Title: Region: Australia Bob Ward: CSIRO Marine Research CMR
1Region AustraliaBob Ward CSIRO Marine Research
Area covered The EEZ 200 nautical mile limit
8 x 106 km2 excluding EEZ off Antarctica. Thi
rd largest EEZ in the world (but 50th in terms of
fisheries production). Australian EEZ land ar
ea. Tropical through temperate to subAntarcti
c and Antarctic.
2CSIRO Marine Research Facilities
- Research vessel (Southern Surveyor) and expertise
in fisheries and marine ecosystem research
- Houses the Australian National Fish Collection
(formerly the ISR Munro Fish Collection), of c.
135,000 specimens and the Photographic Index of
Australian Fishes (c. 2,500 fish species). About
5 staff - (see www.marine.csiro.au/LeafletsFolder/43fish/43
- Al Graham
- collections manager
- Genetics experience and facilities (two automated
sequencers (ABI377, ABI3100), many PCR machines,
-80C ultrafreezers, freezer rooms etc.)
- Database managers used to handling large volumes
of oceanographic and fisheries data
3The 66m Southern Surveyor
4Numbers of Australian fish species
- About 4500 in total (including undescribed)
- About 3800 described
- c. 200 species of freshwater species (few are
primary freshwater, most evolved from marine
- c. 3600 described and 700 undescribed marine fish
species in Australian waters (c. 300
elasmobranchs 4000 teleosts, nearly 25 of all
marine fish species) -
5Numbers of Australian fish species
- About 4500 in total (including undescribed)
- About 3800 described
- c. 200 species of freshwater species (few are
primary freshwater, most evolved from marine
- c. 3600 described and 700 undescribed marine fish
species in Australian waters (c. 300
elasmobranchs 4000 teleosts, nearly 25 of all
marine fish species) -
- 25 of described Australian species endemic
- c. 2400 tropical (c. 15 endemic)
- c. 1200 temperate (c. 85 of the 600 species
- in southern temperate region are endemic)
- GBR has c. 1500 marine fish species
- 70 of the EEZ has a depth 1500 m
6Plans for facilitating area coverage
- Already have samples from the 450 or so domestic
commercial fish species and another 100 or so
imported fish species.
7Plans for facilitating area coverage
- Already have samples from the 450 or so domestic
commercial fish species and another 100 or so
imported fish species.
- We have good coverage of chimaerids, sharks and
rays given local expertise and recent interest in
illegal fishing.
8Plans for facilitating area coverage
- Already have samples from the 450 or so domestic
commercial fish species and another 100 or so
imported fish species.
- We have good coverage of chimaerids, sharks and
rays given local expertise and recent interest in
illegal fishing.
- We are collecting from a Great Barrier Reef
survey at present.
9Plans for facilitating area coverage
- Already have samples from the 450 or so domestic
commercial fish species and another 100 or so
imported fish species.
- We have good coverage of chimaerids, sharks and
rays given local expertise and recent interest in
illegal fishing.
- We are collecting from a Great Barrier Reef
survey at present.
- We have good contacts with museums in Perth,
Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane,and with key
research groups and institutes in Australia
including Australian Institute of Marine Science,
the Australian Antarctic Division, and the
Australian Fisheries Management Agency.
10Plans for facilitating area coverage
- Already have samples from the 450 or so domestic
commercial fish species and another 100 or so
imported fish species.
- We have good coverage of chimaerids, sharks and
rays given local expertise and recent interest in
illegal fishing.
- We are collecting from a Great Barrier Reef
survey at present.
- We have good contacts with museums in Perth,
Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane,and with key
research groups and institutes in Australia
including Australian Institute of Marine Science,
the Australian Antarctic Division, and the
Australian Fisheries Management Agency. - The recently established National Ocean Office is
formulating Regional Marine Plans for
ecologically sustainable oceans management. These
include research cruises.
11Plans for facilitating area coverage
- Already have samples from the 450 or so domestic
commercial fish species and another 100 or so
imported fish species.
- We have good coverage of chimaerids, sharks and
rays given local expertise and recent interest in
illegal fishing.
- We are collecting from a Great Barrier Reef
survey at present.
- We have good contacts with museums in Perth,
Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane,and with key
research groups and institutes in Australia
including Australian Institute of Marine Science,
the Australian Antarctic Division, and the
Australian Fisheries Management Agency. - The recently established National Ocean Office is
formulating Regional Marine Plans for
ecologically sustainable oceans management. These
include research cruises. - Industry vessels.
12Plans for facilitating area coverage
- Already have samples from the 450 or so domestic
commercial fish species and another 100 or so
imported fish species.
- We have good coverage of chimaerids, sharks and
rays given local expertise and recent interest in
illegal fishing.
- We are collecting from a Great Barrier Reef
survey at present.
- We have good contacts with museums in Perth,
Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane,and with key
research groups and institutes in Australia
including Australian Institute of Marine Science,
the Australian Antarctic Division, and the
Australian Fisheries Management Agency. - The recently established National Ocean Office is
formulating Regional Marine Plans for
ecologically sustainable oceans management. These
include research cruises. - Industry vessels.
- Collecting from deep water will be more
13National Oceans Office base map
Regional plans established
Torres Strait
South East
14Other Points
- Has barcoding started Yes - about 300 species.
- Fish collectors Museums, AIMS, AAD, AFMA,
universities etc
- Taxonomists Peter Last (CMR), Barry Hutchins
(Perth), Martin Goman (Melbourne), Jeff Johnson
(Brisbane), Helen Larson (Darwin), Jeff Leis
(Sydney) - Voucher specimens the bulk to be retained in
CMRs fish collection.
- COI analysis CMR to do the bulk of the work
- Funding sources currently CMR appropriation
(Wealth from Oceans Flagship), potentially AFMA,