Title: Keep Kyoto on track
1Keep Kyoto on track
Transport calls for more attention in the climate
change discussion. It causes more than 20 of
global CO2 emissions and is the sector with the
highest growth.
2You are hereby kindly invited to the official COP
10 "Keep Kyoto on track" side event in Buenos
Aires on 6 December from 100-300 p.m. in the
Cedro room. The debate session will be
followed by a reception.
UIC, UITP, UNIFE and ALAF are present at COP 10
to put focus on how to integrate transport
policy and sustainable mobility in the climate
change discussion
For more information The International Union of
Railways (UIC) Margrethe Sagevik
sagevik_at_uic.asso.fr The International
Association for Public Transport (UITP) Heather
Allen heather.allen_at_uitp.com The European Rail
Supply Industry (UNIFE) Susana Martins
susana.martins_at_unife.org The Latin American
Railways Association (ALAF) Atilio Sanguinetti