Title: Car Maintenance Tips
1Car Maintenance Tips
2It would b? gr??t ?f ??u ??uld buy a ??r, dr?v?
?t until you w?nt?d a d?ff?r?nt ?n?, ?nd n?v?r
h?v? to d? ?n?th?ng ?n between.
3 T?? b?d ??r? ?r? m??h?n??.
4 M??h?n?? n??d a l?ttl? t?nd?r l?v?ng ??r? ?f ??u
w?nt th?m t? k??? runn?ng w?ll.
5 H?r? ?r? f?v? ??r m??nt?n?n?? t??? that w?ll
keep your ??r runn?ng w?ll, ?nd ?? inexpensively
?? possible.
6Car Maintenance Tip 1 Ch?ng? Y?ur Oil R?gul?rl?
7When it comes to car maintenance, th?? ?? ?n easy
8 It's ?l?? one of th? ??m?l??t th?ng? ??u ??n d?
t? m?k? ??ur ??r l??t.
9 O?l br??k? d?wn, and when it does it ?t??? d??ng
?t? j?b ?f lubr???t?ng your ?ng?n? ?? th? ??rt?
d?n't w??r ?ut.
10 Th?t'? a f??t of l?f?.
11 Y?u have to ?t?? ?h??d ?f th? br??kd?wn process
b? checking ??ur oil r?gul?rl?.
12 M??t r?l?t?v?l? n?w ??r? ??n g? 3,000-5,000
m?l?? b?f?r? a ??l ?h?ng? w?th?ut ?n? ?r?bl?m ?t
all, ?nd m?n? ??n g? l?ng?r th?n th?t.
13 But g??ng ???r? without ?n ??l ?h?ng? is a
recipe f?r m?j?r ?x??n?? d?wn th? l?n?.
14Car Maintenance T?? 2 T?k? C?r? ?f Y?ur Tires
15Wh?n most ????l? think ?f a ??r and performance,
th?y th?nk "?ng?n?.
16" But ??ur t?r?? ?r? ?n ?m??rt?nt ??rt of your
v?h??l?, ?nd k????ng th?m ?n g??d ?h??? h?l??
??ur engine w?rk b?tt?r.
17 H?v? your m??h?n?? ?h??k your t?r? ?r???ur?
?v?r? t?m? ??u g?t a ??l ?h?ng?, ?nd ?h??k ?t
??ur??lf wh?n ??u f?ll u? ?t th? ?um?.
18 If th? ?r???ur? ?? t?? l?w, ?dd ??m? ??r.
19 M?n? g?? ?t?t??n? h?v? a ?ubl?? u?? ??r ?um?,
and ?t u?u?ll? ???t? l??? th?n a bu?k t? ?dd ??m?
??r t? ??ur t?r??.
20And g?t ??ur t?r?? r?t?t?d r?gul?rl?.Ev?r? ????nd
?r th?rd oil ?h?ng? ?? a good ?d??.
21 Th?t'? ?v?r? 9,000 t? 15,000 miles f?r m??t
??r?. R?t?t??n k???? t?r? w??r uniform, ?nd
un?v?n w??r can lead to ?l?gnm?nt ?r?bl?m?.
22Car Maintenance T?? 3 St??k t? Your M??nt?n?n??
23Y?ur ?ut? m?nuf??tur?r r???mm?nd? r?gul?rl?
??h?dul?d m??nt?n?n??.
24 For better car maintenance, it ???? t? l??t?n.
25Th?r? ?r? ??m? car m??nt?n?n?? ?t?m? th?t you
??m?l? ??n't ?gn?r?.
26 T?m?ng belt r??l???m?nt ?? a g??d ?x?m?l?.
27 You'll ?nd u? r??l???ng it r?ughl? ?v?r? 50,000
t? 80,000 m?l??, ?nd it's not ?h???.
28 Y?u ??n tr? t? ?h??t ?nd g? l?ng?r, but sooner
?r l?t?r, the b?lt w?ll w??r ?ut.
29 If that h????n? ?t full ????d ?n th? highway, ?t
??uld d? m?j?r damage t? your ?ng?n?.
30Car Maintenance T?? 4 Ch?ng? Y?ur F?lt?r?
31Th?? m??n? ??ur ??l, ??r, tr?n?m?????n ?nd fu?l
32 Y?ur ??r'? ?wn?r'? m?nu?l w?ll g?v? ??u th?
r???mm?nd?d ??h?dul? f?r ?h?ng?ng th?m.
33 While on the subject of keeping things clean, a
d?rt? engine run? h?tt?r, ?nd m?k?? ?t t?ugh?r
f?r ??ur m??h?n?? (?r ??u) t? ???t l??k? ?nd
?th?r problems.
34 Y?u can ?l??n ??ur ?ng?n? ??ur??lf, but b? ?ur?
t? cover ??n??t?v? ??rt? w?th ?l??t?? t? avoid
w?t?r d?m?g?.
35 A better ??t??n may be t? h?v? ??ur ?ng?n?
?r?f?????n?ll? d?t??l?d ?r ?t??m ?l??n?d ?n??
?v?r? ??u?l? ?f ???r?.
36 Th?t'? n?t fr??, ?f ??ur??, but a ?l??n ?ng?n?
?? l?k?l? t? save you m?n?? in th? l?ng run.
37Car Maintenance T?? 5 Use Car Wax
38To ?r?t??t ??ur car ???nt from the h?z?rd? ?f
???d r??n, dust, tr?? ???, and even UV r???,
?lw??? u?? a coat ?f w?x.
39 A ???t ?f w?x ?? l??? ?x??n??v? than h?v?ng ??ur
car r????nt?d.
40Th? b??t way t? keep ??ur ??r ?n good condition
?? t? t?k? ??r? of it l?k? you would take care ?f
your ??t.
41 It ?? important to have ??ur car ?n top ?h???
?ll th? time, t? ?v??d ?n??nv?n??n?? f?r you ?nd
t? prevent a huge ?m?unt of m?n?? fr?m g??ng to
th? ?ut? m??h?n?? because 0f some basic car
maintenance item being overlooked.