Title: Effective Intervention for Children with Literacy Difficulties
1Effective Intervention for Children with
Literacy Difficulties
2An Overview
- What do we know about teaching literacy?
- Components of Good Practice
- Whats out there that works?
- What do I need to do?
3West Dunbartonshire Literacy Initiative
- McKay (2007)
- Something that has never been done before
- the eradication of illiteracy from an entire
education authority
4West Dunbartonshire
- A 10 year project
- In the second most disadvantaged local authority
in Scotland - In 2007 only 3 children left secondary school who
were not functionally literate
5Need for Structured Interventions
- It can be argued that teaching anything in a
systematic way will be more successful than much
existing practice, particularly when the
intervention targets reception chidlren, where
teaching approaches are less formal than with
other children - Solity et al (2000)
6Focus on Intervention
- We are only at the beginning point in
systematic, controlled research on intervention
methods for children with severe reading
disabilities. Torgesen et al 1997
7Swanson and Hoskyn 1998
- Meta-analysis
- Considered over 900 studies from 1972-1997
- Eventually included only 180 studies
8Swanson and Hoskyn Findings
- Not all treatments are equally effective
- A combined model of direct instruction and
strategy instruction is relatively more effective
than other methods - Small group settings and individual tuition is
more effective than larger groups - Structured, specialist tuition is more effective
than eclectic approaches
9Vaughan, Gersten Chard 2000
- Reviewed 68 studies
- Reiterated findings reported above and
- Suggest that small interactive groups and pairs
with highly qualified teachers may be as
effective as a one to one model - Using a student with a disability as a cross age
tutor is the most effective form of peer reading
10National Reading Panel
- An initiative of the federal government of the
USA - A national panel to assess the status of
research-based knowledge, including the
effectiveness of various approaches to teaching
children to read. - Reported in 2000
11Findings from the National Reading Panel
- Phonemic awareness
- Phonics instruction
- Fluency
- Comprehension
- Teacher Education
- Computer Instruction
12Phonemic Awareness (PA)(sounds in spoken
- Teaching children to manipulate phonemes in words
was highly effective - The effects of PA instruction on reading lasted
well beyond the end of training - Most effective PA included explicit systematic
13Phonics Instruction(how written letters relate
to sounds)
- Systematic synthetic phonics instruction works
better than other approaches for children from
low social economic groups and those with
specific reading disability - Explicit, systematic phonics instruction is a
valuable essential part of a successful
classroom reading programme - Phonics teaching is a means to an end
- It is only part of a total reading programme
14Fluency (speed and accuracy)
- Guided Reading Aloud
- Repeated oral reading, that included guidance
from others had a significant positive impact
on word recognition, fluency and comprehension - Independent Silent Reading
- Not sufficient research evidence that such
efforts reliably increase how much students read
or improve their reading skills
- Vocabulary Instruction
- Does lead to gains in comprehension, but must be
appropriate to age and ability of the reader - Teaching Comprehension Strategies
- (Summarising, generating/ answering questions/
mind maps) - Specific programmes to generate definite benefits
16Teacher Education
- In-service professional development produced
significantly higher student achievement
17Computer Instruction
- All studies reported positive results
- Use of word processors may be very useful, given
that reading instruction is most effective when
combined with writing instruction
18West Dunbartonshire-10 Strands of Intervention
- Phonological awareness and the alphabet
- A strong and structured phonics emphasis
- Extra classroom help in the early years
- Fostering a literacy environment
- Raising teacher awareness thru focussed
assessment - Increased time spent on reading
- Identification and support of children failing
- Lessons from research in interactive learning
- Home support for encouraging literacy
- Changing attitudes, values and expectations
19What works best?
- Systematic, structured teaching of phonics
(National Reading Panel 2000) - Synthetic (or small unit) approaches to phonics
are preferable to analytic (or large unit)
approaches (Macmillan 1997, McGuinness 1997) - Frequency of teaching with distributed rather
than massed practice (Solity 2002) - A declaration of the intention to achieve (McKay
20What works best cont.
- A multi-element approach
- exposure to high quality books
- emphasis on language development
- importance of fluency and comprehension
- developing a sight vocabulary
- including spelling and writing skills
- shared reading experiences
21What about spelling?
