Title: Choosing Appropriate Clinical Endpoints
1Choosing Appropriate Clinical Endpoints
- Neil Clendeninn
- Mark Krailo
- Manuel Hidalgo
- Col (Ret) James Williams
- Survival
- Sometimes, clinical benefit (Surrogate endpoints
are usually used)
3Concepts/Definitions proposed by the NIH Workshop
for Evaluation of Surrogate Endpoints
- Biomarker a characteristic that is objectively
measured and evaluated as an indicator of normal
biologic processes, pathogenic processes, or
pharmacologic responses to a therapeutic
intervention - Clinical Endpoint a characteristic or variable
that reflects how a patient feels or functions or
how long a patient survives
4Concepts/Definitions proposed by the NIH Workshop
for Evaluation of Surrogate Endpoints
- Surrogate Endpoint A biomarker intended to
substitute for a clinical endpoint. The
investigational team uses epidemiologic,
therapeutic, pathophysiologic, or other
scientific evidence to select a surrogate
endpoint that is expected to predict clinical
benefit, harm, or lack of benefit or harm.
- Understanding the underlying mechanism of action
to gain insight into the relationship between the
biomarker, treatment, and clinical endpoint. - Treatment may alter the biomarker but not affect
clinical endpoint - Means of assessing the biomarker must be valid
and reproducible. - Treatment may alter the biomarker but it may be
an artifact of the means of specimen
ascertainment, preparation, transportation, or
measurement technique. - intra-patient variability may be falsely
attributed to treatment effect.
6Surrogate Endpoints in Medical Practice
- Blood pressure
- Intraocular pressure (glaucoma)
- HgbA1c (diabetes)
- Psychometric testing
- Tumor shrinkage (cancer)
- ACR criteria (rheumatoid arthritis)
- Pain scales (pain)
Janet Woodcock, 11/4/04
7Surrogate Endpoints in Clinical Trials
- New/Surrogate Endpoints
- Tumor markers
- Molecular endpoint assessment
- Surrogate marker or biomarker
- Functional Imaging
8Rationale for Use of Surrogate Endpoints
- Decrease duration of clinical trial
- Decrease sample size for trial
- Integrity of the inference about the ultimate
effects of treatment are maintained
9Paradigm for Valid Surrogate Endpoint
Surrogate endpoint
True clinical endpoint
Fleming DeMets, 1996
10Paradigm for Failure of Surrogate Endpoint(1.
Surrogate is not in causal pathway)
Surrogate endpoint
True clinical endpoint
Fleming DeMets, 1996
11Paradigm for Failure of Surrogate Endpoint(2.
Intervention affects only one of several causal
Surrogate endpoint
True clinical endpoint
Fleming DeMets, 1996
12Paradigm for Failure of Surrogate Endpoint(3.
Surrogate is not in pathway of intervention, or
is insensitive to it)
Surrogate endpoint
True clinical endpoint
Fleming DeMets, 1996
13Paradigm for Failure of Surrogate Endpoint(4.
Intervention has mechanisms independent of
disease process)
Surrogate endpoint
True clinical endpoint
Fleming DeMets, 1996
14 Trial Design Issues with Targeted Therapy
15Establish reliability, validity, and feasibility
of Measurement Technique
- Reliability - propensity for the measurement
procedure to provide the same value when repeated
in the same subject/specimen under the same
conditions - Validity degree to which the observed value
actually measures the desired quantity or
16Specimen Collection Issues
- feasibility
- patient burden
- when assessing target inhibition in tumor tissue
difficulties may arise in obtaining serial
biopsies and intra-tumor variability - use of peripheral blood as an alternative
requires clinical or preclinical data supporting
the contention that measurement of target
inhibition in peripheral blood correlates with
target inhibition in the tumor - time commitment for monitoring schedule
- trial cost of monitoring endpoints
17Preclinical developmentCytostatic Agents
- What is the expected effects once the target is
inhibited? - does target inhibition lead to cellular
apoptosis, senescence, growth inhibition - does target need to be inhibited continuously,
intermittently, or only sporadically - is the target the tumor or the surrounding
stroma/microenvironment - what is the function of the target in normal
cells - critical to establish that any observed
preclinical activity in animal models is
attributable to modulation of the target
18 Phase I trials
- Cytotoxic agents - administer the maximum amount
of the agent in as intense a manner as possible
to destroy as many tumor cells as possible while
destroying a minimum amount of normal cells and
inducing tolerable toxicity.
19Phase I Trial Designs Cytotoxic Agents
- toxic/poisonous mechanism of action which
generally results in a monotone S-shaped dose
response relationship for tumor cells as well as
a similar dose response relationship for normal
cells - maximum tolerated dose is based on the type and
severity of normal tissue toxicities - safety and feasibility
20 Phase I trials
- Cytostatic agents - administer the amount of the
agent needed to maximally inhibit the relevant
target while avoiding an assault on normal cells
or intolerable toxicity
21Biomarkers in Phase I Clinical Trials with
Targeted Agents
- Goal is to reach a dose that consistently
inhibits the target - Safety and pharmacology applies.
