Title: Project Insight - Power Generation Construction Projects in Asia-Pacific
1Project Insight - Power Generation Construction
Projects in Asia-Pacific
2Report Overview
Synopsis The report provides detailed market
analysis, information and insights based on over
1,800 projects tracked by Construction
Intelligence Center (CIC). The report provides
detailed metrics on each countries power
generation projects (as tracked by CIC) split by
type, start date by value, and MW capacity. The
analysis is backed up by power generation
capacity forecasts from Global Data up to
2025. Scope The report provides analysis based
on CIC projects showing value and MW capacity by
country, and top project listings. The project
data is supported by Global Data forecasts for
power generation by country up to 2025. Access
The Complete Report On http//www.bigmarketresea
3Covered in this report
- Summary
- The power generation market in Asia-Pacific
region is expanding rapidly. - The Construction Intelligence Center (CIC) is
tracking a total of more than 1,800 power
generation construction projects in the region,
all at a development stage between project
announcement and execution. - The total value of these projects stands at
US1,855 billion, with a combined generating
capacity of 1,344 GW in 11 sectors biomass,
coal, gas, geothermal, hydroelectric, nuclear,
ocean, oil, solar, wind and mixed power.
4Reasons To Buy
The report will enable companies involved in
power generation market to understand trends in
power generation projects across the Asia Pacific
region. Providing insight into main drivers of
activity and forecasts. The report provides
An understanding of key trends, such as progress
of sustainable technology compared with fossil
fuels and nuclear Analysis of main project
participants by value by sector, enabling clients
to target products and services for each type of
project Live project data for power sector
types, with location, value, stage, MW capacity
and start date To Get Discount Mail Us _at_
5Table Of Content
- Executive Summary
- 2. Regional Overview
- 3. Country Profiles Australia, China, India,
Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand,
Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan,
Thailand, Vietnam - 4. Sector Highlights Biomass, Coal, Gas,
Geothermal, Hydroelectric, Nuclear, Ocean,
Solar, Wind - 5. Methodology
- To Get More Details Enquire _at_ http//www.bigmarket
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