- Even the best, most effective literacy
interventions have a modest impact of spelling - Children with dyslexia tend to make most progress
in the area of reading comprehension, some
progress in word reading and relatively poor
progress in spelling
223 components of Evidence Based Practice
- The aim of evidence based practice is to help
professionals to base their practice on best
current evidence Fox 2003 - Research should provide the evidence on which
professional practice is based - Professionals will change and adapt their
practice on best available research evidence - By keeping accurate outcome measures, services
can monitor the effects of their interventions
- We are only focusing on literacy interventions
for children with literacy difficulties, not
preventative approaches - The interventions can be used with children of
low ability and/ or with children with dyslexia
and/ or children where the origin of the reading
difficulty is unknown
24Key Text
- What Works for Children with Literacy
Difficulties- - The Effectiveness of Intervention Schemes
- By Greg Brooks National Foundation for
Educational Research (Nfer) (2007) - Published by the Department for Children, Schools
and Families. Ref 00688-2007 BKT-EN
25Quality of Research
- Importance of
- Pre and post intervention data
- Use of control groups
- Longitudinal studies
- Use of standardised tests
- Tests of reading (not just component elements,
such as blending)
26How much progress should we expect?
- Shiel,Morgan Larney (1998) found that Irish
children receiving remedial teaching made gains
of 3.41 standard score points - However, some made little or no progress, and
children attending schools designated as
disadvantaged did not improve, but maintained
their relative position in achievement.
27Brooks (2007)
- Good Impact- sufficient to at least double the
standard rate of progress- can be achieved and it
is reasonable to expect it
28Ratio Gains
- The gain in reading during a chronological time
span, expressed as a ratio of that time span - A ratio gain of 1.0 is exactly standard progress
- A ratio gain of 1.4 is impact of educational
significance - A ratio gain of less that 1.4 is impact of
doubtful educational significance
29Effect Sizes
- The average gain of the experimental group, minus
the average gain of the control group, expressed
as standard deviation. - All standardised tests have an implied control
group, so the effect size is the gains of the
group, divided by 15 - An effect size of 0.25 or above is impact of
educational significance - An effect size of less than 0.25 is impact of
doubtful significance
30Key Points (Brooks 2007)
- Ordinary teaching is not enough
- Working on Childrens self-esteem and reading in
parallel has definite potential - ICT approaches only work if precisely targeted
- Large scale schemes (expensive and requiring
teacher training) can give good value for money
(Phono-graphix, Reading recovery)
31Key points cont.
- Where reading partners are available and can be
trained and supported, partnership approaches can
be very effective - Success with some children with the most severe
difficulties is elusive, therefore the need for
skilled, intensive 11 intervention - Interventions for longer than 1 term do not
necessarily produce proportionally greater
32 Interventions
- Jolly Phonics
- Toe by Toe
- Paired Reading
- Phono-Graphix
- Acceleread/ Accelewrite
- Precision Teaching (SNIP)
- Reading Recovery
33Jolly Phonics- Consists of
- Photocopiable Master Handbook
- Readers
- Videos
- Grammar Book
- Involves quite a lot of initial organisation and
photocopying - Is relatively cost effective
34Jolly Phonics-Suitable for
- A whole class approach to teaching phonics in the
early years - An alternative to Letterland
- Suitable for use with children accessing learning
support/ resource - Best suited to younger children, (up to 2nd
35Jolly Phonics- A Multi-sensory Method
- A story
- A picture
- An action
- A sound
- Tracing of letter
- Intensive blending and segmentation
36Jolly Phonics
- Involves very rapid learning of letters
- Includes homework component
- It as synthetic phonics approach
- Minimises sound learning, with an emphasis on
37Jolly Phonics- Research
- Tends to rely on research about synthetic
phonics, rather than research explicitly about
Jolly Phonics - After 16 week programme children were
- 7 months ahead of CA in reading
- 8 months ahead of CA in spelling
- After a year of Jolly Phonics
- 11 months ahead of CA in reading
- 1 month ahead of CA in spelling
- (Johnston and Watson 1999)
38Toe by Toe, suitable for
- An individualised approach
- Suitable for children from the age of 6, but more
appealing to older primary/ secondary students - Has been used effectively in the prison service
- Use of one workbook, provides both teacher
direction and student programme - Each book costs approx. 40
39Toe by Toe
- Highly structured phonics programme
- Involves teaching skills to a level of fluency
- Use on non-words puts focus on underlying skills
of decoding - Considerable emphasis on recording progress
40Claims Made (Toe by Toe)
- Any student who successfully completes the Toe
by Toe scheme will have dramatically improved
reading age. Their spelling will also have
improved and most importantly- their
self-esteem will have been transformedIt is not
an exaggeration to say that this book changes
41Toe by Toe- Research Evidence
- Pre- and post data over one year
- 24 secondary aged pupils
- Matched pairs
- Experimental group- Toe by Toe
- Control Group- normal learning support
- Toe by Toe group were taught individually for 20
minutes per day, five days per week, for average
of 3 months
42Toe by Toe research findings cont.
