky Preserves
- Healthy, Safe and Energy Efficient Outdoor
Lighting Act
areas of the state which are especially
suitable for astronomical observations and/or
which provide, due to their darkness, nocturnal
benefits to flora and fauna, or to citizens
desiring views of unpolluted or relatively
unpolluted night skies
sounds like Adirondack Park
- International Dark Sky Association
- http//www.darksky.org/index.html
- http//www.selene-ny.org/default.asp