Title: The Challenge of Long-term Implementation
1The Challenge of Long-term Implementation
2Implementation Challenges
- New and emerging players
- Shifting priorities of elected officials and
- Reevaluation of risk criteria to improve the
prioritization process
- Maintaining fuel reduction project momentum
3Improving Productivity
- Applying objectives at a regional scale
- Moving to a neighborhood level
- Developing biomass uses
- Establishing a system to record fuel treatments
- How to effectively monitor projects?
4Varied Community Interests
- Suppression and public safety
- Fuel reduction and fire risk
- Forest health
- Prevention education/Defensible space
- High priority community values
- Biomass utilization
5The Need for Collective Action
- Community/multi-party based
- Collaboration that build community relationships
and abilities
- On a scale that supports the goal of communities
living with wildfire
- Supported by continual, shared learning
6Key Contributors to Productive Implementation?
- Wildfire definitions based on multiple interests
(or frames)
- Scales that create regional strategies and local
- Sharing knowledge through extended community
- Community and agency leaders who bridge (or
intermediaries) networks, organizations, and
7 The critical roles of community
- what a CWPP will emphasize,
- who gets involved,
- and the extent to which it is owned by the
community and agencies
- These outcomes affect long term implementation
and productivity
8Multiple Concerns broaden community
- A risk to lives, property and communities
- Addressing forest health-related ecological
- Landscape changes due to urban development
- Biomass utilization
- Others?
9Scales for Strategy and Action
- Regional or state scale networks focus on
strategic landscape-level planning, coordinating
treatment response, creating prevention
education, and sharing lessons learned. - while community, neighborhood, and county-scale
networks stress on the ground mitigation and
prevention actions.
- Combining these approaches can produce a balanced
and sustainable range of community protection
10Communities that learn together strengthen
- Participants may begin by map values-at-risk, and
organizing a variety of resources
- Establish shared understandings of the wildfire
- Heightened their knowledge of potential actions
and available resources,
- Create an expanded network of individuals and
11Intermediary or Bridging Individuals or
- Have key contacts within communities and
- Play strong leadership and bridging roles among
multiple entities.
- Mobilize internal and external resources.
- Possess the time and skills to organize the
knowledge/skills of participants to achieve
shared goals.
12Suggestions to maintain effective implementation
- Embed into larger county level CWPPs to achieve a
landscape level projects
- Link to a county-level hazard mitigation plan to
utilize resources effectively
- Tie the CWPP to Community FireWise Plans to
incorporate neighborhood prevention, education,
and mitigation initiatives
- Integrate with federal or state wildfire resource
management and fuel reduction plans to maximize
WUI protection
- Build bio-mass uses to establish a forest-
restoration, economic focus.
13Maintain Enduring Collective Relationships
- Establish implementation and monitoring
- Set and update short-term, achievable goals
- Hire or appoint a CWPP Coordinator
- Sustain community education through effective
working relationships, dedicated resources, and
multi-scale particpation.
14Key Lessons
- Maximize achievements by involving multiple
community interests, integrating diverse social
scales, identifying bridge-building entities, and
supporting shared learning - Keep participants informed and engaged by
strengthening continual accountability through
15Collaboration and Productive Implementation
- Collaboration builds multiple abilities and
skills needed for collective action
- Successful wildfire mitigation occurs through
long-term implementation
- Sustaining implementation of CWPPs is the
ultimate measure of the successes resulting from
building and integrating collaborative abilities,
relationships, and resources.