- The results were definitive. The experimental
group made average gains of three and a half
years. The control group made average gains of
five months - MacKay Cowling
- Literacy Today, March (2004)
43Paired Reading
- Largely based on the work of Keith Topping,
Centre for Paired Learning, University of Dundee - PAL-Peer Assisted Learning
- It is clear that PAL is not a diluted and
inferior substitute for direct professional
teaching- it has quite different strengths and
weaknesses and to deploy it to maximum effect
teachers need to be aware of these. Topping
44Paired reading /Duolog reading
- A specific and structured technique
- Selecting a book
- Reading aloud together
- The tutee gives prompt when ready to read alone
- Tutor supplies difficult words directly (no
sounding out/ guessing) - The tutor praises the tutee
45Paired Reading
- A range of formalised approaches
- Considered cost-effective
- Needs on-going organisation including
- Training of tutors
- Monitoring of progress
- Maintenance
- (some form of reward system?)
46Paired reading-research findings
- Brooks (2007) reports studies involving 2,372
children in 155 projects in 71 schools - Ratio Gains of 3.3 in reading and
- 4.3 in comprehension
- (effect sizes of .87 for reading and .77 for
comprehension) - Social gains also widely reported
47Paired reading/ Duolog Reading
- The general picture in published studies is that
Paired readers progress at about 4.2 times
normal rates in reading accuracy during the
initial period of commitment. Follow-up studies
indicate that gains are sustained and do not
wash out over time. - Topping 2004
48Peer Reading in Ireland
- The Reading Partners Programme in a special
school (See Nugent 2001, British Journal of
Special Education) - Helpers made 17.4 months progress (control
group made 7.16 months progress) - Learners made 6.55 months progress
- (compared to typical gains of 3 months progress)
49Paired Reading
- Cross-aged tutoring seems particularly effective
- Practical applications
- Transition students reading with first year
partners - Traveller child, reading with younger (settled)
child - Older sibling reading with younger sibling
50Phono-Graphix, suitable for
- Also known as Reading Reflex
- Can be used throughout the age range
- Intended for use in one to one or small group
tuition - Uses a teacher/ parent manual, 40 approx.
- Highly structured and directed delivery
51Phono-Graphix, content
- A synthetic phonics approach
- The premise is that letters are pictures of
sounds - Teaches the basic code
- Lots of sound bingo, auditory processing,
spelling practice, word lists and some short
- 87 children, aged 6-16 years
- 12 hours of Phono-Graphix therapy (or less)
- Standard score gains of 14 points on Woodcock
Word Identification - These gains were phenomenal, representing gains
that equalled and surpassed other methods that
took seven to fourteen times longer to achieve. - Phono-Graphix Website
53Phono-Graphix -Research
- The impact measures were substantial, including
the largest ratio gain for reading of all the
studies reviewed in this report (Brooks 2002) - 230 children in 13 schools, after 20 week
intervention - Ratio Gains of 7.0 in word reading and 6.3 in
comprehension and 3.3 in spelling (ratio gains
for younger children, ages 5-6 years, were more
modest, at 2.2 for reading) - Appears to work well even with severely dyslexic
children, ratio gains of 4.5 reported in a
special school
54Acceleread/ Accelewrite
- An individual approach
- Requires 11 teaching, 20 minutes per day for 4
weeks - Uses computer and voice feedback
- Suitable for ages 7-18 (but best progress is made
with those of 10 years plus)
55Acc/Acc Research
- In the age group 10-14, average gains of 37
months reading progress have been reported after
6 months of intervention (see dyslexic.com) - In a study of 30 children, using the programme
for 4 weeks, the average gains were of 16
standard score points in reading and 10 in
spelling, representing ratio gains of 16.0 in
reading and 9.8 in spelling (Martin Miles/ Devon
56Acc/ Acc research cont
- Brooks (2007) reported on the Jersey Project,
involving 61 students in 15 primary schools and 4
secondary schools - After 4 week intervention students made ratio
gains of 8.3 in reading and 4.0 in spelling with
further increases reported over time. - The Bristol Study (Sue Derrington) involved 60
children in 13 primary schools. - After 8 weeks of intervention students made
ration gains of 2.3 in reading accuracy, 2.9 in
comprehension and 2.0 in spelling.
