Title: Medicare Part B Therapy: Issues and Beneficiary Analyses
1Examining Long-Term Care Episodes and Care
History for Medicare Beneficiaries A
Longitudinal Analysis of Elderly Individuals with
Congestive Heart Failure Stephanie Maxwell
Timothy Waidmann APHA Annual Meeting Boston,
MA November 6, 2006
2- Background
- Congestive heart failure (CHF) is the leading
medical condition among the elderly. - Significant policy concern regarding CHF
hospitalization rates - CHF is a common target of disease management
programs. - Few large-scale studies have explored the CHF
patients use of long-term care (LTC) services
and Medicare services combined
3- Overview of Study Design
- Longitudinal (36-month) analyses
- National cohort of elderly who were first
hospitalized for CHF in 1999. - Identify patterns over three years of Medicare
service use and spending, enrollment in Medicaid,
and nursing home entry. - Estimate hazard models of risks of
re-hospitalization, nursing home admission and
death, controlling for health status.
4Data Sources (mainly 1999-2002 files)
- 100 Medicare claims files (all service
types) - 100 Medicare enrollment files
- 100 MDS patient assessment records
- Area Resource File and Interstudy HMO Files
5- Defining the Cohort in the Claims Data
- Final cohort 296,462 elderly
- Cohort consists of elderly hospitalized, in 1999,
for their first hospitalization for CHF. - The principal diagnosis field of acute hospital
records was searched for a set of diagnosis codes
indicating CHF as the primary reason for
hospitalization. - Scanned a 5-year look-back period of hospital
claims (1994-1998 claims) to screen out
individuals whose first CHF admission occurred
before 1999. - To assure a comparable look-back period, we
included only those age-eligible for Medicare in
January 1994 in the cohort.
6Statistical Methods
- Bivariate analyses -- of outcomes
stratified by patient and area characteristics - Survival models -- to estimate the effects
of covariates on the instantaneous risk of an
outcome, through measuring the elapsed time
before an outcome is observed. - Two-part use and spending models estimated
models for the first six months following CHF
hospitalization and also for the three years
following CHF hospitalization. -
7Outcomes Measures of Hazard Models
- Survival
- Subsequent CHF hospitalization
- Subsequent non-CHF hospitalization
- Medicaid enrollment
- Nursing home entry
8Outcomes Measures of Two-Part Use and Spending
- CHF hospitalizations
- Other hospitalizations
- SNF stays
- Home health use
- Hospital outpatient use
- Physician services use
9Person-Level Independent Variables
- Demographics (age group, race, sex)
- Charlson comorbidity score
- Length of stay of the index CHF hospitalization
- Nursing home use prior to index CHF
hospitalization - Utilization and spending variables between the
index CHF hospitalization and outcome - Quarterly physician spending
- Quarterly hospital outpatient spending
- Quarterly acute hospital spending (except in
models of death and non-CHF hospitalizations) - CHF hospitalizations (except when used as an
outcome) - Oher hospitalizations (except when use as an
outcome) - SNF stays
- Medicare home health use
- Nursing home use (except when used as an
outcome) -
10County-Level Independent Variables
- Urban influence
- HMO penetration
- Median county income
- Supply rates per 1000 elderly
- All physicians
- Cardiologists
- Short-term hospital beds
- Long-term hospital beds
- SNF beds
- Nursing home beds
- Presence of a facility in the county
- Short-term hospital
- Nursing home
- Rural health clinic
- Federally qualified health clinic
- Population mortality rates for 10 selected
medical conditions
11Summary of Findings
- Over 3 years following index hospitalization for
- 36 had additional CHF hospitalizations
- 68 had hospitalizations for other conditions
- 42 had SNF stays
- 15 entered a nursing home (non-Medicare)
- 7 enrolled in Medicaid
- 56 died
- 11 had NH use prior to their index CHF
hospitalization - Average 3-year spending 35,000
- Non-CHF hospitalizations was largest source of
12Findings Death
- SNF use is the dominant risk
- Age -- 5 additional years ? 13 to 30 higher
risk - Charlson -- additional comorbidity ? 10 higher
risk - Index LOS -- additional day ? 2 higher risk
- SNF use ? 200 higher risk
- Physician spending per quarter (thousands) ? 15
to 40 higher risk - NF use ? 15 to 47 higher risk
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14Findings CHF Hospitalizations
- Approximately 15 increased risk associated with
- 5-year age increase
- Additional comorbidity
- Race Black
- Physician spending per quarter (thousands)
- Home health use
- Whites have higher death risks and blacks have
higher rehospitalization risks. This is
consistent with each other in suggesting that
whites are more severely ill once hospitalized.
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16Findings Other Hospitalizations
- Compared to CHF hospitalization, key
differences - are regarding race and home health use
- Blacks ? 10 to 20 higher risk for CHF
hospitalizations - But blacks ? 5 to 10 lower risk for other
hospitalizations - Home health use ? 15 higher risk for CHF
hospitalizations - But home health use ? 20 lower risk for other
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18Findings Nursing Home Entry
- SNF use and prior NH use are dominant risks
- SNF use ? several hundred percent higher risk
- Prior NH use ? 100 higher risk
- Additional CHF hospitalizations ? 20 higher risk
- Other hospitalizations ? 5 to 20 higher risk
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20Findings Medicaid Enrollment
- SNF use and NH use are the dominant risks
- (200 to 300 higher risk)
- Three factors each increasing risk by 6 to
24 - Prior NH use
- Hospitalizations
- Home health use
- Race black ? 40 to 100 higher risk
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22Methodological Contributions to the CHF
- Large-scale, national study of CHF population
with a long follow-up (36 months). - Survival analysis jointly accounts for
utilization and mortality risk. This is
important when studying elderly or
high-mortality conditions. Logistic regression
may give misleading impressions. - Controlled for health status using comorbidity
index and prior nursing home use. - Controlled for area variation using state and
6-level urban influence variable. In terms of
urban influence, risks hinged on large metro
county residence. An urban/rural flag would
incorrectly attribute practice patterns typical
in large center cities to the surrounding metro
areas and to smaller cities. -
- Higher CHF rehospitalization among African
Americans. Target for disease management
programs? - Bivariate findings suggest decreasing intensity
of care with age. Multivariate models do not. - Importance of more than CHF hospitalization in
cohort. - Geographic variation in utilization and health.
24Main Study Limitation Missing Data on Social
Support, Income, Functional Status
- This study had mixed findings regarding the
effect (sign) of home health use on outcomes.
Our findings on home health use in relation to
SNF use may point to influential characteristics
not available in our data social support,
individual income, and ADL information on
community residents. - The importance of these factors in understanding
LTC use is well-established in the literature. - This studys findings suggest that these factors
may be important in understanding medical use as
well, when examining a chronic and ultimately
debilitating disease like CHF.
25- Principal Investigators
- Stephanie Maxwell, PhD and Timothy Waidmann, PhD
- smaxwell_at_ui.urban.org twaidman_at_ui.urban.org
- 202-261-5825 202-261-5718
- Health Policy Center
- The Urban Institute
- 2100 M Street, NW
- Washington, DC 20037
- fax 202-223-1149
- Funder
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services