- Implement pharmacodynamic studies to assess
target inhibition. - The hypothesis is if you do not hit the target,
it will not work. - Provided you know what that target is, this may
be correct. - How do we do this?
22What Are PD Studies?
- Assessment of drug effects on
- Target itself pErk in PD0325901 study.
- Proximal to the target pS6K in mTOR inhibitors.
- Distal to the target Ki67, blood flow.
- In early drug development, these studies are
useful - To prove the MOA.
- Dose and schedule finding tools.
- To validate normal tissues as potential
surrogates. - Studies are not useful to predict efficacy
- Too few patients.
- Even fewer responders.
23Important Elements in Biomarker Development for
Phase I Trials
- Relevant preclinical model.
- Develop a method to assess target inhibition PD
marker - Needs to be well validated quantitative,
reproducible, precise, accurate, etc - Needs to be applicable to samples collected in
clinical trials. - Develop tissues that are appropriate to measure
target inhibition. - Tumor tissues.
- Surrogate tissue.
24Surrogate Tissues in Phase I Trials
- Normal tissues used to measured PD endpoints
skin, hair follicle, endothelial cells, PBMC - Easier to collect in a serial manner.
- May be adequate for target inhibition assessment
Pharmacological questions. -
- Unlikely to be useful for oncological questions.
- Need to be validated.
25Phase II clinical trial-cytostatic agents
- Disease stability-delay tumor growth
- demonstration of disease stability likely to
translate to improvements in survival - difficulty in assessing disease stability
- observation of tumor growth inhibition is linked
to baseline tumor growth rate. - slow growing tumor will appear stable for a short
period of observation - a rapidly growing tumor may grow within the same
observation period but the rate of growth may
have significantly decreased
26Phase II clinical trial
- Disease stability as endpoint
- high degree of variability in human cancers and
the tendency for patients with the most indolent
disease to be over-represented in phase II trials
leads to the issue of what level of activity is
high enough to consider it significantly higher
than what is expected with standard treatment. - comparison to historical controls, concurrent
controls receiving standard treatment, or
patients serving as their own controls.
27Validation of Surrogate Endpoints is Difficult
- Requires large sample size, evaluating both the
surrogate endpoint and the true clinical outcome - Requires understanding of disease process and
causal pathways - Depends on the specific intervention in question
- Endpoints must be clearly defined in
patient-friendly - language i.e.
- Toxicity Can I tolerate the effects of agent?
- Tumor response How will I respond to treatment?
- Survival How long can I expect to live?
- Quality of life i.e.,
- What will it cost me to participate in study?
- Will I be able to work?
- How will the study affect my daily routine?
- How about pain management?
- How sick will I get?
- How frequently do I have to travel to
- trial site?
- What will occur during each visit?
- Provide a treatment/dateline plan
(3) Will I receive any feedback/ results of
the trial? (4) When all else fails tell the
truth i.e., patients are, in many cases, more
resilient than you believe
Remember - the patient is also a member / partner
of the clinical trial team!
30Getting your Biomarker Study Approved
- Spend sometime describing in in the protocol
rationale, examples, references. - IRB member may not be so acquainted with what
you propose. - Make it an objective in the study to test a
hypothesis. - Provide any preliminary data it may be useful for
the science as it will not be for the patient. - Provide safety assurance with the procedure.
- Write a clear ICF.
31ExampleUsing DCE-MRI to Establish the Optimal
Therapeutic Dose for PTK/ZK
Morgan B, et al. J Clin Oncol 2003213955-3964
32Example ADVL0015 Bortezomib in recurrent solid
tumors in Peds
- Use of composite endpoint-clinical tolerability
biologic inhibition (20S proteosome) - -determined by inhibition of the average 20S
proteosome on day 1 hour 1 divided by average 20S
protease prior to therapy and the result is 0.20
or less
33ADVL0015 Bortezomib
- Tolerability
- Non-hemotologic DLT
- Any Grade III or IV EXCEPT
- Grade III Nausea Vomiting
- Grade III transaminase, which returns to normal
prior to next treatment - Grade III Fever
- Hematologic
- Grade IV neutropenia/thrombocytopenia gt 7days
- Other
- Grade II non-hematologic causing gt 7 day
34ADVL0015 Escalation Scheme based on Tolerability
35Practical Considerations
- Demonstrated relationship to MOA
- Properly validated surrogate endpoints are not
common - Most useful in Phase II setting as a basis for
justifying further evaluation - Problematic in Phase III trials, particularly
when the interventions being compared are based
on different modalities