57Acc/ Acc research cont.
- Research by Theresa Tierney of NEPS (2004) found
that, after an average of just 14 sessions,
students made an average of 10 months progress
with reading - Research by Pat Devanney (2007) showed that class
teachers could deliver the programme and after 4
weeks, the 7 participants had made 5 standard
score points progress (about 9 months progress)
while the control group (who received learning
support) made no progress
58Precision Teaching
- Precision teaching is based on rigorous research
in the area of instructional psychology - Precision teaching emphasises the importance of
fluency - Precision teaching techniques can be used to
teach sight words, phonics (or other skills) - Puts the focus of learning failure on
instructional methods and not on students - Outcomes suggest at least twice the normal rate
of progress
59Precision teaching cont.
- Sets time-based mastery criteria for each
curriculum step - Provides daily opportunities for practice and
timed measurement - Charts the student performance (and involves the
student in this monitoring) - Advances to the next step when criteria are met
- Changes procedures if chart shows inadequate
60Direct Instruction
- Very familiar to those using SRA reading lab
- Detailed scripting of teacher behaviour
- Uses the most effective methods of teaching to
help children catch-up - Teaching of the general case (the smallest
possible number of examples to produce the
largest possible amount of learning)
- This is a precision teaching package
- It can be downloaded free!
- Precision teaching is based on very rigorous
research in the area of instructional psychology - This approach is best suited to students whose
literacy difficulties are more mild (learning
support rather than resource)
- Contains lists of word to be learnt as sight
vocabulary - Appropriate for top end primary and early
secondary school - Includes essential curriculum words
- Plus irregular words that often confuse students
63SNIP cont.
- Emphasises fluency
- Daily practice of 5 minutes
- The reading aloud of word lists is timed
- Using this pack we have achieved measurable
gains of three years in an academic year with
some of our pupils - Carol and Phil Smart
64Precision teaching cont.
- The same precision teaching techniques can be
used to teach sight words - Free prompt sheets can be made up using the
website johnandgwyn.co.uk - Probe sheets can have anything from 4 to 24 words
on them
65Reading Recovery
- The Marie Clay method
- Developed in New Zealand in 1970
- Now widely available in schools in US, UK, Canada
and Australia - 85 schools in Ireland use the method, under
initiatives to tackle disadvantage
66Reading Recovery
- Short-term intervention, for those falling behind
after one year of instruction (best with senior
infants and first class) - Half-hour lesson each day for 12-20 weeks (or
until they reach class level) - Teachers are specially trained
67Reading Recovery
- Begins with comprehensive diagnostic assessment
- Data is collected about letter identification,
sight vocabulary, concepts of print, phonemic
awareness and reading and writing skills - The first two weeks then focuses on what the
child can do, building their confidence and
establishing rapport with the teacher
68Reading recovery cont.
