Function protect and support entrances to digestive respiratory tracts
Superficial bones maxillary, nasal, zygomatic, Mandible. Allow for attachment of muscles that control facial expressions and help in manipulation of food
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Deeper facial bones palatine vomer (separates oral and nasal cavities)
Several bones of skull have sinuses
Air filled chambers
1. helps to make bones lighter
2. has a mucus membrane that helps moisten and clean air
Sutures immoveable joints that are connections b/n skull bones
4 major sutures
1. lamboidal suture across posterior surface of skull. Separates occipital bone from the 2 parietal bones.
2. coronal suture attaches frontal bone to parietal bones on either side
3. saggital suture from lamboidal suture to coronal suture b/n the 2 parietals
4. squamosal suture on each side of the skull boundary b/n temporal and parietal bones
Cranial and Facial Bones see handout
Orbital and nasal complexes
1. Orbital complex formed form cranial and facial bones which surround each eye
2. Nasal complex surrounds nasal cavity
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Skulls of Infants and Children
Right before birth, brain enlarges and bones cannot keep up. So at birth some bones are connected by fibrous connective tissue. Flexible so brain is not damaged.
Fontanels fibrous areas b/n cranial bones
4 types
1. frontal fontanel largest intersection of saggital, coronal sutures
2. occipital fontanel b/n lamboidal and saggital sutures
Skulls of Infants and Children
3. sphenoidal fontanel junctions b/n squamousal and coronal sutures
4. mastoid fontanel b/n squamousal and lamboidal sutures
Occipital, sphenoid, and mastoid disappear within 1-2 months after birth