- Highly structured sessions
- Reading familiar stories
- Rereading a story read the day before
- Working with letters/ words using magnetic
letters - Writing a story
- Assembling a cut-up story
- Preparing and reading a new story
69Research Findings
- Most researched initiative in the UK,
- London and Surrey, 89 children in 22 schools,
average 21 weeks of intervention, Ratio gains of
2.0 (effect size of .70) See Hurry and Sylva
(1998, 2007) - Bristol, 145 children in 21 schools, after 20
weeks, ratio gains of 2.9 in reading (Fudge 2001)
70Reading recovery in Ireland
- Connolly (2003) reports on the initiative over
three years (2000-2003) - In the first year 51 out of 76 children (aged
5.9-6.6) were successfully returned to the
average band in their class after 20 weeks - In the second year 95 out of 131 were
successfully returned after 20 weeks - In both cases further children were returned
after more intervention
71- Large-scale evaluation in Northern Ireland (Munn
and Ellis 2001) - Consistent finding of effectiveness, but may not
have enough phonemic/ phonological elements to
effectively target children with severe dyslexia
72What about PAT?
- Daily 10 minute intensive phonics work
- Identifying sounds
- Blending phonemes together
- Segmenting or isolating sounds in words
- Worksheet based, with specific rimes, reading
lists and sentences for dictation
73PAT, research findings
- The results were not clear cut. The children in
the experimental group did make significantly
more progress than those in the control group
but the children in the experimental group made
scarcely any more progress than would have been
expected from ordinary classroom teaching and
development Brooks 2002
- 24 children in 3 schools
- 20 week intervention
- Ratio Gains of 0.16 for experimental group
75A word of caution
- Research cited here indicates that some
interventions work for some children in some
settings and we need to be cautious about
interpreting findings. Some interventions were
not shown to be highly effective, but may need
further analysis.
76Next Big Thing?
- ARROW, Dr Colin Lane
- Read Write Inc, Ruth Miskin
77Waterford Reading ProjectsPrimary
2006-7Secondary 2007-8
78Overview of Action Research
- Primary- Involved 48 children in 12 schools
- Secondary- Involved 55 children in 10 schools
- Lasted 4 months
- Explored the effectiveness of reading
interventions - Implementation of named programmes
- Pre and post intervention reading data
- Logs and review data from teachers
79Intervention Programmes
- Primary
- Acceleread/ Accelewrite
- Barton-Gillingham
- Sound Linkage
- Paired Reading
- Precision Teaching (sight vocabulary)
- Toe by Toe
- Secondary
- Acceleread/ Accelewrite
- Paired Reading
- Precision Teaching (SNIP)
- Toe by Toe
80Table 1 , Primary ResearchInterventions,
Participants, and Teaching Inputs
81Overall result word reading
82Overall result sentence reading
83(No Transcript)
84(No Transcript)
85Secondary Reading Gains
86(No Transcript)
87(No Transcript)
88(No Transcript)
89Other progress
- Teachers felt that the children had made progress
which the tests given did not readily capture. - Confidence greatly improved. LS teacher for
maths reports Child A is able to read more
problems - Her mother said that she felt the AA programme
had improved her reading as well as her
confidence - Significant difference made in Child Bs
automatic sight vocabulary (from 40 known to
90A Framework for School Wide Intervention
- Although there are no short-cuts to accelerating
the literacy of older struggling readers, it is
possible to close the literacy gap by providing a
coherent and co-ordinated school-wide literacy
acceleration programme that systematically
increases the amount of time, teaching and
practice available to all struggling readers - Feldman (2004)
91Feldmans Framework(2004)
- Assess all struggling readers
- Match length / intensity of intervention to
severity of need - Select a research-based, validated curriculum as
the programme anchor - Assign knowledgeable and enthusiastic teachers
- Support teachers with curriculum specific
professional development - Monitor the progress of students
92Assessing Literacy
- Word reading
- Reading comprehension
- Spelling
- Pseudoword reading and spelling
- Samples of written work
- Dictation
- Information from teachers (esp re oral skills)
- Assessment of general ability
93And then what?
- Rethink your timetable
- Emphasis on short-term intensive intervention
- Individual or very small groups
- Evidence based interventions
- Collect your own pre and post intervention data
- Monitor and review
94Then what?
- Come back and tell us all about it..
95Support Pack for Schools
- List of resources for assessing literacy
- List of evidence based interventions, with
contact details and costs, including information
on free downloads - Rough Guide to Precision Teaching, with SNIP
references and supporting checklists - Rough Guide to Reading Partners, with supporting
- With thanks to children, parents, teachers and
psychology colleagues who have informed this
presentation in so many ways.